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Everything posted by wensiensheng

  1. Same the world over. Look no further than a certain N American country to know that. Thailand is in very “good” company
  2. An incredible recovery from serious illness
  3. 5k baht is hardly a lot. A pair of earrings, like wise not much gold. Important documents? Passport, ID card, bank card? I can’t see your point 🤷‍♂️
  4. “With all this on offer it is little wonder the Brits are swapping Blighty for the Land of Smiles. What are you waiting for? Book that flight!” Perhaps most are waiting for reality to match the fantastical picture that the “article” posits
  5. Well, first of all, was this article written by TAT as an infomercial? It certainly seems so. Brits are leaving their colder climes for warmer destinations, as they have done for decades. My own sister left for southern France a year and a half ago. i am also wondering about the 285% increase in relocations since 2018, statistic. There would have been no relocations during 2020, 2021 and maybe 2023. A little thing called COVID saw to that. There is no mention of the other thing Thailand is famous for, a plentiful supply of women for single/divorced, ugly, fat men. I guess not something that would find its way into a blatant advertisement masquerading as a news article. All in all a waste of time to read type “article”.
  6. I wouldn’t call it “bizarre”. More the sort of thing I expect from Russians from time to time. No mention of why a group of police happened to be escorting him at the time he went berserk. I would have thought THAT should be the point of the story, not that he simply resisted arrest.
  7. Seemed like pushing and shoving between two drunk farang while a Thai guy in a white shirt slapped the bejezus out of one of them. Hardly the stuff to cause much alarm, in fact par for the course on Bangladeshi road.
  8. There is mention of some child pornography. No way that should be ignored.
  9. I’d avoid the child pornography site if I were you. That is no frivolous matter and whichever of the group was involved in that should get some very serious punishment. Adult porn is just people doing what people do.
  10. Motorbike accidents is my first thought whenever Samui is mentioned. There always seems to be a desperately ill banged up farang from a Koh Samui motorbike accident, in the news
  11. Ever tried entering Singapore Gardens on the Bay as a foreigner residing in the country? Discounts are for nationals only. Nobody is premium pricing foreigners, everybody is discounting for domestic nationals. or so they say 🤔
  12. If you have a very healthy balance over 800k for an extended period of time, then you might well get away with such a small shortfall for such a short period of time. After all, each extension is at the discretion of the IO. I’d whack the balance up to 1.5 mil for 6 months to show I have enough money and then throw myself on the mercy of the IO. Failing that, 30k to an agent is the convenient way to go
  13. Yup, the video posted on social media, which was discovered by the U.K. agency and used to tip off the Thai police, in no way indicates he is guilty until such time as there is a full blown trial. is that what you are saying? If so, just take a moment to reflect.
  14. Agreed. For a lot of Soi dogs being put down is a release from a life of suffering and disease. Some of the dogs that I see in Isaan villages are in a terrible state.
  15. Why don’t the locals do something? Why does it have to be the government. Might be a long time waiting for action on that front. Unless netizens get outraged by a viral video. If that happens action will be initiated immediately
  16. You think they deserve respect after getting themselves in that state? They are just lucky nothing untoward happened to them. And where were their friends? No wing person?
  17. Yes, the nipples on the guy behind are clearly visible
  18. Stopped using them a while back because it’s just so hard to use their app. VietJet is my go to airline for domestic Thai flights
  19. I get the Quiet Fishing Vilage and human cesspit bits. When was it ever a vibrant tourist hub?
  20. No mention of Pattayas principal industry of prostitution? It started during the Vietnam R and R destination during the Vietnam war as referenced in the article and has indeed flourished since that date. Quiye why such a random article should make headlines today, I have no idea 🤷‍♂️
  21. One thing is for sure, every Thai politician with links to the real estate industry will be in favour of this. Interests of the Thai general population be damned
  22. Like most these stories I don’t really understand the details of the accident. Another motorbike came hurtling out of nowhere and hit him? Oh, but he was live-streaming a tik tok video at the time. And he also blames faulty brakes….on his bike presumably. makes no sense whatsoever. Hope he gets better but, dude, these days who DOESNT know riding a motorbike in Thailand is dangerous?
  23. Classic Thailand. Put up a sign saying “safety first” and that’s it, job done in terms of health and safety. Someone dies in an accident and the reaction is “but, but, but, we put up a sign. How could this happen?”
  24. Don’t be ridiculous. These crackdowns are announced every six months or so. A few obvious trading entities that are really foreign owned will be confiscated because they get up the nose of local Thai businesses. One off house owning companies fly well under the radar because they do no harm.
  25. So out of more than 26,000 companies examined so far, 127 are seemingly dodgy. Sufficient evidence of wrong doing to warrant a full blown crackdown using software yet to be developed and projected to be available in 6 months?
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