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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. anyone into fixing ailments with chinese/thai herbs? I am looking for a practioner to dispense in liquid form a remedy for a toxic rundown liver or alternatively if anyone knows where i can buy a ready made up bottle from a thai pharmacy would be helpful and much appreciative.

  2. am looking for a chinese doctor who prescribes chinese herbs in a liquid form primarily to treat an overloaded toxic liver.In the past i have always used western herbs such as st.mary's thistle,dandelion,slippery elm etc. but find it hard to get in thailand so i thought i'd go the way of local herbs.If anyone can i would be much appreciative.

  3. if nothing else it makes a good story.always a nightmare when losing cash,passport,credit cards etc,and probably staying in a cheapie room there's nowhere safe to leave personal possessions so he takes it with him.I dont know why he's complaining about photo ID at airport,i think all airlines want photo ID before boarding.this story could have been about any travel destination.

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  4. Original Post:

    earlier this week BON(thai owner of my bar)was shot and killed.very sad.RIP my friend,you will be sorely missed

    The My Bar is owned by a lady. BON a casual helper there. So please let's get our facts right before we post such topics.

    Reason for shooting? Perhaps left unsaid.

    roo,is the fact that he was or was not the owner that important?the fact that he was killed and will be missed surely is more to the point,and that was the reason i posted it.........jeez!

  5. When did this happen ? her bar was the first bar on Samui i had a beer in. it used to be on the opposite side of the road then. a lovely woman and can't think of a reason anyone would want to kill someone like her.

    RIP BON sad.png

    you have the wrong bar.you mean mai's bar by lomprayha turning. i am talking about MY BAR which is by the bridge,coming into mae nam on right hand side.

  6. How dense are you?

    These are spam/phishing emails.


    well if you are referring to me then i would agree i am denser than you,but you know shit happens,you dont think,click on,get curious and find you've been invaded.never mind i've not had anymore for over 24 hours,did n't give any info away,have antivirus so maybe all not lost.
  7. ^ I hope you didn't give them any personal info. Did they ask for any ??

    hi MJCM,no i just returned the email to sender address and told them not to send anymore

    they did n't ask for any.it just quoted a cancellation number to a supposed order i had made(which i had n't)and they listed a book i had supposed to have ordered
  8. "I keep getting automated cancellation notices from amazon.com for products i have never ordered.

    I have replied asking them to fix the problem but with no luck."

    These are phishing/malware scams and do not emanate from Amazon.

    Just look at the real link in the email which will have nothing whatsoever to do with Amazon.

    Do NOT reply and do NOT click on the links. You can forward the emails to Amazons anti-phishing dept if you like and you will find the address on the Amazon help page.

    unfortunately i have already sent message back to sender.what can i now do to protect myy information and security
  9. I keep getting automated cancellation notices from amazon.com for products i have never ordered.

    I have replied asking them to fix the problem but with no luck.

    The automated cancellation orders come through at 11.14am and 11014pm everyday.

    Can anyone help me to explain how to fix this?

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