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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. yep. seen that. no way am i going put on a limb, by withdrawal the balance of 400k on deposit. happy to see the 400k i withdrew is now earning 10% pa after tax.
  2. i watch the money. the markets are saying that Pita et al will get neutered, probably in the usual Thai way, where nothing makes sense of the judicial ruling. I'm also getting a feeling that Thaskin has overstepped his mark. Interesting times ahead. to quote: ''I'm an old man, leave me alone - but at the same time, I want PT to hold an emergency economic ministerial meeting ...and bring my sis back while you're at it '' . priceless
  3. My internationally educated fund manager (says: nothing will change. it is so (deleted) frustrating. as my Thai friends, say 'don't think too much' - a curse of the western educational system. 🙂
  4. thanks buddy! not sure why i had forgotten this website. will bookmark it. I live in the NST/Surathani area.
  5. interesting post. for me, i had 800k, just withdrew 400k . IO said i could withdraw the other 400k and reinvest it within 2 months before my next extension date. like you, i think i will play it safe. leave 400k intact, top it up at the appropriate time. you never know when IO is having a 'bad hair' day 🙂
  6. an odd answer from IO: 3 months after my retirement extension renewal date, i had a well connected Thai friend call the same IO officer we dealt with (and whom she regularly deals with for other expats) asking to confirm the date i could withdraw 400k out of my 800k. the answer was ''any time and you can withdraw ''any'' amount of the 800k, so long as your re-deposit it 2 months before the date of you next renewal extension.'' I am 99% confident this is the wrong info. anyone else had a similar experience ? tia (edit: i should add that i am deposited the minimum amount of pension income every month this year, with a plan to switch from the 800k method to the pension income method, in Feb 2025. but that should be irrelevant to the IO ).
  7. would be useful to get the info they used to report - cases by province . although those with a black sense of humour do get opportunities like mine, yesterday: a couple of Thai tourists on the beach, taking photos of each other with their masks on.
  8. good commentary (excepting Guinness spelling - I assume you've been in someone's basement). May I be the devil's advocate, for a moment? my profile is way off the scale discussed here; nevertheless: my age profile: 78, Wife 82 (both expats in Thailand since 1996). income cash flow profile: 35% Canadian pension, 35% Thai investment (one residential ) property; 30% Thai Infrastructure Fund (after tax cash flow minus cushion for amortization of the capital value due to Fund leaseholds expiring ) . zero from crypto (20% of capital ''invested''/gambled in an emerging network, with a group of friends). crypto holdings are being reduced to reinvest in Income Fund to bring cash flow/income source up to 65% of total cash flows. no dependents. Insurance (health and accident) 1 mill. each, i see the only risk I have to consider is, whether to cash out 100% of my crypto holdings now or wait for what will be a long-drawn out SEC ruling. (In hindsight, I guess this posit should go to a crypto thread). i post it here, because the decision to invest in the Fund is based on the consideration that the Fund currently yields 11.2 % gross. so my question is related to opinions about interest rates, over the 12-24 month horizon. this may be 'off the wall' style investing to most of you, but thanks for any thoughts.
  9. I'm very happy he's home and we don't have to refer to him as ''fugitive' PM. No matter how much Thaksin's lackeys twist the words - he's a criminal, a convict, not eligible for a redemption by becoming PM again. Nor can his sister, Yingluk. the rest of the family is brain dead.
  10. boring? as Trump channels his inner Rodney Dangerfield?
  11. like most American late night talk hosts, funny but laughing at you: a sign of the decline of the Empire.
  12. he's been ''supersizing me' for a long, long time. very curious to read a genuine medical/mental test, especially how big a risk there would be, for surviving the rigors of the office, if he get re-elected. not to forget the same question about Joe B. is also valid.
  13. realized i was being lazy. relying on an email prompt from IO. i've taken to heart all the advice that's been posted here. I now use my desk calendar to remind me of the next due day.
  14. cum was spelled checked.
  15. Yep, done and dusty. thanks guys. does everybody get that reminder to join the AN newsletter, every time they update the tab they are on for new messages? its becoming annoying
  16. THANKS. I'm in a bit of bother here, as Ive scrolled though my saved emails and cannot find any from IO which provides the log on. fortunately, I do have my password. i'll get off my ass and locate where to log in to. again, appreciate the advice, it seems so logical - must have missed doing that, due to living here too long 🙂
  17. 555 but,but,but says the Ministry of Tourism (currenty undergoing a 'renovation' in leadership) 'Thailand doesn't have prostitution'
  18. there are days when I wish I had taken up the offer of a Thai wife, upon arriving at the airport, in the 1990's 🙂
  19. should i worry? 90 day is due May 4. neither wife nor I have received our email notifications. (I just turned off my vpn, which is on, 24/7). the travel issue: same problem for us, its a 250 km round trip and if I have to attend personally, my wife is disabled and unable to attend. I imagine if I have her passport and form signed, that will be accepted. tia for any updates on the system.
  20. i agree. apparently you have to go through the ''Thaksin model'' to be able to take the mickey out of the System.
  21. We have a hint-hint company, requiri8ng an audit each year. The auditor takes care of our tax filings. worth the money.
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