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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. Let's say there is a greater yield, what do you think will happen with the prices?

    If more of things are available it will lower the price of goods.

    Greater yields are a very good thing- it means global demand for a crop can be met using less arable land. The remaining land can be used for other crops or non-agricultural purposes.

    Ultimately the core driver of the problem is population growth. The world can't sustain growth forever, even if we cut down every forest.

    am not sure the problem is population growth.I think there is enough land but its not being used correctly.For instance due to so called global warming that cause droughts in some areas and floods in others,de-forestation,the use of land to grow crops,not to feed people but to create fuel,the over use of land by big agri combine business(land is meant to lay fallow for one year after harvest so nutrients in the soil can be replenished),the growing of crops that need huge amounts of water to grow are planted in countries that have low rainfall.Civil wars that destroy the land and take away farmers to soldiers etc. etc.

  2. its all about money and monsato are up there with the pharmacuetical companies who dont give a toss what their products do to you.Monsato persauded the indian govt. to donate farming land to experiment with gm crops and its been an unmitigated disaster.

    You cant trust anyone these days to do the right thing by others,these include governments,financial institutions,agri business,the whole planet is sick including the people that run it and there ae n't many of them which is scary.

    apologies but am having a monday rant!

  3. as much as i love samui and have no intention of leaving as an island paradise say compared to phuket or krabi and its islands samui leaves a lot to be desired.The beaches and especially the quality of the sea are not good,the roads are simply terrible and down right dangerous and i think before this island can get an increase in tourist numbers or in fact maintain current levels these things need to be addressed.Resorts keep being built,take the new hyatt due for completion in 2010,i just dont see it being filled.I believe many tourists that used to come here are off exploring more pristine places and cheaper places too.i think samui is in for a very rough ride,but first we need rubbish collection proper sewerage treatment and to be honest the beaches are n't that crash hot.

    Why do i stay?well i still love the place inspite of.

  4. owning property does n't always=make money.It has to be the right property in the right place at the right time and at the right place.The OP was just stating that there seems to be a lot of property vacant at the moment with a lot of new ones continually being built.The trouble with the big resoorts being built is the time frame it takes to complete but these big organisations can probably afford to wait and hope for increases in tourist numbers further down the track.But nothing is certain and many fingers have been burnt in property deals private and commercial.

  5. If they want a tourist industry they have to stop all these closing days,am thinking mainly of the days they close for electoral voting.

    They already have a healthy tourist industry. I doubt a few days of closure will be of any significance.

    you are joking !...........close 1 day the day of cremation which i think is the 16th.up to them,but its no fun being a tourist and arriving and finding a 3 day closure,but i dont think the thai govt. really cares.

    This kind of rant sounds very similar to the visa runner who went to Penang / KL only to find out they had a national holiday in the country and the embassies were closed and said "nobody told me".

    It's not like this is something that just sprung up, they have been talking about these dates for months.

    yes but i doubt if you'd know if you were coming from overseas for a holiday!As it stands it looks like there is only sat,the day of the ceremony that everything will be closed which IMHO makes sense.

  6. yes i think you're right.even the FA cup isn't as important as it used to be.But both cups are important to the lower leagues and there is some good football to be watched.Thailand's channel 7 showed the liverpool v spurs game and i was able to switch the audio to english commentary,it was a good match.

    I would like a someone to sponsor the championship league and show live coverage like the premier league,some good teams there and football like it used to be played.

    But back to the carling cup and FA cup,the top four put out their 2nd 11,and thats good too cos it gives the players a good run,and their top players a rest from a busy schedule.

  7. So if you are here on holiday and don't drink it won't bother you. Chat somewhere else.

    If you live here you already knew the answer.

    It seemed to me another [oh the bars are closed thread] this is a bit different.

    Life don't revolve around bars.

    "i'm alright jack"comes to mind" stuandchris.If thailand wants tourist industry it has to be more flexible,or are you one ofthe holier than thou brigade?

  8. Just spent three months in Thailand (been many times before) before deciding that I was definitely going to make a permanent move on a retirees visa.

    When I arrived at the beginning of August the exchange rate was 31 baht to the Aussie dollar, now it's 23. That makes buying a condo 30% more expensive if I transfer money now.

    Also on the news this morning it was predicted that interest rates would fall to 4% in Australia. As the bulk of my income is derived from fixed term deposits that means I'm getting 50% less income.

    It all seems to be conspiring against me to make the move at this stage, but what do I do, sit tight and wait for everything to improve? That could be years, and unfortunately I don't have a lot of "good" years left in me.

    Let's face it, Thailand is relatively cheap, but if you want to enjoy a good lifestyle (and I don't mean in a village) you still need at least A$500 a week to live.

    Any comments?

    It would be wiser for you not to live in Thailand for the long term, ever.

    For example, if you were living in Thailand and the same financial situation arises, which it will, than you would not be able to sustain yourself here.

    Anyone considering staying in Thailand for the rest of their lives, should be financially stable enough to be able to ride out any economic storms, otherwise their stay could be one big financial nightmare.

    Also consider that the cost of living is not going to get any cheaper or stay at it`s present rate.

    I have my own house here (daughters name- my money) run vehicles, 2 dogs, Internet etc and we live quite comfortably on 26000 baht per month.

    well nothing is for ever is it?but life is an adventure and it does n't have to stop cos your not 25 any more.....where is the spontaneity,where is the excitment,the challenge!oh sorry just stay home and look forward to the 6o.c. news!no dont come just enjoy a schooner down the RSL.

  9. If they want a tourist industry they have to stop all these closing days,am thinking mainly of the days they close for electoral voting.

    They already have a healthy tourist industry. I doubt a few days of closure will be of any significance.

    you are joking !...........close 1 day the day of cremation which i think is the 16th.up to them,but its no fun being a tourist and arriving and finding a 3 day closure,but i dont think the thai govt. really cares.

  10. dennis,"to stay or not to stay"(in OZ)..............sometimes a difficult decision.I threw caution to the wind and came.

    IMHO life is too short.My pop died 1 year after retirement age and i was determined not to let that happen to me,and its turned out a good decision.Re OAP from OZ, well its a few years off but not that many,but now the rules are not in my favour but they may change and who knows in the future what will happen.If its your hearts desire to come here now i say come you'll not regret it,no point in worrying about the future its "now" thats important,you could be dead tomorrow and regret never having taken the plunge.

  11. Have said it before Pattaya is the cheapest playground in thailand for ex pats and tourists alike.

    Baht bus 10 baht

    happy hour beer Singh 40baht,heiniken also.

    western breakfast65baht

    accomodation 500-800 baht per night with a/c

    long term rental 4000-7000baht per month.

    "girls on the boulevard"500baht.

    If all this is too expensive,well there's always Cambodia i guess!

  12. Even with the obvious increase in violent crimes in the Pattaya area, the motive for this murder comes as a terrible shocker.


    Suspected murderer caught following shooting from last week.

    On Thursday we reported on a murder which took place in front of the LK Market in South Pattaya which led to the death of Khun Alisaman aged 19. At the time Police suspected that an altercation in a Bar earlier in the night may have led to the shooting. This was confirmed by the suspected killer, Khun Ritirong aged 22 who was arrested in Nong Pla Lai sub-district in Banglamung along with a second man, Khun Griengrai aged 20. Khun Ritirong was found in possession of a loaded firearm thought to have been used in the shooting. The second arrestee was found in possession of 1,350 Yabba Tablets and was charged with only the drug offence. Khun Ritirong explained that earlier on Wednesday Night, he spotted the victim dancing and shouting in a manner which suggested he was important and not concerned about those around him. This angered Khun Ritirong who followed the victim and his girlfriend from the pub and shot him as he drove home. He is now facing a lengthy prison term if found guilty of the murder charge and his friend is also facing serious jail time if convicted of the drug charges.

    All embassies should issue a serious warning to their residents warning them to stay away from the insanity of Pattaya.

    thank goodness i never shout and dance in thai discos acting as if ime important and not concerned about those around me.

    f that was the reason we all might get shot...........i'm off to the temple,will i be safe there?

  13. My wife and I lived in my Jomtien condo for about a year before we moved into her house upcountry. I think I was more burned out from living in the farang ghetto than she was. I am content up here. I have a large workshop, a tractor and land to play with my toys. My workshop is fairly well equipped and I can build or repair nearly anything. I really missed having animals, a garden and my tinker shop while living in a condo. It's a much healthier life style out here in the boonies.

    yes i know what you mean.I used to live in Pattaya in a small condo and it drove me mad,i could n't get away from people and traffic.After the initial euphoria of the night life wore off i could n't wait to get out.Plus there were/are so many seedy and down and out farang there too.Anyway ended up on Samui and am renting a nice house on 3 acres of land near the beach,very peaceful,but have the night life nearby if wanted.All is good and happy.cheers.

  14. i sure as hel_l don't. not in BKK. i did on Koh Phangan but here i spent about 10x what i spent there. i don't see how anyone can survive in bangkok on less than 60k but i guess they do!

    I reckon if things got really tough you could live on 15000baht a month all up(ok not bkk) but here on the islans you could but it would n't be much fun.

  15. reading the majority of these posts it would seem that once thai girls go to the west,get a network of thai's,work/study then they are more reluctant to return to LOS,and many of the husbands of these girls are rueing the day they took their better half home cos they now want to return to LOS and their g/f dont.

    The other reason i can think of for not taking wife/gf back home is that they will become a westernised female with all the baggage that goes with it(for western men),and after all is n,t that the reason we all left home to come to thailand to find/be with a lovely asian lady that is n't corrupted with western values.I think,however,once a girl has left Isaan its hard for her to go back,living in places like chang mai,phuket,Samui,etc they can earn more money and there's more to do too.

    The only ladies that want to return to Isaan are the gold diggers bringing back their newly acquired farang to buy them land/house so they can show off their newl wealth..............ok i know there are exceptions,this is just my general overview.

  16. Fortunely my wife doesn't come from Issan although we are up here at the moment.

    It seems to be very difficult to get my wife to want to come to Britain.

    I think its the fear factor Thai's seem to be frightened of everything.

    I am not that fond of Thailand although it does have good points.

    I am planning to go back to the UK next year and I do want my wife to come over, even for a holiday.

    I think she is planning to go back down South after I leave.

    Will she come over I really don't know I did get her a visa but she didn't use it.

    Looking at Doggsy's post that made a lot of sense.

    each to their own,why not try to get her to go for holiday when you go back then there is no pressure on her to stay.Then with luck she may like it and want to return.

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