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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Rubbish - Trump encouraged fast vaccine R&D and production but it was still not vaccine available until Nov 2020. Science and direct results? Bah humbug.
  2. No, it says and means there were 351,000 under Trump's last year (2020) of administration. Apart from the first 3 weeks of Jan 2021, the rest are Biden's (at least 600,000). Vaccines were not available at all until November 2020. So are things clearly so much better now?
  3. Well you're wrong about who owns this 'vast' majority of yours: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/covid-helped-make-2021-the-deadliest-year-in-u-s-history Early last year, some experts were optimistic that 2021 would not be as bad as the first year of the pandemic — partly because effective COVID-19 vaccines had finally become available.
  4. Hillary setting a bad example. Leading Trump on. Bad girl.
  5. I am was having my TGIF beers as I inferred. Bye.
  6. I think you don't really know the truth of what's happening tight now......probably the one and only thing we have in common
  7. Bill I think you said you given up the juice. If so, well done. But TGIF and the sun is well down now.
  8. I reject your links just as you rejected mine.
  9. The requests were supposed to be from NARA. I said serious. You are not answering seriously but rather speculating again.
  10. Just elections now? Goal posts on wheels again.
  11. And if all this is so serious and true, then why have they taken 18 months to take action?
  12. Averaged GDP growth includes 2020 Covid slump for Trump - very convenient. You and your magic! LOL.
  13. I did - that what the link was for. A shame that someone having had such high clearance can create such nonsense.
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