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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. If you had been in Dad's Army you would have been Pike.
  2. With those restrictions, I would not be answering truthfully. I can't say what May could have done better because what she did do was so secretive as to be a mystery to most of her her own ministers. She started the negotiations weakly and just carried on.
  3. I won't be able to get away with answering that truthfully.
  4. That was May, who messed about until the useless Chequers deal suddenly appeared just after she went to see Mutti Merkel for a chinwag and a cuppa.
  5. They are still quarters!
  6. Q3 2022 compared with Q4 2019. Cherry picking at its pathetic zenith! ????
  7. Well who could forget that? The WA was just a slightly revised mess that was conceived by May and the EU. To restart the whole process would have taken another age.
  8. That's because the exit part was fumbled by remainers.
  9. Quite a few? My mate.
  10. Yes, I became judgmental after seeing your replies to others. Then your thankless reply to me made the verdict much easier. I know enough not to want to know you more.
  11. You either didn't read my response properly, or didn't understand it, so I can't see the point of bothering with this more.
  12. Yes. Donmoon. Too many replies but from the rest - I don't think you are a dog lover. Better not buy one.
  13. A clear reference or link might have indicated the publisher - I can guess it was The Observer but why should I need to do that? The content has no real news or substance, just opinion. The EU is heading into recession as well but of course that fact is not mentioned, especially by this author, who is so obviously anti Brexit.
  14. Badly referenced woffle and mostly 'she-said'.
  15. I think my friend got both.
  16. Nice happy smile on the arm of a Ghanaian-born British Army officer. Racist? Really? Don't look like it do it?
  17. Our first dog was a Thai ridgeback. Good pedigree but abandoned as a puppy and we took her in as a bag of bones - she looked horrible! After a visit to the vet, heaps of good clean food, water and a lot of love, she turned into a real looker and fit with it. Not the biggest dog but great fun, good with kids and completely fearless - they are excellent guards (yes even the girls) and all Thai people seem to respect them! She always was always No.1 here and she is sorely missed. I'd recommend ridgebacks to anyone.
  18. If the OP is describing the same place that I think it is, then the price seems fair. As far as seeing the dog, then that is difficult but I can only assume that the breeder wants to protect the dogs from possible infections by multiple visits while they are so young. The breeder can be contacted for more info but I know that photos and pedigree details are available - the sires are in Europe and the dams are inseminated artificially here. It seems that this place relies on an established reputation to sell their limited numbers of puppies. The dog I posted about turned out to be wonderful - no bs.
  19. Maybe my AV s/ware is too protective?
  20. Perhaps Ngozi should have considered an alternate name. The Fulani have been in the slavery business for ages. https://africasacountry.com/2018/12/the-slave-holders-on-the-border
  21. got a suspect warning from that link.
  22. I think you mean Donmoon in Prae? My friend bought a bitch puppy (on line) about 7 years ago. She was delivered to Pattaya with pedigree and vax certs by arrangement. No problem. Beautiful - great nature and behaviour - faithful and wonderful. Go for it, if you have a spare racetrack!\

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