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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. jeez........try connecting the dots : Old Testament, New Testament, The Jewish sacred text is called the Tanakh (Torah) or the โ€œHebrew Bible.โ€ It includes the same books as the Old Testament in the Christian Bible, but they're placed in a slightly different order. i had religious education as part of my private school curriculum. I guess you went to a dumbed-down school, or just slept through the whole thing ?
  2. you wrote ' As more than half the country are just too freakin' stupid, too brainwashed, or just don't care, '..... I sincerely assume that you are referring to the half who voted for the new President. (not that there was much choice, with Harris as the alternative, was there?) The US is truly in a deplorable state. I MUST re-watch that movie ''Idiocracy''
  3. Netscape ๐Ÿ™‚ yeah, I need to do a memory wipe.
  4. you are (deliberately) missing the point, a very MAGA disease. the age of the vid. is not important. all it shows is that Trump was (and still is) a lecher . I'm also in favor of the Epstein client list being published. the reason ( to quote Trump's words) 'too many powerful people would get hurt'. you're a denialist.
  5. '' Agreed but if Israel is always picked out - when other far worse abuses by other countries are ignored'' . nobody except my MAGA friends) support Russia's invasions of neighboring countries. whats your opinion on that situation? Criticism of Israel is NOT antisemitism. this is a worn out misrepresentation. The Jews amongst my friends are 99% against the way Israeli has been ' bombing the $~## out of civilians. what Hamas did and does is indefensible. if you read today's news you will find that Israel is rubbing its hands in glee at the prospect of grabbing even more land, despite international law. FYI: Israel is a country. Judaism is a world wide religion, as much based on the teaching of other religions such as Islam and Christianity. The majority of countries in the world support the concept of a 2 state solution.
  6. oh ! you mean like Israeli military? no international news teams allowed into Gaza. the alternative being to get shot ?
  7. 'The Thais have a brilliant immigration system.' not if you're here legally . Thailand must be one of the few countries in the world where your experiences when visiting your local Immigration office depend on the mood of the IO you are dealing with. we used to deal with this guy,who, sometimes you'd think he was so into cross-dressing that he was having his period.
  8. Yes and No. I turn on my vpn on my tablet when i want to download tv shows. next (this is my age showing ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) - if i turn off my vpn, does that have any impact on my problem with my netscape viewing on my android tv ?
  9. You have seen this, then. ? . Trump will never escape the moniker ' The only President of the US found guilty of what is defined in NY State as 'rape'.
  10. the only way to stop all this slagging of USAID by the MAGA is to post that video of Trump entertaining Epstein and a truck load of what appears to be coked-up, high-as-kites ladies.
  11. absolutely. everything is being studied to death today, vv yesteryear. and, also any aberrations which come up in the newer studies are being seized on and extrapolated, as justification for any pet conspiracy which is being promoted today. my wife takes wafarin, to ensure no blood clotting after several replacement surgeries. Yet, countless people will tell you that wafarin is rat poison. and don't start me diving down the rabbit hole, where wine is good/ wine is bad/ wine is good (maybe...)
  12. postscript: i am using the native Netflix app. - and only on my tv. and no I have not tried to update it. I will have to research how to do that. thanks.
  13. no wonder my knowledge about this topic is out-of-date. (and i thought village life is slow, 555) i still can't figure if my vpn makes a difference ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. remind me to go back and finish watching that movie 'Civil War' which i thought was hopelessly silly
  15. a convenient 'fact' ignored by the maga cult. not that i would want to see word salad Harris as POTUS,
  16. 'We did buy 2 lots of land last year, and instant profit of about 40%, if we sold right away.' don't be naive - wifey has tucked those land titles away fur..every. Go ahead, test my theory - try to get her okay to sell the land to a non-relative.
  17. interesting. thanks. waiting for some other responses re: Netflix subscribers. i think it might be my tv, b/c my neighbours have 2 tvs and watch different Netflix shows simultaneously. no buffering, same ISP.
  18. hmm... my problem which I need advice on - is NewYork Times just scam-billed me for the next year's subscription, even though i cancelled in December. their subscription service says -'for Asia Pacific call this number in OZ - except the number is not functioning. the alternative is to call the 1-800 number in the US. someone here suggested using Skype. can you use Skype to do that?
  19. i can't answer that. But i have 2 related questions. i have TOT's 1Gbps down/500 Mb up package. #1: on my Android smart Sony TV, there is no buffering on YouTube. But, just recently, Netflix buffers all the time. #2: speed testing on my tablet, i get 650 down, 450 up, (with my Proton VPN turned on). I have read many posts on different threads and still have the question, does having your VPN 'on' affect the incoming signal from Netflix. ? tia
  20. count your blessings - you have a Burger King ๐Ÿ™‚ is online 90 day not working ?
  21. tks for spellck. ๐Ÿ˜‰ SONY MODEL KD43X 7500F. unsure about netflix on my mobile, never use it there. (actually tv is not 'newish', probably 3-4 years old)
  22. hopefully this is on topic - i use TOT/NT. I was getting buffering (throttling?) on my newish TV (Sony Bavaria) - only when i am watching Netflix. Service guys came, did a speed test. replaced my ISP receiver with a new one. download speed increased from 250 to 650 Mps. it did not fix the problem. any suggestions. my TOT package is 1Gbs/500Mbs fibre. other TOT users in my village with a lower download package report no problem with Netscape. viewing. with an increased sub fee coming - i am seriously thinking of dumping Netflix and relying 100% on streaming
  23. we're dog owners and adopters of strays for the past 26 years living in Thailand. couple of observations - pure or semi pure bred American Bullies cost a fair amount of money. my garage man (who's not exactly wealthy) owns one which he paid 10k for. so 6 = 50-60k. also, she wants to let them loose? F(deleted)..ing insane - a tragedy waiting to happen.
  24. more to love. 555 as for 'hurrying you up', for a lot of men its the opposite - they're not named Fast Draw McGraw for nothing
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