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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Or conversely, it clearly shows why any insane person would rather vote for a syphilitic donkey and not Trump.
  2. The handling of the Afghanistan exit was a major disaster - some here expect that fact to just go away but it won't - do you really think Biden even realized that his popularity was at risk? And courage - he can't even face the press anymore.
  3. Faux outrage? A typically sad deflection. Busy on 8th. Bye.
  4. Back to Trump again - in a flash! Where is Kamala Harris anyway?
  5. Harris would be yet another liability. Where she go anyway? Expert advice only works when you are surrounded by experts - Biden seems to have missed that too - the botched departure from Afghanistan is the saddest and clearest example of this.
  6. Most of your claims above are false and misleading.
  7. Selective again? From the link at foot: Several recent polls support this conclusion. The NBC News poll shows 25% of Americans approve of the way Biden is handling the Afghanistan situation. The CBS News poll finds 74% say the removal of the troops has been handled badly by the U.S. and 67% say that Biden did not have a clear plan for evacuating American civilians. An Aug. 13-16 Morning Consult/Politico poll shows that 31% of registered voters approve of Biden's handling of Afghanistan, while 57% say (at the time of the poll) that the withdrawal is not going well. And the USA Today/Suffolk poll shows a 27% approval rating for Biden's handling of Afghanistan. https://news.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/354182/american-public-opinion-afghanistan-situation.aspx
  8. ✋ Regarding unemployment - if Trump really continued Obama's policies (don't think so) then that was still his decision and so was his policy. Whatever happened, the 2017 - 2020 unemployment data (until Covid) were Trump's. ✋ Individual Presidents rarely have full control of all financial and monetary policies and the way commercial and investment banks behave (mortgage-backed securities out of control). The 2008 GFC was further enabled by several factors, over at least 20 years - one of these was the repealing of the Glass-Steagall legislation (under Clinton). ✋ Why does a suggestion have to be a lie? Obama benefitted from the easy-money policies of the Federal Reserve for the whole of his presidency. Trump was hampered by a temporary reversal of that policy from 2017-19. Strange timing that, eh? ✋ There was no collapse in employment under Trump pre Covid. There were no vaxes widely available until this year and that is the reason for job recovery - I'm surprised that you missed that. ✋ Fauci? Cumon, man!
  9. My question was: How dies that fit with unemployment down from 4.7 to 3.5% under Trump until Covid? You didn't answer it.
  10. -Trump entered office, unemployment at 4.7% then left office at 6.7%. Loss -3.2% it was at 3.5% before Covid -Obama entered office, unemployment at 10.2% and left office at 4.7%. Gain +5.5% started in 2009 under effects of financial crisis -Trump stock market gained +64% half the duration (4 years) plus Fed rasied rates in 2017-2019 -Obama stock market gained +235% 8 years plus Fed was at full-on QE and flat rates throughout -Trump debt, $8 trillion in 4 years. half of that was due to Covid in 2020. -Obama debt, $6.8 trillion in 8 years. I see $8 trillion - Biden debt - proposes $6 trillion in 2022 alone (and get ready for the tax hikes!). So Biden will own the worst jobs & economic data since the depression. Inflation is already doubled and there will be the inveitable huge tax hikes on the way. Have a great term. Have you noticed? The Democrat pooper-scooper needs to be redesigned to suit self-use.
  11. Diverting all the way. Well done. Anyway I wasn't replying to you.
  12. You didn't answer my question but then par for the course I suppose. What you charts show me is that new jobs were already declining from 2014 under Obama and that Trump actually managed to slow that decline. The negative spike is coincident with the start of Covid - so is the big spike in unemployment (2020). The "mess" that Obama inherited from Bush are the effects of the 2008 financial crisis. Nice try but no habana!
  13. Meanwhile he’s doing a good job.........of ruining America! Vaccine roll out.........already underway while Trump was in office. Infrastructure spending........only a small part of the ridiculous total proposed. Rebuilding alliances with allies......after the Afghani debacle he's going to need a bunch of bricks for that one! Restoring US policy towards enemies.....no point...they are getting worse and only laughing at Biden. And in the background the DoJ returned to its roll of investigating and prosecuting criminals......very selectively, it seems. I want to see him do more........so do I.....do the right thing for once and resign!
  14. How dies that fit with unemployment down from 4.7 to 3.5% under Trump until Covid?
  15. You replied to a comment implying that Biden will not complete 4 years - Trump was not mentioned in habanero's post. Your selective example is typical irrelevant deflection but it does not save or absolve Biden.
  16. Just Trump again? Look at the rest. Down against all except Ford. And that's using your 538 data. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/
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