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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Go to Trump. Do not pass go but do collect $200, whatever the story. Off topic and pathetic.
  2. Thanks Sheryl, If you have so much pain as to warrant morphine, then it is likely that the stone(s) are large. Get a second opinion and then your surgery asap. You will be safer and feel much better.
  3. Yes, 2011/12. The problems then were not so much to do with the sea-level than forced water release from the dams within the Chao Phraya river basin system after months of extra high rainfall from a strong SW Monsoon, as well as tropical depressions delivering even more rain late in the season. Earlier release of reservoir water would have helped but then there is a risk of not having enough water reserved for the following year, if there is no late rain. The Chao Phraya does not drain well due to sandbars near Bangkok, and is tidal up to just past Ayutthaya so drainage slows or stops as the tides flood. Spring high tides can cause local flooding in any case.
  4. A the great Tommy Cooper would have said: "Just like that!".
  5. Yes. 9/11 prompted the introduction of the DHS, which seems no longer to serve its intended purpose, is expensive, inefficient and poorly managed.
  6. You mean your preferred mainstream media caves that are full of praise for all things left but void of any other views?
  7. Good because you're on it but unfortunately I can still see your post of twisted words, to fit your own biased, condescending and erroneous narrative.
  8. I did not introduce increases into this discussion. You are misquoting me. Ignore list.
  9. You haven't offered an explanation to anything. You are going on my ignore list. Bye.
  10. I can't understand your rubbish so don't expect an answer.
  11. Elaborate or just talk another riddle? Which side is now tanking the markets? What bills are already spent? All gobbledygook.
  12. I didn't mention "tax rate like on the wealthy", whatever that means.
  13. Powell is concerned with interest rates, not taxation. Do you want to change the system?
  14. I don't agree that the economy is particularly strong. Of course high inflation over an extended period is unacceptable. I don't think anyone has this miracle cure.
  15. Could you possibly reword that and perhaps add some specifics?
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