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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. Dont they have equal rights already with regard to tax laws and welfare laws.but now they want to marry,just tell me whose going to be mummy and whose going to be daddy?

    Marraige is an institution to foster and nurture children in the ways of female and male,one is supposed to compliment the other,so please leave marriage alone as it is meant to be,and let same sex relationships be as they are in a defacto status just as heterosexual couples do who decide not to marry.

    Equality in every walk of life is just a dream,no one is really equal as we are all different.Different in our intelligence,different in the way we have been raised and the environment we have been brought up in.Communism tried to change all that but it did n't work.

  2. Buffalo manure.

    He came to power believing his legacy was to stop America's involvement in overseas conflict after the disaster that was bubya.

    So he is in denial re ISIS and Iran,and will leave the WH with his legacy intact and a world spiralling into destruction.ISIS are everywhere,north africa down to nigeria,middle east of course,next step the "stans' on russia'a doorstep.They are already in europe as a 5th column.

    germany.france the uk and scandinavia are being overrun by immigrants,add italy,spain, and greece,turkey too.It's an avalanche that cannot be stopped without excessive force.

  3. The west is as much to blame for what happened as are the bosnian serbs,the west turned their backs to the plight of the bosnian muslims.

    There is no honor in war,just lies,deceit and expediency.

    The multinational arms companies have replaced the word 'expediency' with 'expenditure'.

    When you produce something it needs to be tested,hence the continual need for conflict.You carry 500,000 army it needs exercise,the symmetry is beautiful(sic).

  4. The nordic north and latino south do not make good bed fellows.The southern euro countries should have a euro 2 currency half the value of the original euro.

    austerity,low to no interest rates,QE..........its a plan to create serfdom,and when the shit does hit the fan inflation will roll in to devastate everyone's money and make it worthless just like in zimbabwe.Welcome to the new world order controlled by big business with their political lackey's.

    The only way to ride out all of this will be land ownership where you can survive on what you grow,chickens,ducks goats maybe pigs,grow your own vegetables.Stock pile essentials,sugar,cooking oil,rice etc.

    You think i am being alarmist,fanciful? Just watch its happening before our eyes.

  5. What you actually see is biased reporting.

    There are bad events..and killings...everywhere. Not exclusive to the USA.

    You will be duped into believing that the USA has "Karma" or some other wicked, imaginary, powers instigating murders and such.

    There are events going on around the world....that you don't read about. (TV seems to concentrate only on the USA).

    In the philippines, for instance...people get murdered by other ways....bolo attacks (machete).

    you are right,violence has been spreading around the world for a long time now.

  6. When i first arrived here i traveled a lot inside thailand,laos and cambodia,but after a time i am just happy to settle on Samui.Often think about re locating but would need a very good reason to do so.Samui is an easy place to live if you have retired and friends are easy to make,so you sit back in a comfortable life style.....hard to beat.

    I'm just surprised that the bib hasn't caught up with u sbc after all this time

    Some old guys refuse to die 5555

    So you to are still alive,trapsing around the outback,a veritable nomad,while your better half plunders the housing market.tongue.png

  7. When i first arrived here i traveled a lot inside thailand,laos and cambodia,but after a time i am just happy to settle on Samui.Often think about re locating but would need a very good reason to do so.Samui is an easy place to live if you have retired and friends are easy to make,so you sit back in a comfortable life style.....hard to beat.

  8. Just doing their job,but do find it annoying that many do expect a tip just for handing you a bottle of beer,i never tip on 1 or 2 beers but i will tip if i've had a good time,staff have been friendly and good service.

  9. Everyone is making a major production out of what Trump said, but in reality, there are a hell of a lot of people who agree with his comments.

    yes and the americans are crazy enough to vote him in.Ronald reagan got voted in cos everyone was fed up with carter who appeared to be weak and vascillating.OK he had experience as governor of California and trump is an experienced businessman with a big mouth and an even bigger ego but americans like strong talking dudes so maybe just maybe he could get the nod,stranger things have come true!

  10. Bill cosby like rolf harris and jimmy saville all believed their celebrity status allowed them to do anything they wanted without repercussions,just like politicians they deny deny deny,no conscience,supressed over decades of abuse.They failed to take note that what goes round comes round.

    Power(power over people)corrupts and as we know corrupts absolutely.good riddance.

  11. Is there a free health care scheme? I was under the impression the maximum payment of 30 baht only covered prescription drugs,and then only from a govt. hospital in the area where their identity card was issued.I have never heard of free medical treatment,say for example surgery,thais still have to pay for this,albeit a lot less than a private hospital,but they still have to pay,its not free.There is no free health care yet!

  12. If you married into a middle class thai family that had money would this be happening?I dont know,just asking.Most of these stories on TV come from and are about poor thai families in rural Isaan

    We fall into the trap of expecting love for love's sake,but deep down we know that's not how it works in thailand.The amount of love you receive is equal to the amount you take care(financially)..........and should the money run out so will the lady as she has no govt. assistance like we do in the west.

    It's a sobering thought "buyer beware"...because that's what is happening,we are in some respects buying love.

    I appreciate many posters here will say"that's not the case in my relationship",and my response would be "i am happy for you"...you are lucky!

  13. OP you may love your wife, but she has let all this happen. As you said she had all now she has nothing. She may have pressure from the family, but there comes a time where she must say enough is enough OR if not its time for you to move on.

    I know it is easy to say (hard for you to do), but if it was me I would have already left, she went way past the limit.

    In thai society the man rules,so pressure from the brother and she caved in.Sounds like the OP is not always in thailand but sending the money.It is sad but so many just grab the money without a thought for anyone else.To be safe(money wise) you really have to be on the scene 24/7 and have total control of the money, and know your adopted family.

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