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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. not an easy question to pose Mark!.........as most people are not likely to want to tell.Why? cos , most farang living in thailand are on the run from something in their lives,mostly running from themselves i'e.divorce, bankruptcy,crims on the run,down and outs on their last dollar,pound or euro.Pedo's,deviants.You dont get well healed,brain surgeons,multi millionaires here and only a few here are working for thai or foriegn firms.My apologies to all those happily married ex pats to thai ladies,i have not included you in the list.

    As for me,i was taught to wipe my bum and blow my nose..........i took it from there.

    people wouldn't be living here becuase it is tropical parradise maybe trying to make a better life for them selves in 30 degrea heat sunshine and women.


    maybe there are alot of people running but i get sick of people steriotyping me. Maybe not you but people in general assuming i am from a naughty back ground just becuase i have been here a while. so not i am bored of the same question. " what do i do out here" now i just lie and tell them what they want to here ." i am a arms dealer. normally shuts them up.

    truth is i am on the run form a man dress like a chicken who is a masscote for some low league basket ball team. apparenty i insaulted him by calling his monther a turkey

    am not sure if this thread is meant to be funny or serious,my post was more "tongue in cheek"

  2. simple pleasures in life are the most enjoyable be it fire crackers,a drink in the evening,a cigarette even,a meal with friends and family,and thais of all socio economic background are no different,and we all do these things to excess sometimes,thais are no different.I remember the shear excitement of "guy fawkes night in the UK',but of course you can no longer do this for public safety reasons and because of the danger of the "sue mentality "that plagues society in the west.

    In thailand i love watching the simple pleasures of the thais especially the enjoyment of social discourse at meal times,and their child like sense of humour.Am sure ive got away from original topic,apologies.

  3. not an easy question to pose Mark!.........as most people are not likely to want to tell.Why? cos , most farang living in thailand are on the run from something in their lives,mostly running from themselves i'e.divorce, bankruptcy,crims on the run,down and outs on their last dollar,pound or euro.Pedo's,deviants.You dont get well healed,brain surgeons,multi millionaires here and only a few here are working for thai or foriegn firms.My apologies to all those happily married ex pats to thai ladies,i have not included you in the list.

    As for me,i was taught to wipe my bum and blow my nose..........i took it from there.

  4. I flew from overseas into Thailand, changed planes at Bangkok and then onto Koh Samui. I was stamped into Thailand at Bangkok and then goto on my connecting flight. Suprised that when I arrived at Samui I just picked up my bags from the belt and got into a cab.

    Is this normal or did I miss an Imigration check at Samui airport? I guess I'm already stamped in the system and have the visa issued but suprised there was no check on entry to Samui. Does this happen with all domestic flights in Thailand?

    i think you've just got jetlag.you said you already got stamped into thailand at BKKa/p,so why would you need to go through immigration again at Samui a/p.

  5. Wish i was about to embark on my 2nd trip to LOS then i wouldnt be such a cynical untrusting know it all......it'd be so much more fun.

    well you could re invent yourself and tell all the bar girls its your 1st visit and your only here for a 2 week holiday,just as they have arrived from Isaan only been in Pattaya 2 weeks,should liven things up,just remember dont speak any thai to them,else they might twig.

  6. Samui,

    The problem with your suggestion that interest rates should be raised is the fact that you would drive most small businesses straight into bankruptcy. They rely heavily on their overdraft facility, especially in hard times when their customers take longer and longer to pay their bills. I agree that reducing rates alone will have little effect now on the recession, but used in conjunction with other stimulus methods we can effect a recovery relatively quickly, next summer all will be starting to look good IMHO.

    ok so what other things could be done to help small business(if interest rates could be kept higher and i must admit i have a vested interest for higher rates)? and i admit the likelyhood of rates going higher are zilch.

  7. If you live and work in thailand,have a thai family.are retired here,then of course you care about thailand and its people.No one knows what really will happen next year,but it certainly does n't look good.Probably many thai's out of work,an increase in crime,robberies etc,and us farang will be soft targets.Tourist areas will suffer and locals working in resorts etc will find themselves unemployed.Yes probably the least affected areas will be the small villages in rural thailand "when you've got nothing you've got nothing to lose,and the strong family ties and commitments will see them through.

    The worst to be hit may well be farangs here on work visa/permit and people on a shoe string.The real crazy thing that i do not understand is why western governments still believe that by reducing interest rates the can kick start a recovery.This times its gone too far,there is now a mindset of hunker down and ride this one out.Reducing interest rates this time will not encourage people to go out and spend.This time round it would be better to raise rates to encourage people to save,keep inflation lower,raise taxes to pay for the massive debts govts. have now got and in 2 years get economies in the black,then it will be time to manufacture again,increase employment,and people will feel like spending again.Zero interest rates by greenspan in the USA led to this mess,pools of money with nowhere to go,hence the creation of sub prime mortgage packages etc etc.Just my 2 cents worth...........its all i've got!

  8. Hirider cannot help as am on Samui but just wanted to add i had same problem as you.I asked why it had to be a fino and the reply was "looks cool"I just bought it,knew i was n't going to win.I ride it a few times but never feel safe on it....too light in the front steering.good luck,i got a cream/cherry red colour and it looks ok.PINK! would have to draw the line there.

  9. Pattaya......cheapest place in thailand for expats who want farang things,cheapest place for tourists too.a month ago i was staying at shagwell mansions 700baht per night and in soi arunothai there was a price war on in the bars ,i could get singh for 30baht and heineken for 40baht between 5.30-8.00pm.baht taxi to beach road 10baht,western breakfast for 65 baht,i could go on about how cheap it is there but wont,sufice to say i love going to Pattaya.

  10. well dekka007,i would n't like to chance it even at odds of 1000000/1 .............living in small village in Isaan surrounded by her friends and family are not good odds that nothing will befall said farang,better methinks to get out while the going is good,as i've said before forget about the money,and yes maybe nothing bad will happen to the OP,but then it might mighten it?

  11. ok so now we know she was married before to farang and got left,no wonder she's suspicious of it happening again.Without knowing all the details it sounds like you are worrying more about any financial loss to you that a separation or an ending of the relationship may incur,and that's fine in itself,we all have to take care we are not taken to the cleaners in any relationship.Maybe now you dont care for her anymore as you did in the beginning and just want out and a return to a quiet life,if this is the case just go and go quickly and quietly as others have advised.Forget about the money,you've lost the sin sod,and i would recommend to forget about the 11 rai too,give her something to remember you by!

    Trust me its healthier for you to walk away.

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