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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. If money was the only factor why do some Thai ladies have teachers who only make 30k a month as boyfriends ? I think there are many factors that go into these relationships and one can offset the others. One thing for sure however is that a Thai lady has to have a big face in a farang relationship. If the guy is young and very handsome the money factor is less important. If the guy is fat, ugly, stupid or looks very old the only way the girl can show herself to be successful in her relationship is money. I think too that it also works the other way around, if the girl is fat, ugly or old just about any guy will do as the expectations from everyone are much lower.

    yes there is a expectation on the part of the thai lady to be taken care of financially(no social security) i see no problem with this,every man must take care of his lady,and as you say the older the man and younger the lady that expectation increases in value.

    But what i hate and probably everybody else does too is this "comparing assets"...it can lead to a lot of unhappiness,and is very shallow of these "gold diggers"

  2. To your question: "I have an old fashion thinking? I was spoiled by former farang relationships?...or it is just the Thai women thinking about love?"

    The answer is NO, most Thai women do not think of love in this fashion. There are plenty of Thai women who are with relatively poor Thai guys and they genuinely love these guys. HOWEVER, if you're directing that question towards Thai women with farangs....well, the answer is a little more tricky. Many Thai women are with farangs for the financial benefit. In time, they may or may not fall in love with said guy.

    You need to get your wife away from these so-called "friends." But if these friends of hers are her true lifelong friends that she'll never part with, then you're in big trouble my friend.

    yes this is a big problem,you see and hear it a lot,thai ladies comparing their assets now they have a farang man.I have a similiar problem to the OP and i tell my lady to stay away from these women,and that it will only make her unhappy and discontent in the future.Fortunately for me she understands and has done just that.

  3. No interest here is there? Of course. Why are so many things illegal that do not harm other people?

    To give lawyers jobs.

    What exactly is illegal that does not harm other people?

    Currently, gay marriage is illegal, and the marriage of any two consenting adults does not harm anybody.

    just my 2 cents worth.marraige is and should only be between a man and a woman.It's origins date back 1000's of years and was instigated for couples that wanted a family(to bring children into this world)and to give protection and security.Divorce used to be difficult to obtain and parents were encouraged to reconcile problems within the family for the sake of the family.It was n't until the mid 70's when divorce was made easy that families began to fall apart,divorce could be obtained after 1 year separation with a "no fault clause"...meaning no one any longer had to accept any responsibility for what they were wanting to do.And now 60 years on we have this minority group wanting same sex marraige under the guise of equal rights.

    I do not have a problem if same sex couples want to be together,but if its just about equal opportunity under the law with regards to taxes,welfare etc,allowing them the same security that normal families have,well that's ok with me.But please do not allow marraiges,it lessens the value of a true family unit,that of a husband and wife,a man and a woman.I recently read that elton john put down on his child's(adopted) birth certificate that david furnish,his partner,as the mother.I rest my case.

  4. Some of the attitudes on here are disgusting. Boats full of human beings are drifting out at sea desperate and hungry and some of the attitude is "so what, they are Muslims they deserve it" you do know it is the Rohingya that are victims of brutal prejudice in Burma right? Think before you Start spitting your ignorant, racist bile. And Yes I would take them into the uk where despite similar attitudes multi-culturism works.

    I find the attitude of the bleeding heart liberals disgusting. If these scumbags turned up at the Thai border and claimed to be 'refugees' they would soon be told to clear off, so they wallow about in boats hoping people will have 'compassion' for them, believe their lies about persecution and look after them and their many offspring. The boats should be given food an water and towed back out to sea. These people were not forced onto the boats, are not escaping a war and will only cause a headache in a Buddhist country just like they did where they come from.They have no right to enter Thailand legally so they are playing the asylum card like so many others, luckily the Thais are not as stupid as the west so far. Multi multiculturalism has not work in the UK it has been a divisive disaster, ask the 1500 children raped and tortured in Rotheram what they think about the socialist multi cultural dream

    Here come the labels. Believing in human compassion makes you a bleeding heart liberal

    Go figure.

    Have you ever considered that it is because of the lottery of birth that you are allowed to sit here and freely spout your racist bile? These people on the boats weren't so fortunate as you. And you can't sit there and ajudge every single one of them to be a terrorist or a pedophile. People are victims of their environment and you can very much make a case for colonial powers leaving Burma in the state it was in. Look at India and Pakistan, Israel and places in Africa and south America for the same results.

    Hell look at what is gonna on in the middle east right now. Constant wars and interference from so called civilized nations so that they can grab land and oil. And if multimedia culturism is such as a failure that many of you racists on here claim it is, then the UK would be in a state of civil war and there would be mass fighting in the streets? Is that happening? No. A few incidents? Yes but no society will ever be perfect. What about the many hard working people of all backgrounds that have assimilated into British society and own businesses, become politicians etc and take care Of their family? I know many people like this personally and would say that these people FAR out number the nefarious minority.

    I see many of you using Muslim grooming gangs as an example of a failire of multi culturism. It's sick and depraved and I hope these gangs get severely punished. But hang on a second? Haven't we recently had a massive scandal into the UK after the death of Jimmy Savile where many high up (and fully native) members of the British establishment were molesting children in hospitals en masse and got away with It for many many years? Why aren't you condeming them? Just easier to blame brown people right?

    Call me a bleeding heart liberal all you want. At least I'm not a decrepit, ignorant, bitter old racist who is devoid of compassion.

    the point of immigration is to assimilate,educate,take on to a certain degree the customs of that country.You are quite right many have assimilated well into british way of life and have become model citizens.But there are thousands more who have not,,and some of the mad mullah's in the UK are feeding off their isolation.It's these extremist islamists that are causing the problems socially in the west(biting the hand that feeds them) and they are no different to the red neck christian fundamentalists who spout their venom at the poor in the USA.

  5. Some of the attitudes on here are disgusting. Boats full of human beings are drifting out at sea desperate and hungry and some of the attitude is "so what, they are Muslims they deserve it" you do know it is the Rohingya that are victims of brutal prejudice in Burma right? Think before you Start spitting your ignorant, racist bile. And Yes I would take them into the uk where despite similar attitudes multi-culturism works.

    You are joking? multi culturalism works in the uk? maybe in the countryside,but in the cities.?and like i said before,you take in 10 yourself,feed them take care of them,they will stay forever and i dont think you could do this forever.that's what countries are being asked to do.Thailand is a buddhist country,it is already taking care of people from myanmar,it gives visas,work permits to cambodians laotions,burmese etc.It has a civil war in the south.does thailand want,need more strife.It's up to the myanmar govt. and bangladesh govts. to fix their own problem!

  6. As an Ex-Pat, if you dont like Thailands policy your free to hope on a boat and leave.

    wish there was HOPE on those boats and wish there was compassion in your heart but alas there is NEITHER

    Yes but if say 10 refugees came knocking on your door would you be prepared to look after them for ever?I dont think so ,but that's what people are asking countries to do.It's a mess with no answer and a lot of all this has to do with islam(the religion itself) and the disruption and hatred to people's lives.,IT'S A CANCER THAT IS SPREADING FAST.

  7. There is no answer to this almost world wide problem.Yes humanity says they must be let in and taken care of,this would be the christian,buddhist thing to do.But at a price that destabilises the local population?and makes matters worse.Its a fact world wide that when a country has too many aliens within its borders the social fabric of that country can break down.

    The logical answer would be to return migrants fleeing from terror or economic meltdown and sort out the govt. of the country they are fleeing from.

    And what's the "social fabric" of Thailand anyway?

    Alcohol, prostitution, drugs, rape, cold blooded murder, racism, hypocrisy, ravage, rage, corruption, tyranny, coups ...?

    Certainly enough reason to hold on to it and defend it with another bullet.

    I wait for Thailand to fall into genocide mode and then we will remeber, once again. Before that, we will remember what to do when the next disaster strucks them and they come crying and begging. We will just turn our heads! Trust this!

    This country gets sicker by the hour. Their home grown cancer is far to advanced.

    almost sounds like the UK.....A COUP COMING TO DOWNING STREET SOONfacepalm.gif

  8. There is no answer to this almost world wide problem.Yes humanity says they must be let in and taken care of,this would be the christian,buddhist thing to do.But at a price that destabilises the local population?and makes matters worse.Its a fact world wide that when a country has too many aliens within its borders the social fabric of that country can break down.

    The logical answer would be to return migrants fleeing from terror or economic meltdown and sort out the govt. of the country they are fleeing from.

  9. As callous as it seems, it would appear that all countries are in favor of giving them food, water & medicine and sufficient fuel so they can return to where they came from, be that Myanmar or Bangladesh. It was mentioned on the news that some Myanmar migrants were telling UNHCR officials they were Rohingya refugees so they would qualify for aid assistance.

    And now the Phillipines has announced the same will apply should any boats arrive in it's waters.

    It is the correct thing to do as letting them in would send the message that any arrivals by boat will be taken care of. This would have 100,s of thousands turn up in days. This is simply not the solution.

    As shown by Thailand and other countries ... assist and help them in a humanitarian way with food, water & all the essentials.

    Next step would be to go after the smugglers and kill them. This will stop further boats coming and also assist those in need now.

    or go after the buddhist monks who encourage their persecution.These are the people who should be ashamed of themselves pretending to represent a religion.

  10. ISIS is active where those who finance and supply it feel the need to destabilze governments or start another type of confilct.

    It doesn't look like Thailand is in that league at the moment so don't worry.

    For general fear mongering and seeding of islamophobia, yes, Thailand with it's global flow of tourists could be an easy target with it's utter lack of security awareness and easy accees to anything you need to make something that goes BOOM!

    yes destabilise,divide and conquer,i would have thought southern thailand would be perfect for ISIS,but its too early for that,they have bigger fish to fry in the levant.

  11. From reading some of the members comments I see that the US fear mongering is working...what if the sky starts falling?

    Most people want peace and that will only happen when the US stops invading and occupying Muslim lands. (For whatever reasons)

    I am not pro Muslim nor anti American I do not glorify any war or violence! To date no act of congress (other than

    providing the money) as declared a legal war in any Muslim country. Prove me wrong! How would people from the US

    UK, Australia, Thailand any country feel if they were invaded by anyone? Friends and family killed? How much apathy

    would you all still have?

    am not so sure this is about payback time for what the west has done in the past but more of a sunni v shia thing,and also that they are hell bent on sharia law!

  12. Experiencing Thainess, its all part of the campaign to show the world how generous and welcoming Thais are to tourists.

    See how they make the 800bht tip mandatory, how much more Thainess can that beclap2.gif

    the tip i suspect is "service charge"....which i hate cos they are assuming the food and service warrant it,which is not always the case.

  13. Ok, so...

    1. It's not really having any health effects on me (so far). I don't even get hangovers.

    2. I strictly drink after 8pm, so it's not having an impact at all on my daily/social/etc. life.

    3. When I was in hospital I didn't have a drink for a whole week and there weren't any negative effects apart from having some trouble to sleep.

    I asked this question because when my Thai doctor asked me he replied "that's way too much".

    you worry too much,be careful stress does n't get you first

  14. I have read that we can leave Thailand and get a 30 day tourist (visa) or 60 day tourist visa from Laos. Surely this would compromise our non-immigrant 'O' visa already in passports?

    this happened to me a few years ago.I went out of thailand to malaysia,got a tourist visa,came back in,and waited for the extra month to season money.went back to immigration and they re instated my retirement extention.Ask your immigration if they will do this for you.

  15. no one in their right mind would prefer to be in a relationship with someone much older.It's simply a trade off where needs must.If a young asian lady has a high education,is well qualified,and can earn more than enough to support herself,save,get a morgage,i dont think she's going to be looking at some old fella for a relationship.When i go back to sydney i see hundreds of young asian ladies,and they would not give me the time of day......they dont have to.

    So come on guys do not be kidding ourselves...you want a young lady here you are going to have to pay for the priviledge.

    My husband is 15 years younger than me. He makes more money than I do.

    lucky you...but you are the exception rather than the rule.

  16. I do not understand how they can get a alive person from the EU England or American who will work for almost nothing

    My Relatives are during much better all have 55 inch TV A/C running 24 hours a cars Free Food (they are eating cheese and steaks yes steaks on free stamps.

    When the have babies they even get more

    I guess My Relatives are lucky to be poor in America

    Learn to me smart and get everything free in America

    yes your relatives are lucky,not so the reported 42% of the population on food stamps.Some people feel that the quality of life they enjoy here and the smaller salary are worth it!..........not everyone believes the USA is 'god's own country"

  17. Three main possibilities

    1. Liver disease. It is not so much that the liverswells as that liver damage causes an accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (ascites).

    2. Metabolic syndrome with or without overall obesity. In this weight is disproportionately gained around the middle. It is accompanied by abnormally high levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and is a strong risk factor for heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

    3. Obesity with weight gain disproportionately around the middle but without metabolic syndrome (likely to develop it eventually tho.)

    Advice a check up that includes abdominal ultrasound, liver enzymes (ALT, AST), fasting glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol panel (HDL, LDL). Most hospitals offer check up packages that include these.

    beer can increase that on males. Specially if the fat is below the muscles. My father looked like pregnant, but in the 12th month, a bit of a fatty liver.

    Doc (country side) told, don't so much, don't drink any alcohol till the liver is fit again, come back with 15 kg less in 4 month.

    He ate only half of normal didn't drink one glass (usually pretty heavy drinker). 3 Month later, everything perfect.

    (no one ever told him that it is difficult to diet) He was like 55 years and looked like 40. Afterwards he looked like 65.

    He lost the not so much fat under the skin first.....

    I would guess he lost too much weight.

  18. I'm a Walking beer barrel .

    Do you mind if I say a 'Walking Street beer barrel'.

    Five days a week is a lot of drinking whether you walk or not. At least your mates aren't wearing their knees out.

    You know the answer. Diet, exercise and good life. Up to you.

    If you dont already you could try drinking low cal beer!

  19. I intend to apply in the uk.

    I need to apply for a crimminal record check certificate to present to the embassy.

    If your misdemeanor was a long time ago i would not expect it to be on record now so dont worry.there is no such thing as a retirement visa,its just an extention to a 1 year non "o" immigrant visa that you can apply for after the 1 year is up.I think you have to be 65 or over to get this extention(i could be wrong about the age)

  20. trouble is there's too much information out there to digest everything(no pun intended)...my MIL used to eat copious amounts of dripping on bread(fat left over from the sunday roast) and lived to be 92.............biggest killer in my opinion is stress,more than alcohol or smoking fags!

    My grandmother said to eat just a little bit of what you fancy...........eat too much of unhealthy foods and you will have problems later on.

    As for cooking in pork fat(good or bad) i have no idea.If frying(always in shallow oil) i use virgin coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil,just my preference.

  21. no one in their right mind would prefer to be in a relationship with someone much older.It's simply a trade off where needs must.If a young asian lady has a high education,is well qualified,and can earn more than enough to support herself,save,get a morgage,i dont think she's going to be looking at some old fella for a relationship.When i go back to sydney i see hundreds of young asian ladies,and they would not give me the time of day......they dont have to.

    So come on guys do not be kidding ourselves...you want a young lady here you are going to have to pay for the priviledge.

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