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Everything posted by chickenslegs

  1. You're still waiting for his first vowel movement?
  2. Welcome back Monsieur. I hope this doesn't mean that Owl is on another compulsory holiday.
  3. He got some extra time because he came equipped for violence - wearing body armour. Also, IMO, he deserved to be treated more severely due to his police background. Better behaviour should be expected from people who are supposed to uphold the law..
  4. ... but the tragedy starts with the fear and medical/scientific ignorance that induces it. Children were dying in school minivans in Thailand well before covid.
  5. Heatstroke? “In the confined space of a car, temperatures can climb so rapidly that they overwhelm a child’s ability to regulate his or her internal temperature. The body, especially a small body, can go into shock quickly, and circulation to vital organs can fail.” https://globalnews.ca/news/2142475/heres-what-happens-to-your-body-when-youre-left-in-a-hot-car/
  6. ^ This. It's unbelievable that no effort is made to verify the wherebouts of a child missing from the classroom. Yet it's a common factor in every one of these tragedies.
  7. That reminds me of the terrible day when my best friend got run over by a red lorry, then a yellow lorry, then another red lorry and a final yellow lorry. Telling his wife how he died was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
  8. Was it uphill all the way there - and all the way back home? ????
  9. Mole (aged 13¾)
  10. It was a Royal Command performance when Her Majesty was just a teenager ...
  11. If money has been given I'm guessing it wasn't a loan but a donation.
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