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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. You tell me who were all these "leaders" that did claim that the UK would make great trade agreements outside the EU. You should have just said huge countries. Much more accurate.
  2. What I said is true. Now you add another 'claim' which was also made but by a limited number of hopefuls. Just the same as that 'sunny uplands' quote. Economist.....economist.....economist.. blah. Who are these two biggest trading blocs in the world anyway?
  3. Some of them did but not very many and certainly not as a majority. As ever, the remainers only focus on short-term economic concerns. Nothing else.
  4. Mac, the referendum was his baby. He should have been a more responsible parent.
  5. No there isn't. Elements of the UK government were hoping for better relations with the EU right after the referendum result was known. Cameron had already butted his head against the Brussels brick wall and could see the writing on it - so the coward quickly and deftly got out. The worst thing about that was the arrival of May, and we know how that worked out. Despite occasional hopeful comments from individual EU commissioners in the following years, near and in the end, it was obvious that the EU had never intended to go down the route of negotiations in "good faith", for fear that other members might also opt to quit if a good and sensible deal was possible. The political aims of the EU always override the economic ones. The idea of a sensible economic partnership is not enough for the EU and that's the main problem with it.
  6. It was a bad deal - that's why they voted against it.
  7. The EU is vindictive. But what's that got to do with the post you replied to?
  8. What is inane is to deny it. We left and they're still at it to a large degree. EU boats harvesting fish as close as 6 miles off the British coast today. Not inane so much as insane. No deal was the only way to go to get any sensible concessions from this lot.
  9. If you had been in Dad's Army you would have been Pike.
  10. With those restrictions, I would not be answering truthfully. I can't say what May could have done better because what she did do was so secretive as to be a mystery to most of her her own ministers. She started the negotiations weakly and just carried on.
  11. I won't be able to get away with answering that truthfully.
  12. That was May, who messed about until the useless Chequers deal suddenly appeared just after she went to see Mutti Merkel for a chinwag and a cuppa.
  13. Q3 2022 compared with Q4 2019. Cherry picking at its pathetic zenith! ????
  14. Well who could forget that? The WA was just a slightly revised mess that was conceived by May and the EU. To restart the whole process would have taken another age.
  15. That's because the exit part was fumbled by remainers.
  16. Yes, I became judgmental after seeing your replies to others. Then your thankless reply to me made the verdict much easier. I know enough not to want to know you more.
  17. You either didn't read my response properly, or didn't understand it, so I can't see the point of bothering with this more.
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