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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. My argument, according to your way of reasoning, is that what you say is not true. ????
  2. So show the details of 'financial backing' and how that could possibly counter the money supporting remain, including tax payers money?
  3. Your links concern periods that predate even the European Coal and Steel Community! Imperial Preference did not have to mean a hard stop to trading with The Commonwealth but EEC Preference (protection) did. In 1973, when the UK joined, the Common Agricultural Policy was already in place, with revenues from the high levies on food imports, as well as those from common external tariffs on industrial goods boosting the EEC’s own resources. At this time the UK was at an immediate disadvantage because it imported far more from non-EC countries. Tony Blair Institute globalist nonsense. No thanks.
  4. Rubbish. EEC tariffs were applied to UK trade with Australia and NZ when we joined in 1973, effectively killing imports from our Commonwealth.
  5. What is the nonsense here is your claim about the reason for the creation of the EU and also your claim that the EU can be compared with the US and China. Both wrong.
  6. Your off topic list has nothing to do with Brexit.
  7. You were around years ago when this fantasy was argued extensively - I'm not going back - I'll leave you to continue with the gravedigging.
  8. Not so. Too many political conditions attached.
  9. I have nothing better to do, so, especially as Jesus is on his way down to help, I accept.
  10. Why should the UK worry about retribution now? We've been suffering it anyway for 6 years.
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