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Posts posted by samuibeachcomber

  1. If newly arrived in thailand i would stay away from any tap water.You can buy clean water from reverse osmosis machines for 1 baht a litre.Once acclimatised brushing teeth from tap water is ok,as is washing friut and vegies,but shake off excess water first before eating.Boiling tap water is ok as long as you boil the water for several minutes first, but the taste is lousy.

  2. had this done earlier this month, my address appeared on the paper between my surname and first name!

    i have to do in a couple of weeks. What is required now for 90 day report is it just walk in with passport and say for my 90 days.report no other document now required?

    yes,just front up with passport and tell them your here for your 90 day report,no more form filling.

  3. I was in no way addressing any specific instance.

    I know but this thread is about my experience!

    OK -- If you asked the doctor in question why he/she (according the the OP) misdiagnosed the young girl in question, the answer would be either:

    1. I really screwed up on that one, or

    2. The scenario as presented by the OP is not an accurate assessment or presentation of the details in the incident in question.

    Take your pick -- but until you hear the other side, we are only hearing how you choose to relate the situation.

    3. or the doctor may have thought"i dont really care"

  4. It would seem that my original post has become de-railed, 'scuse pun.

    I have watched and experienced with horror the idiocy of many Thai drivers and it would seem that if I decide to travel by ferry to Don Sak there is a risk that I might drown if i the ferry sinks. I think the odds are that I should be OK.

    I will then have to travel for about 1 hour in a bus which may be serviceable/might have a qualified driver (whatever that means)and who is not taking amphetamines to keep awake. This seems to me to be the weakest link as far as safety and my travel arrangements are concerned.

    One hour road travel should raise the odds in my favour a little as against road all the way to BKK.

    The flying is not a worry at all since the airline has operational approval and operates to laid down standards with proper training..

    So it seems to me that in order to save 10000 odd Baht and travel for the best part of a working day using Air Asia, the biggest risk is the one hour travel by road to/from Surat airport. Decisions, decisions.facepalm.gif

    well the 1-2 hour bus journey from donsak to the airport is so slow (never travel above 50 klm. per hour) that an accident if it were to happen would just wake you up from your slumbers....................

  5. i have travelled many times by bus in thailand,but i dont anymore.too many crazy bus drivers driving too fast(usually trying to make up lost time)to get to the ferry terminal at donsak.its the same with visa runs,ok they are small mini buses but the drivers have the same mentality of wanting to speed at 100-120klm,driving on the wrong side of the road,overtaking on bends with no clear vision of whats coming at them.

    dear "mole" you continue to travel by bus by all means..............but too many of us have had bad experiences catching a bus.

  6. Wait until these people meet the local PNG population.

    The PNGers unlike the Australians won't take any guff and they'll only need look at the troublemakers to encourage peaceful behaviour.

    Once word gets out on the hospitality awaiting in PNG, the refugee flow will slow to a trickle.

    lets hope so!

  7. this self policing idea is great in a perfect world but we're not in one,thats why countries have a police force to enforce the law.Koh samui has the laws but they are not enforced.So if we want less accidents for example,the police need to be out there to catch people that dont wear helmets,drivers who speed and who also "drink and drive".Heavy fines do the trick,when it hurts the "pocket" people usually fall into line.

    • Like 1
  8. the OP sounds like he's had enough of thailand and perhaps his thai wife too.When the love affair(thailand)finally wears off all the things you really dont like come to the fore.If living here and you want to be happy you have to accept the culture warts and all,keep a tight reign on your money and dont worry about the in-laws................i mean they are not going to change or suddenly have a "road to damascus experience" and accept that our ways are the right way to live.

    • Like 1
  9. Money Numbah One !

    And they'll lie and cheat for it just like anyone else in the world and even if they had a bellyful of whatever they wanted they'd still lie and cheat because, like Aesop's fabled fox, they can't help themselves.

    Just bear that in mind and you'll survive.

    not all thais.but for many what you say has a certain ring of truth

  10. ....and yet another smash, this time at the top of Soi 4 (Soi Piangjai) where it appeared that a pickup failed to stop at the top of the road and careered straight in to the side of an oncoming car from Choengmon.

    Happened about 12.30 am this morning. Not sure about injuries, didn't want to stop and rubberneck.

    Add to that the terrible accident around three weeks ago I saw near Sabinglae restaurant where the two English guys were killed and the one I saw that started this thread and I've really had enough.

    When will someone do something about this carnage on the roads?

    All appear to be driver error what can we do.

    there is only one answer....................nothing! however the Samui authorities in conjunction with the police could set up breathaliser units plus the use of radar to catch speeding drivers(after having decided upon speed limits around the island and put up signs with the speed limit on).And lastly from now on make it obligatory to take driving tests before a licence can be issued.Which would mean more spot checks to see if rider/driver has a licence.No licence impound car/bike.Of course i cant see it happening,There is now very heavy traffic every day around the n/e part of the island.Spot checks would only increase this.

  11. Oceanic survey ship re feasibility of a bridge & extension of existing runway into the Gulf.

    Sounds believable?Na wink.png

    This is what it say's about it, she is a Super Yacht.


    Thanks for that Rooo. (I prefer your first description of her giggle.gif )

    She certainly is a big sucker.

    attachicon.gifAsean Lady.jpg ASEAN LADY

    attachicon.gifAsean Lady2.jpg SINGAPOREAN CARRIER giggle.gif

    Never seen a yacht like this; amazing but also strange but it certainly has HUGE spaces on its 3 decks (and below).

    The Asean LADY IS owned by a Singaporean businessman (South Africa born), Brian Chang* who chairs shipyard Yantai Raffles in China whilst the interior has been designed by his wife Annie Chang.

    * http://www.forbes.co...Chang_6BQZ.html




    i'll drink to thattongue.png

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