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Posts posted by featography

  1. If you read an today's article in MSNBC titles "Thai protests expose military rifts, incompetence", you will know why this has gone so long, also it show not only the incompetence in military and police also in all the level of Government including PM office.

    God help the Thai people, this may go on for years

    100% agree, seriously shocking incompetence by the military. If the country's military can't even put down a 5000 person revolt, <deleted> would they do if they were ever called into a real combat situation with an invading force?

    At this point i can't even see why Thailand even has a military?

    Get a clue, if Thailand ever has a real combat situation from an outside invading force, they would know the force is not THAI. They would do what they have done for hundreds of years...........Kick unholy A$$ on those invaders. Please study Thai history before your irrational and very emotionally influenced opinion is made. :)

  2. To the reds - if it has not escaped your attention - you have won! - there are to be elections in November - but if the protest and violence continues then you are putting those at risk because you cannot hold fair elections in the immediate aftermath of something like these protests - the country needs time to settle down and reflect on the political choices in an atmosphere of calm....... oh wait or is fair and free elections really their aim? Maybe anarchy and a "triumphant return" by a "hero Thaksin" is what you really seek.

    that is EXACTLY correct.

    the reds are winning, and if this isnt stopped we'll have anarchy and devil thaksin will return.

    the way to stop it is to grant a general amnesty to all Reds except OF COURSE to the devil himself.

    you cant bring the Reds back inside the poltical system if their leaders are in jail AND the coup plotters and assissasins of sae daeng arent. double standards isnt what convinces people to return.

    if the sunni tribal chiefs could be brought back into the fold in iraq, so can the reds in thailand. amnesty and internationally sponsored free and fair electins are the way to do that.

    and every day the killing of innocents (and others) in places like Din Deang and Bon Kai continues, the goverment loses support.

    abhisit is a very wise guy. IF he is still in charge, we will have amnesty, just as thailand granted it to the communists in 1976. its only a matter of time.

    Step back and look at the big picture, and the history of events since Aug. 2006. Maybe Taksin started this, but it has mushroomed and exploded far beyond him. He is being blown away in the tailwind, groping hard to hang onto the Red movement's shirt tail. This movement is taking over the country, one square kilometer at a time. It no longer matters if Taksin is still alive or finally met his maker, the movement is unstoppable, and wont even slow down after his demise. It may or may not be pushed underground, forming a deeper rooted grass roots organization, but be fully aware, this country is changing and the military is scared sh@#$less. Not one person in TV has denied that the govt is corrupt. Well the govt is equally scared because this movement may never be squashed. Unlike the 70's and 1992, everyone has access to the internet and everyone is learning from the world, and this political control is no longer acceptable. Thai want what the civilized west has; Democracy, freedom of expression without reprecussions. It may or may not develop into a Democracy that we are accustomed to in our home countries but anything that develops will be far better than what they have now.

  3. It IS nonsense. No one can trust their word anymore, because they keep stalling. They should have negotiated in good faith before things got hairy; they need to stand down, before things get even worse.

    Agreed. The reds need to make a dramatic gesture to show their good faith now that they have totally darkened their name, even among previous supporters such as you. Best idea to the reds -- GO HOME. Then politely ask for early elections and pledge no more violence. Guess what? Abhisit will probably say yes.

    You assume Abisit has not lost face. Its gone too far with his stubborness, and the control others have over him. He is between a Rock and Hard place. Abisit only had one word during the negotiating with reds originally, and that was not yes, or ok, meet in the middle.

  4. It IS nonsense. No one can trust their word anymore, because they keep stalling. They should have negotiated in good faith before things got hairy; they need to stand down, before things get even worse.

    I don't know what you were doing during hours and days that the initial negotiating was going on between the Reds and Abisit, but I sat glued to the tv with a friend who translated it to me. When each day was over, I asked what was agreed on? His answer was, no agreement. Abisit only know one word; NO.

    This is not negotiating nor is it coming to a compromise. I don't speak Thai, but I do understand the international body/facial language, and what my friend says coincides with what I saw. Even he, who leans more towards yellow and definitely is not red, laughed and shook his head several times during the process at how unmoving Abisit was.

  5. There is nothing else the government can do at this time. The reds have painted the government into a corner.

    Look at the last 4 days. The government moves to contain the Rachprasong rally. Contain ---- not crackdown! The troops move in to the areas around the reds and the reds attack. They continue to come OUT of Rachprasong and attack. The troops have not moved into the rachprasong area. The troops are working on containing them and that is all.

    Personally, I assume that the government thought that this would happen. The roudier, violent, and less well trained reds are coming out and attacking and this so far has kept the 'relatively' innocent grannies, women, and totally innocent children safer inside the main rally encampment while the troops deal with the more violent reds.

    I am stymied at how they plan to really proceed though. I don't see how they can move in from here. I also think that Sae Daeng's ronin will open fire on the hostages inside the red compound if the government moves in, in a bid to discredit the government.

    I hope they have a plan that can give some safety to the grannies and children.

    Has it occured to anyone in TV that the good General Seh Dang has trained well, the RD leaders, who have spread the training down the ranks. Look at the big picture people. They seem insane to us on the internet, but they have been very organized, very tactical, very self controlled, and the women, elderly, children have been kept in the center, or close to pathways to get to center of the compound when needed. Very strategic on their part, and very systematic in their activity day by day. Its the govt and military that are fully aware that the Reds have been trained by the best, and its the govt and military that acts more like the amateurs. Thats why he was taken out of the equation by a sniper. The probable thought being, if the general is dead, panic will sweep thru the RD camp and they will either scatter, or be confused and easily swayed or conquered. It appears that the general has instilled not only tactical training, but also fed their intestinal fortitude as well. Oh, and for the love of God, drop the infamy building of Tacksin. This grew far beyond one man oh so long ago. Live or dead, Tacksin is not the center of the Red universe. Democracy is. Some of you are right, Thai don't know what Democracy really is, but they have learned enough from the outside to know they want it, and when it comes to learning what all is involved with Democracy, the Reds and students are learning at an exponential rate. For you average iq and education farang, that means Thai are like dry squeezed sponges released in water. They are absorbing their fill, and Thailand will never be the same after this is finally settled.

  6. Would you call that boy looking over the tyres a human shield.I suggest you print something factual.My thioughts would have been,he is showing the boy to the soldiers to show that he is there.


    If someone had said the boy should not be there i would have agreed but dont spout crap on here

    Really, what an over reaction. Look again at the distance to the army. It would take a sniper to hit that kid, and no sniper would, due to the fact that the quality of scopes on those sniper rifles would easily show the shooter, its an enfant, but you TV radicals go ahead and make mountains out of mole hills. You are very good at that.

  7. Fi said
    If you behave the same way you would with a Western woman (expect her to pay half the mortgage/rent, living cost etc.) you're unlikely to go wrong.

    Plus, of course, making sure she comes from a similar background, similar age, you can communicate and understand each other etc. etc.

    SB says

    My western wife didn't work (even though she had a degree), I paid for everything for 30 years, then gave her my house and most of my pension and savings (OK well maybe I didn't want to give it).

    This time I'm doing it different, married someone 20 years younger with no education .............. great legs though!

    It's always about money ....... but this time it's about VALUE FOR MONEY!

    Good on ya, SB. I'd call that: Post Of The Day!


    same story here. This time around, its a genuine 100%-100% give and get. We share equally all expenses. We are a partnership in all factions of life. Aside from the learning curve in the culture differences, we married and became ONE. As a side note, those cultural differences between west and east, we find challenging, and far from boring, monotonous or threatening. It's all part of the spice of life, so take the negative opinions of that subject with a grain of salt. Its all in the attitude, people.

  8. I also am amazed by the lack of coverage and commentary being broadcast locally. It say's alot about the press situation here. Where are the local shows that have someone from each side of the problem and a moderator that asks the questions? Where is the debate that is so important for a healthy democracy?

    The butcher Aphisit believes fanatically in the religion of censorship. Anyone who believes otherwise, like in free speech, is labelled a terrorist.

    You will see the local shows that have someone from each side of a problem with a moderator that asks questions, when Thailand has freedom of speach

  9. I believe you have no idea what u are talking about. There is NO official language in the USA, and trust me, if there was one, would would not select a language spoken by a former enemy.

    As a matter of fact, Congress, after the newly formed government/country, debated just that issue, a national language. There was much emotional feelings against adopting officially, the language of England, who they just had a revolution against and won their freedom from. By this time there were many languages spoken in the colonies. Many wanted no "strings" attached to Britain. The colonies comprised of many immigrants of European nationalities. There were circumstances at the time that made German a very viable option, and make note, this was in the 1700's, not the 1940's. Germany wasn't an enemy at the time. There was a vote and English did win out over German by one vote.

  10. Perhaps all you "experts" on TVF from the USA and elsewhere need some education. Here goes:

    America is not the USA. America is a continent.

    America includes North America, Middle America, and South America.

    The USA (or US) is located in North America. US citizens live in the USA. All people who live in the Americas are Americans (e.g. Canadians, Hondurans, Cubans, Brazilians, Chileans, etc.).

    The embassies probably have good reason for closing. Anyway, have fun bashing the countries who close their embassies. Apparently you have nothing better to do.

    Actually, we are all taught in the American schools that Canada is not in or part of America. America, singularly, is the U.S., because it is the only country with America in its name. Canada, USA and Mexico make up North America. There is Central America with several countries, and South America with several countries. When referring to them all, they are called The Americas because of the continents they are on, which were named after Amerigo Vespucci, the first to include the continents on the maps and world globes of his time.

    For you nickpickers, when any non American asks an American, where they come from and the answer is "America", how many then ask, "Oh, which country in America?" :)

    Example; Canadians will not tell you they are Americans. They will admit they are North Americans

    Brazilians are not Americans, but will concur they are South Americans.

  11. The bottom line here is what business has a foreigner getting actively involved in another countries politics.

    None whatsoever

    Rwanda, S.A. Iraq, Ireland.....its all politics........you could say Poland 1939 was.....best foreigners stayed away then?....if a person feels passionatly about something they beliefe in, isnt it good they stand up and be counted.

    You make a fair point for the vast majority of expat foreigners here who strongly OPPOSE the red shirt terrorist Thaksin-led insurgents.

    How do you know that Jingthing ?............have you done an in depth study or this just "in your dreams". You really have no right whatsoever to speak on behalf of the majority of ex-pat foreigners. The fact that the 'vast majority' unlike you, stay neutral, does not mean that they support either one side or the other or in fact do not have their own private feelings. However as i have said,you have no right to speak for them. So it would be nice if you could keep your personal opinions just that and to yourself. Thank you !

    Realyok, that advice is so undemocratic. We all have a right to express our opinion. Personally I agree with you about the majority of ex pats probably dont get involved one way or another. Case in point. How many TV members are there? How many total foreigners living in Thailand? It is less emotional to keep in mind that opinions are like A$$ 0's; Everyone has one, they only fit the owner, and most stink anyway.

  12. There is a photo getting around of the same guy in a yellow outfit taken of him at the airport lock down.

    I have suggested this photo be sent to red shirt HQ and we can watch a real live lynching take place soon......oh and see how some red shirts handle the loss of face thingy.

    You find that picture(s) and post. I'll copy and print, and make sure it/they fall into red shirt hands. They will take it to the top.

  13. G,day Andrew55,

    I paid Baht. 28,500 Made to order, Included remote locking & reverse sensors. I believe you can get other models cheaper. But i,m very happy with the result that I recieved by buying this model. Very plush inside the unit..



    PS. I asked my Thai wife about the extra price for rego. Her reply, I dont know and how are the road authority going to know about it.?

    My understanding is you have to get the blue book altered if a canopy is fitted cos the use is altered, not a pickup but a people carrier. When l taxed the truck last year l told them l fitted a lid, they said that OK but if you fit canopy, alter book. With glass and put seats in you pay less tax. :)

    Perhaps someone can come on board who has been through the process.

    Ok folks. Heres the answer as given by my ever so savvy businesswoman wife; If you have the white license plates with green characters, you paid something like 2000 or 3000B to register and tax each year. With that, yes you will have to change to white plates with black characters to carry a canopy. That plate runs about 6000B. If one already has the white and black plates on their pickup, then there is no additional tax and registration fees. Youre good to install canopy w/o extra annual costs, or even bothering with the authorities.

    As far as altering the blue book, the wife hadn't heard that, but it stands to reason, its very possible you do modify the blue book due to the change in plates.If so its possible its part of the total price for changing plates.

  14. if you really cant buy the book where you are then I have a pdf file of the book i can send if anyone would like it.

    i quit smoking 10 days ago :)

    good luck to everyone and i think i still need a bit of luck myself

    I would take you up on that offer. I live in Samut Sakohn where the farang are few and far between, and you can't even find the Nation or Bangkok Post because they are in English and there aren't enough customers to warrant stocking the papers.

    If you are serious on the offer, please send to me. I will forever owe you one.

  15. About the use of armored vehicles against a mob, you have to think before starting.... experience of controlling a mob with russian battle tanks (Hungary, Romania, then Yougoslavia....): they can be easily converted in barbecues with their crew inside.

    You need some space for manoeuvering and think about loose shots on some buildings (Siam Paragon, President Hotel, Amarin plaza, Central, Platinum ....for example. Good contract for replacing all the Glasses: who is the contractor? I will take some shares in his business....

    After thinking and turning your tongue into your mouth 7 times, maybe it is not a so good idea..... :):D:D

    I think they will move them so the reds can see them for a start.But I agree with you the reds thugs would not hesitate to boil their country men inside the vehicles. This is one of the differces between the army and the red mob. the reds don´t care about lives.

    Obviously Ratjaprasong is not going to be so easy to take over and aftermaith....the Civil war in the whole Thailand... Is that you want guys?

    I want the red leaders, red guards and the black men arrested, brought to the court and have their punishment for what they have done to their home country and their fellow country men.

    ...immediately after the yellow leaders are brought to court and have their punishment for what they have done at the airports, govt house and fellow country men

  16. Has anyone ever tried to buy a legit copy of MicroSoft Windows in BKK?

    More hassle than it is worth.

    No kidding. The wife has an internet cafe as well as a pharmacy. Upgrading the computers and reformating was a real experience after shopping at Pan Tip for authentic Microsoft downloads. The real laughing matter is this; we have been in 2 police stations for other reasons, and seen on their computers, the popup that their windows programs may be counterfit. We looked at each and laughed. Amazing Thailand

  17. Thai PM says ready to hold November elections under roadmap

    BANGKOK (AFP) -- Thailand's prime minister said Monday he was ready to hold elections on November 14 to end a tense standoff with opposition protesters, subject to certain conditions under his reconciliation roadmap.

    "If all five goals are achieved ... the election can be held on November 14," Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said in a nationally televised address.


    -- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-03

    Published with written approval from AFP.


    IF..........the biggest word in the English dictionary

  18. Truly amazing to keep reading of bombs being thrown and detonated and such minimal injuries. Same goes for the government soldiers "exchanging hundreds of rounds" with Khmer soldiers at the border areas and not one being hit on either side. Is it the reporting being done that is incorrect or are the police and soldiers and demonstrators that inept with firearms and explosives? Makes one wonder just what is transpiring in the Land of Smiles........

    I could not agree more with your comments.Maybe they are all cross eyed................ :)

    No, you are right. I have many student who do their "military" training while in high school. These kids tell me they practice firing weapons, etc. I told a group of them once - 1 US Navy Seal could wipe out your entire division. They were not the type to leave you quaking in your boots.

    You got that right, not to mention, one Seal or Marine sniper to eliminate those in command on the street

  19. This topic is not about the quality of any food served.

    Posters who post off-topic will earn a posting suspension

    //several posts deleted. Anymore McDonald's bashing will result in a full account suspension

    I respectfully submit that the initial story was rather thin on information not giving a whole lot to really discuss. This topic has probably run its course and it's time to move on. More discussion will likely be off topic and pure speculation.

    I second that motion. Anxiously waiting the next psuedonews

    :) ??

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