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Everything posted by paddypower

  1. the odds are stacked against you - you might as well go to Las Vegas.
  2. I agree. A good example is quantitative analysis, invented by Bob Mercer. His billions (which he used to finance Trump's win, right wing media & the Brexit disaster) comes from secret computer science/speech translation programs, using pattern recognition). In short, these practitioners of 'the dark arts' can discover obscure patters in the financial markets and make enormous fortunes (up to 80% per year) from nothing. What I call 'Smoke and Mirrors'
  3. interesting.Our Canadian, Irish and Danish banks have not indicated they will do this. 2 interesting side issues: Danish banks receiving only pension payments now charge a monthly flat fee. They call it something ridiculous, along the lines of a 'citizens benefit fee' (seriously!). Most Irish and Canadian bank provide ''golden age'' (ie over 65) services - zero fees. The expat Danes we know have voted with their feet - arranged for the Danish Govt to send the pension payments to their home country bank. We know several US expats here, who have the misfortune to bank at Wells Fargo. One just flew back to the US to switch banking arrangements for SS payments.
  4. its not what the broker tells you when you sign up & hand over you dosh, its what the insurance company tells you, when you submit a claim.
  5. you're my man! I have heard from within the industry that part of their sales pitch is - ''don't worry about pre-existing conditions''. which is out and out fraudulent marketing. not only that, but completely immoral. If true, can you imagine the heartbreak of one of us submitting a claim for a pre-exisiting condition you did not disclose.? My wife disclosed floaters in the eyes, on her app. 20 years ago. Claims for 2 eye procedures for floaters have been denied - rightly.
  6. the side benefit would be that the Dept. of Correction would have to call him MISTER.
  7. Mike, I have spent the last 1 1/2 hours trolling through AN, reading as many HEATH Ins related posts as I can. AN does provide an invaluable service - but one is often referred back to posts going back to 2020.. On one one older forum, a moderator wrote - 'moved to INSURANCE''. what we need, respectfully, is a Health Insurance forum. id say its a minority that want to know about life ins. but everybody living here wants to know the latest on health ins. expecially since there is a new player in town, with (from what I am hearing from many sources ) has a hazy corporate background. I believe that AN would be doing a major service if it set up a separate forum topic...and it would attract a lot of new members who are lost for advice (the raison dêtre for AN) and why I subscribed in 1998 . thanks in advance
  8. how are you eligible for ins. in Canada, unless you are covered and paying premiums under a provincial insurance plan AND you qualify under the residency rules. once we (Canuck couple) left, after 6 months, we did not qualify for BC Ins.
  9. you can' t refer to him as a prisoner, because, well, he's in denial (and not in prison) . so there!! ''Thai logic'' - the best example of an oxymoron.
  10. bum heart bum guy. For the hell of it, I wrote a letter to Bangkok Post's Postbag, asking if it is correct to refer to Thaksin as a criminal? got no joy. 555
  11. a bit off topic, there are no laws here to deal with what Directors of companies do. 4 of the directors of our land holding company sold the land a 2nd time to a Thai, whom we sued and lost. The directors (Thai and English) disappeared and/or we ran out of money to chase after them in court, even though the Thai buyer bribed several people to get the land.
  12. can you explain that again, please? Your broker referred you to another broker?????
  13. would you mind to name your broker, please. because my broker refused to discuss anything abut this broker, due to potential for libel. I understand it, if you say - aha! that is because they are stealing customers away from her. She did give me a description of their corporate set up, which looks extremely unattractive - it is exactly as described elsewhere on this thread. I mean - am I going to feel confident buying insurance from a broker when I do not know who the actual insurance company is, that I am paying premiums to. ? In fact. there are well known stories going around Phuket Island that at the time of Covid, some brokers just took the premium money and used it personally, (in order to pay their bills, I guess). Caveat emptor, especially in Thailand. I have lived here for 28 years, through claims for the tsunami damages on 3 properties and major medical procedures. so I feel qualified to post these thoughts.
  14. thinks are moving rapidly here. we're schedule for a visit to IO next week. I doubt that I can get a income letter in time. must check with another Canuck, who uses the income letter (which is based on rental income, something I was not aware you could count on).
  15. God forbid, but that topic will come up, again, soon enough.
  16. that makes a lot of sense. thanks. Ive been transferring money in, for years - never out. so all I have to do now is to go to my bank branch, ask them abut converting TB to the other foreign currencies I need (Euros sand Can$) and then send that currency to my contacts' banks. the only way is by SWIFT ( or other options).
  17. Update - i have checked and there is a 90% chance that your suggestion will be accepted (if I bring an Thai friend with a bit of influence). again, many thanks!
  18. Presumably then, the correct answer would be ''you cannot transfer to a foreign bank (e.g. Europe) using Wise or Revolut''. I may not be the brightest - but Ive lived long enough to know about the option of using Swift. Sometimes it helps if one thinks about why someone is asking a question, before answering.
  19. I have used a tax accountant in Phuket town for years. Her company does audits as well (I have a land holding company). she did an excellent job on a situation different from yours. (sale of a former home/rental house & land). PM me if interested and I will contact her to see if she is taking on new clients. Even if this is a one-off, the amount is large enough to pay for the best advice.
  20. agreed. A drop in the bucket and as described elsewhere many times; a daft, poorly thought out idea which will just P/off some retirees here who don't look at the big picture (how fortunate we are to live here) and, most likely, deter some prospective retirees from moving here.
  21. off topic, but an interesting subplot - you can miss one of the 65k months transfers, due to banking problems (assuming that your annual total income transferred is 800k) and get approval, if you're willing to made a substantial donation to the football team. In these delicate matters, it comes down to a comparison of the amount of the donation, versus the cost of visa agency fees. disclaimer: The nature of this post is intended to be of good intent, and in the best interests of the public good.
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