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Everything posted by wensiensheng

  1. There are quality Chinese tourists. Singapore targets high rollers with its integrated resorts, as does Macao with its outright Casino operations. Believe me, they spend big. Of course they don’t usually travel around on tour buses 😂
  2. Sometimes the condo owner has a contract with the condo builder/manager allowing the latter to rent out his apartment. So the owner of the condo may not actually know to whom their apartment is being rented. So the question is a valid one in some cases.
  3. What has the 90 day visa got to do with this issue? If the visa was for 30 days would it stop these people coming on holiday and acting as they do? SMH
  4. Young people coming on holiday to Thailand where drug use is legalised, drink relatively cheap and prostitutes openly available for hire…of course they want to party all hours. The fault lies with whomever is renting out the rooms, almost certainly against the condo rules. THEY are the ones the other owners should be complaining about. I f you pay peanuts you get monkeys and if you rent rooms to young people on holiday and out for a wild time, you get noise at all hours. just once I wish Thai people would complain about the cause, not the symptom of a problem.
  5. I don’t know if the drop is 94% or not, but based on what is see in Phuket, it is a very very significant drop indeed. What nonsense, Thailand still the top Chinese destination. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  6. Exactly what I say on every thread like this. Thailand gets the tourists that match the services that it provides. Remove the easy sex, drugs and drink and you would get a different kind of tourist. I recently commented on the difference between Pattaya and Danang. Both R and R destinations for IS service men during the Vietnam war, one now a family resort, the other a sleaze pit. Pattaya gets the tourists that it was built for, and the building was done by Thai’s keen to make quick money without the need for capital investment
  7. And yet the first two buses presumably also ignored the checkpoint and did not crash as a result of overheated brakes? Sounds like waffle to me. Can’t see the checkpoint would do anything other than maybe wake the driver up a bit
  8. Hmm, 3 am crash. Immediately makes me think of a sleepy driver. Maybe not, but it’s my first thought
  9. Well if there is a concern over the quality of tourists, and 90% of bookings are Russians, it would suggest exactly where the authorities need to look!
  10. Good to see that in the light of all the recent farang bad behavior, the police are stepping up their crackdown on not wearing helmets. That’ll stop farang from having it off on the beach and wandering around naked. of course, traffic stops also fill police coffers….
  11. I don’t see why renewing his U.K. passport whilst in overstay is a big deal. The UK authorities don’t ask for evidence of his ability to stay in Thailand before renewing it. So they would just renew it, as they would for any British citizen. I can see the point of routinely checking for criminal convictions in the UK, but let’s face it, the guy has been in Thailand for 25 years so recent UK criminality is unlikely. more than likely he is someone who has just led a quiet life in Thailand without bothering anyone and so never needed to be bothered by officialdom
  12. It’s the same with any subject you care to mention. All the laws and rules in the world are useless without enforcement and Thailands police enforcement of laws is haphazard at best, non existent at worst
  13. Just as well since you just cancelled all tourist visas 😂
  14. I don’t get it. If a visa free period is only 7 days, so what? The visas are handed automatically, assuming the applicant isn’t already blacklisted. So the visa period doesn’t make one whit of difference to whether the tourist coming in is a bad person or not. And the new online application requirement ( that isn’t a visa) requires the same information as a visa application. So the purpose of reducing the visa period is……what?
  15. And yet the police find no evidence of prostitution in Pattaya…..
  16. It’s interesting that there is nothing wrong with the system per se. The article talks of the system being maxed out and of unpaid license fees. So the issue is, as usual, one of maintenance. Whether it’s tsunami warning systems, speed cameras or immigration systems, they can all be installed and work correctly at first, but give it a few months or a year and gradually it all breaks down due to no maintenance being performed. Why? Well maintenance is low cost and low margin, therefore low opportunities to skim off the top. Big new installations to replace poorly maintained systems/equipment are a gravy train.
  17. President? Of which country would he be President?
  18. Billions. billions of baht is what they claim to be missing out on.
  19. But will people having your “ drink in the afternoon” bring in the billions of baht which they project? I doubt it very much
  20. Mass tourism is ok in and of itself. The issue is the readily available sex activities in Thailand which result in the mass tourism consisting of sexpats, rather than family groups. Eliminate what attracts these people and they won’t come!
  21. Wasn’t really much of a relationship. In the good times she used to see him 3/4 times a year and didn’t seem that worried when she didn’t see him for 2 years. Sounds to me like the guy used to see her when he happened to be in Pattaya and maybe even didn’t know that he was “married”.
  22. Unless it was a short term transaction and he only knew him biblically
  23. Bangkok hospital, one of the most expensive hospital chains in Thailand and experts at finding a way to charge unnecessary exorbitant fees.
  24. Maybe he doesn’t use prostitutes. Not everybody does
  25. I’m not quite sure that I follow you, perhaps because I’m not on a bar stool. but a quick google shows that Danang was indeed a major R and R destination during the war, partly because of its location near China beach. Pattaya also an R and R destination at the time. Pattaya now, go go’s rampant prostitution, Danang none of it. Why? Yep, the Thai desire for quick bucks fulfilling the expats desire for quick…..
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