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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. All they have exposed is their extreme hypocrisy.
  2. It says when they are exposed beyond doubt, then they own up.
  3. You may be right with your second point. But the crew list itself is not vital right now and is not likely to be released in any case - it is the numbers of missing sailors that is important and if they can be saved.
  4. Agree. Tasteless. Not many updates - so 31 still missing as far as I see - I really hope they are saved. The weather was rough in the video but nothing that a ship that size should not be able to handle. Maybe we will learn more later.
  5. My first post had two links, not the BBC one. That first post is no longer on the board. This is a waste of time.
  6. Did you read the two links in my first post? You know, the one when you asked: "What's your point?"
  7. Yep, they should have cleared Soi 3 and the little sois at the back already in case of explosion and flying debris. Useless.
  8. EU... corruption....oh no......can't believe it. ????
  9. The palace will normally try to avoid comment on this type of thing. This is not a denial or anything else. How do you know what 'all sides' accept? What has this charity woman got to do with this?
  10. The press don't respect 'terms' much - if you are newsworthy and want them then you get what you get. Often you get them, even if you don't want them.
  11. You have yet to demonstrate your "because it's true" truth.
  12. You did - the corruption story was about the EU - not the UK.
  13. These are the official numbers. https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/who-we-are-and-what-we-do/elections-and-referendums/past-elections-and-referendums/eu-referendum/campaign-spending-eu-referendum Remain: £19,309,588 Leave: £13,332,569 When the extra £9 million of tax payers money that the Gov spent on sending their 'advice' to all UK households to recommend remaining in the EU is added, then it can be seen that more than double the amount was spent on the remain effort than on the leave campaign.
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