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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. Photographer at a wedding was knocked out yesterday when he was hit by a huge block of cheddar that fell from the kitchens. Everyone did try to warn him….????
  2. I haven't been suffering with insomnia, so I went to see a doctor. He said, “Sleep on the edge of the bed, you’ll soon drop off”
  3. Calm down. Keep your hare on!
  4. I guess that the restriction will be removed after the London office opens and the Wise guys have had their first cup of coffee.
  5. I initiated a transfer on Friday 30 Sept. Rate was 42.1486 THB/GBP. Today's rate is 42.2217, so it appears there hasn't been any huge movement in the rate. I just received an email that the money has been sent and will appear in my Thai account at 1401 today.
  6. I think I know the answer but I forgot it. I had it on the tip of my tongue.
  7. Time to worry is when she starts looking in bridle shops.
  8. AFAIK - Top end of Soi Noen Plubwan (Soi Muslim) and turn left towards Soi Siam Country Club - in that area.
  9. I bought myself a new drill with a hammer action button. When I read the instruction leaflet it said “You can’t touch this”.
  10. Yellow was his best friend ...
  11. Click on the three dots (top-right of your post).
  12. When I got home the first thing I saw was that the "Welcome" doormat was missing. I went inside and found that the bath mat had gone too. In the bedroom all my wife's wigs, and my spare toupe had been stolen. Police think it was the work of rug addicts.
  13. A farmer thought that the barn he kept his chickens in was haunted. Turns out it was a poultrygeist. He had to call an eggsorcist.
  14. My luggage was torn to pieces, so I asked my lawyer if I could sue the airline. He said, “You don’t have much of a case”.
  15. Some British accent jokes:- Women can do a much better Black Country accent than men. That’s because the female of the species is more Dudley than the male. Yorkshire chap asks a goldsmith to make a statue of his dog. Goldsmith asks “Eighteen carrat?”. He replies, “Nay, chewing a bone”. A Geordie chap walked into a hairdressers and asked “Can I have a perm please?” Hairdresser replied, “I wandered lonely as a cloud….” I was walking through Botanic Gardens in Belfast the other week when I saw two ducks. One said “quack”. The other said “slow down, I’m going as quack as I can”…. A man walks into a bakers in Glasgow and says “is that a cake or a meringue?”. The chap says “no, you’re right. It’s a cake”. Jousting. What a Brummie asks a bee. A Yorkshireman takes his cat to the vet to be neutered. ‘Is it a tom?’ asks the vet. He replies, ‘No. I brought it with me”. A man walks into a retro shop in Birmingham. He says “I’d like a kipper tie please”. Chap behind the counter says “milk & sugar?” A man goes to a barber in Glasgow, and wriggles about in the chair for a second before he settles. The barber says “comfy?”. He says “Govan”.
  16. Surely it's wrong and abnormal to withhold the identity of the shareholders from the owner - "for several months".
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