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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. That number, if true, is enough reason alone for the PP demo be banned this weekend. The police have no way to manage that.
  2. Complaining about murderous attacks on one side while not complaining about the barbarism by the other side that started this off, is even greater hypocrisy IMO.
  3. Maybe they should put his P45 in his hand now, so he can get some badly needed spinal reinforcement surgery.
  4. Er no. I watched one on TV, which had enough evidence of hate. This hating was not 'stopped' by any 'organizers'.
  5. Agree. Total disrespect. Saturday is Armistice Day and directly after is Remembrance Sunday. Many who want to visit and remember will want to travel and gather in London on Friday and Saturday. There are always several small reunions pre and post the parade but individually they won't number anything like 70,000 - or even 700 -these groups will be scattered about London and the people will be easily identifiable. This weak policeman is full of <deleted>. He can request a ban on any/all other gatherings that may create public disorder, or worse. The pro Palestinians have been demonstrating for 3 weekends already. Recently there were arrests, fireworks shot at police and RBL poppy sellers harassed and assaulted in rail stations. There is a real threat of violence - all other gatherings should be banned for a couple of days - show some respect.
  6. You are both guessing and making things up. Now go away like a good Dan.
  7. There were plenty of complaints about irregularities before, during and after the vote, especially in swing states. Vote count monitoring was one of these problems mentioned, where Republican observers were allegedly denied close access to the counting by (Democratic) poll center "officials". So bipartisan and careful monitoring was, reportedly, not always possible. Some of these complaints were heard in subsequent state senate hearings but it seems that was as far as they got. Some of those hearings were accessible on the internet at the time but it's hard to find much of anything like that anymore - just like everything else. Swamp Rules. OK?
  8. You guys have been so quiet recently but now the bin is open. Of course it couldn't last.
  9. This great trump witch hunt was instigated by so-called Democrats, who have had to resort to enrolling RINOS for help, because their cases are so weak otherwise.
  10. I got to the "bringing stability to the world order" bit and lost some coffee down my shirt. Yes, that's enough.
  11. Lowest inflation in G7 - a comparison - is this figure so wonderful when it is still double the target according to The Fed? record low unemployment level - it is not at a record low and now starting to rise. highest GDP growth in G7 compared to pre-pandemic level - you have to compare everything to a troubled G7! record energy production and exports - only just and there is a panic on.
  12. These 'incredible' Biden results are what? The only crack team regular I've heard of is Hunter.
  13. Sadly, it looks like Joe's cognitive faculties left the building with Elvis.
  14. Same old carp. Your link doesn't even support your silly claim.
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