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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. They do seem very happy to do that. don't they?
  2. Nothing to do with what I said but that's true, I suppose. The creation of the EU has resulted in an increased security threat to the UK, member or not. The Schengen system was both poorly designed and abused.
  3. You could apply the last part of that to the EU.
  4. Agree. And as it has become now, the EU is an unnecessary protection racket.
  5. Strange that the French didn't worry about stamping British passports before we joined the EEC/EU.
  6. 'From: https://obr.uk/about-the-obr/who-we-are/ The OBR is led by the three members of the Budget Responsibility Committee (BRC). They have executive responsibility for the core functions of the OBR, including the judgements reached in its forecasts. The BRC are supported in their work by the OBR’s permanent staff of 35 civil servants. Permanent staff of 35 civil servants. 555
  7. You made your particular point quite clearly - it was hard to miss - I just added others,
  8. Not all and not many either were there?
  9. Yes. Several politicians (leave and remain) said things that were allegedly taken as promises. I took no notice and many others must have done the same.
  10. 17.8% from Belgium! Well how about that? Although EU HQ is in Brussels that's another good reason to leave. Typical though - second highest net contributor gets a just few token EU jobs in the gravy boat.
  11. The solution was not to join in the first place. The referendum "promises" were rightly taken with a pinch of salt by most, who had already decided what they wanted, one way or the other.
  12. The UK was and is paying for much more than just our own EU employees.
  13. Goes back much further than Macron and it was not all about immigration.
  14. The EU should pay in any case. Why is France full of these people waiting for boats?
  15. Not really. This insane pension pot scam is one good reason
  16. 1/ QE with low interest rates. 2/ Biden 'green' policies, pipeline cancellation, stops on new drilling in federal properties, reviews of O&G leasing and suspension and delays of same have all deterred producers from investing in new oil and risk. Yes, agree that will take time to ramp up .... if it happens. 3/ Your forecast may be correct but that doesn't address the problem now. 4/ It doesn't matter what I advocate.
  17. You can see I was talking about the problem - not the solution.
  18. They sure are boi. They're Republican! ????
  19. Takes time. Yes. So they need to get on with it, before Joe sells the rest of the strategic reserve.
  20. It's obvious that far more money was used to battle Covid.
  21. I don't have any inside track or influence with the GOP. But simply giving the US oil industry the freedom to operate that it had 2-3 years ago, with guarantees of no restrictions in the near/mid term, should fix it.
  22. I am referring to Joe Biden's "administration", which needs to change several policies, especially relating to US energy production. Why do you think his domestic approval ratings are so low now? Lower fuel prices will lower prices of everything and are possible. Fix the shortfalls in US production first, then Europe and elsewhere will improve too, although Europe is far more affected by the war than the US. If America is to continue using oil, then they can and should use their own energy and so cut out any need for desperate Saudi trips. Much better for Joe's image for him to stay at home than take off on AF1 with its enormous escort, depositing even more CO2 across the northern hemisphere skies... for nothing.

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