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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. you'd expect things to be quiet now as its the low/rainy season.The telling time will be dec/jan.and you would expect numbers to be down then too cos of financial/recession problems around the world.I think all of this will affect thailand next year when you see lots of thais losing their jobs in the tourist/retail and manufacturing jobs.If that happens expect more robberies/house breakins and possibly more angst against farangs living here,pattaya included.

  2. I dont know about "what jokes thai's dont like" but i dont think they understand the following:



    one liners


    winding them up(pommy term)

    like most people they are sensitive to remarks about their appearance,fatness etc.

    but they do smile and laugh alot so they must find something funny,maybe its us!.........am only having a laugh ok.

  3. DrDave,i have to disagree"that its just not that simple".............yes they have not gone on to finish school,but ive met many a b/g who have told me they went to Bangers and got a job in a factory but did not last,probably long hours and poor money,working in a bar was their choice.Why,cos its easy money,plus they have a good time with the other girls,dancing, drinking and the prospect of meeting a farang to take care of them.Many of them earn more than professional people who have gone to uni.Yes i know they have children back at the farmhouse that the grandparents take of etc.but do not kid yourself they are in the bar trade cos its the last resort(no pun intended)many of them have multiple farang sending money to their darling girls from back home thinking the girl is the "the one for them" while the girl is laughing all the way to the bank.There's an old saying"you can take the girl out of the bar but you cannot take the bar out of the girl" and its so true.How many farang when they meet the "love of their life" while on vacation,promise to send them money if they stop working in bar and go back to farmhouse only to find out later they are still working in said bar and never went home at all.

    Dont get me wrong,i say good luck to them,and silly farang!I have met a few bar girls who in time have just become "mates" to me,and i can say in general i like them,but i do not believe these girls are forced into this profession because of no other choice.in general b/g's are lazy,like the easy money on offer,and enjoy the life style.There are other jobs out there for uneducated girls,how about working in a laundry?With the money the b/g's earn how quickly could they set themselves up in a noodle shop or street vendor trolley. I dont think so, cos its too much like hard work for little return.

  4. a2396, i reckon one way for a successful relationship here in LOS is to set the terms at the outset i.e. re money,so the g/f knows what she can expect,then there's no misunderstanding,no matter if were young or old same should apply.

    Good advice 'cept so many Farang Thai Relationships commence with a financial arangement.

    true but is n't this just part of the thai culture? especially where an older man(thai or farang)is with a younger woman.Personally i dont have a problem with this,as long as the other party knows the limitations.

  5. nothing like a good aussie bash,but what is a bogan?As for the poor girls in the bars,they dont have to do it,they love it,easy money,having sex for them is easy.Look at all the chicks who work in supermarkets,711,family mart for 8000-10,000 baht a month,and they get by without short time.Then there are the other shop and office workers doing short time or overtime,they dont care its extra money,sex is no big deal,but the money is.

    and there's nothing worse than loud,beer swilling westerners be they from europe.uk,or oz and they are just carrying on just like they do back home.

  6. a2396, i reckon one way for a successful relationship here in LOS is to set the terms at the outset i.e. re money,so the g/f knows what she can expect,then there's no misunderstanding,no matter if were young or old same should apply.

    It also helps not to live near her family,keep a tight lesh on the finances and give on a needs basis.To Phil i hope you can do this...........you are the boss or at least the bank manager.

  7. I suspect what you are most reacting to is my equation of the OP's situation to (that p*********** word). I do regard more longstanding relationships as somewhat different. However, in such a new relationship, the dangling of a 1,000 baht phone card-carrot suggests many parrallels to p*********** and it gets tiring to read of the attitude of some foreigners.


    Your posts have gone well beyond my specific case, but I have read all of them with interest and respect. However, I do think you have misinterpreted my actions. Once again, the woman in question has never asked for one single baht. However, she cannot call me but must wait for my call. I have gotten her a phone card, but that is in no way quid-pro-quo for anything. That is only to make our communications easier. Period. There is really no parallel for that to prostitution. While you may be able to logically make the parallels for other actions described in this thread, this is not part of it.

    My initial intent of the post was to get input for IF she asked for some sort of financial assistance, and I assumed that if she asked, it would be for tuition as she is a student. And based on the posts I have read, and based on my own digestion of these comments, I have decided that should she ever ask for assistance, I will help, but I will stop seeing her on an intimate-type relationship.

    Once again though, she has not asked for anything yet. I do pay for food and movies, but other than the calling card (which was my idea), she has not asked for nor received anything of a financial nature.

    why would you stop seeing her on an intimate relation basis?

  8. to MSAsok and sylviex,i think you two think too much,life is a lot easier to fathom out than you both make out,but am glad you enjoyed your repartee.

    Thanks for your input. Feel free to return to reading posts about 'what's the best way to wipe my arse?' or 'should I marry a midget?' or 'Help! My Thai wife is planning to kill me!' or whatever...

    no need to get your knickers in a twist

  9. NellieB, your FIL buying 2 houses,2 cars,2 bikes and spending 120,000 baht per month is being taken to the cleaners,pure and simple.Why would a 67 y.o. who has 6 children want more?His young wife may want children,but its also another way of securing his money.Her family must be laughing all the way to the temple.

    You have a right to be really concerned.But as other posters have said,he is over 21 and can decide for himself how he spends his money.I am sure he's enjoying himself,and why not,but his wife and family are gold digging and by the sounds of it very successfully too.

    Having said that you only live once,let him enjoy.

  10. surely the US is better, no?

    That statement makes zero sense to me ...... :o

    it makes sense but is not right. The answer is "no", feed is more expensive, vet bills more expensive, items you need to care for the animal, more expensive..............but what doesn't make sense is the connection to wife and kids.

    Back to the OP, be happy he kicked the cat instead of shooting you. He says you threatened him and he had to, who is going to win that argument in court, you or the cop? His word against yours?

    well iguess if you are not married and have no kids there's nothing to keep you here,not easy taking care of animals in thailand,thats what the poster probably meant.

  11. Given the choice I dont think many guys would opt for a wife from the "blue rinse" brigade!

    Don't you find it strange the way that old guys quickly dismiss older women (or should i say women their own age) as being undesirable, but if anyone questions why a cute young girl that could easily be their daughter, would find an old man like themselves desirable, they'll give you a whole host of reasons as to why it's perfectly plausible and nothing to do with the money.

    so true

  12. As this is your father-in-law, I assume this is your husband's father.

    This pattern of behaviour is extremely familiar and hundreds of Western men are in precisely the same situation.

    Your husband has a very high chance of saying goodbye to any inheritance he might have otherwise have got.

    Your father-in-law has a small to medium chance of being booted out on his arse, penniless, when he is unable to provide the requisite £2,000 per month or before that if the capital from the Thai properties is required by the wife's family.

    Your father-in-law has a slim chance of being murdered if he is worth more dead than alive due to, say, the bequests in his will or life insurance.

    You have very little chance of being able to persuade him to change his behaviour.

    just about sums it up

  13. and if you're not married here and have no kids then why raise horses here? surely the US is better, no?

    That statement makes zero sense to me ...... :o

    cos thai's are not known for taking care of animals very well(visit any zoo or wild life park here)and obviosly the OP is an animal lover why not go back to grass roots and take care of animals back in the USA.Maybe the OP is here for other reasons too,but antagonising local thai's especially local police is a recipe for disaster IMHO.

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