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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Could be: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1627585/joe-biden-potus-collapse-bike-video-delaware-white-house-latest-vn
  2. Looks like you've noted a lot of stuff that 'people like me' take no notice of but with such condescending tripe, is it really any wonder?
  3. OK but don't blame Ukraine, they could have helped the homeless anytime.
  4. Talking rubbish like Spidey. The inflation of today goes back at least as far as the 2008 GFC, after which the Fed ran successive rounds of insane QE and asset purchases, printing trillions and enabling gross corporate share buybacks but only providing a superficial economic 'recovery' with this insanity. The Covid situation has made things worse at the end of Trump's term and at the start of Biden's. However Biden's reach for a quick green transformation has not helped anyone because the US and the world is not yet ready for it. Now he wants to build back better with trillions more of the magic dollars but begs for oil from the Saudis etc. If you're going to burn oil anyway, why not burn your own? That would bring down inflation and afford more funds for serious R&D for green tech. Bye.
  5. Company information / managers / contacts / function / references ..............
  6. I sent you a perfectly good link with valid data. If you can't look at a simple chart and recognize a trend then not my problem.
  7. No. But by the topic line I assumed we were talking about the USA and Joe's approval rating there.
  8. I'm talking about the timing of availability - not any possible dangers from these vaccinations. 'Highly respected' websites deserve that label if they demonstrate who they are and what they do.
  9. Can't be Joe's fault can it? After all, he said so himself.
  10. No it was not but anyway I was talking about the trend, as I described.
  11. Rising trend since end 2020. Price doubled since Jan 2021. https://www.investing.com/commodities/crude-oil
  12. Thought you would say one for her and one for the wife!
  13. Why not? They wouldn't let him be on the committee in the first place.
  14. The "suggest" word comes up again in both of these "reports" and your linked sites don't explain who they actually are. But the point is that the vaccines were broadly available during Biden's term but not so for Trump.
  15. Disagree - I think he was so busy on day one he's been exhausted since then: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/01/20/fact-sheet-president-elect-bidens-day-one-executive-actions-deliver-relief-for-families-across-america-amid-converging-crises/ As far as deaths go, I think that the vaccine availability gave Biden a much better chance of keeping the numbers down. Recent waves (4 and 5) were almost as bad as 3 and there is no excuse for those.
  16. Only had to read the first para before the blame Trump game started. Sound just like Joe now.
  17. What facts - like your Covid ones? ???? Illogical captain.
  18. 1. From outbreak to now. Biden in power for 58% of that - same ratio but vax effect only really assisting Americans after Biden got in. 2. Irrelevant.
  19. If you actually read the post I was replying to, instead of just rudely interjecting, then you might find the sense that you seek.
  20. Actually it is one of my many strong suits. Do you have any, at all?
  21. Oops, 58% of that one million have died during the present administration, even after it inherited the vaccines that did not start to become available until November 2020.

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