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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Your kitchen table? Look back at the OP subject line, if you are able.
  2. Aha...a plot concocted at the last moment....I see. So cunning
  3. Riots are not typically the outcomes of plots. The J6 riot looked to me to be more opportunistic than anything else. "People" are not Trump. In any case, Trump has not even been charged with plotting, let alone convicted.
  4. Good. Someone is thinking. For foreigners, any levies on (historically) tax-free transfers of funds to Thailand from overseas could be significant enough for many of them to decide to relocate, or bring a lot less foreign currency into Thailand, if they can do that. This tax issue seems not final, as yet, but if this interpretation of the law is used then it will very likely cost more to apply than it actually brings in. In that case it's lose-lose.
  5. Reality... down the hall, then left, then right and then just keep going......
  6. Looks like it's for all kinds of people - all mixed up and very confusing.
  7. The Schengen regime allows freedom of movement within the EU and that's the main reason why people migrated or were trafficked to northern France so easily for years. After that, well it's just a short ride. This was all encouraged more by Mutti Merkel in 2015 and never slowed down. Now the EU is seeing so much kickback from major member states that it's finally reversing its ideas on immigration. The UK immediately lost full sovereignty in 1973, when it joined the EEC (Treaty of Rome), due to the obligations to fulfil the requirements of EEC/EC/EU Treaties and law, which have primacy in UK law. Successive treaties were not put to the people by way of referenda but these eroded away more and more sovereignty. The UK was about to lose even more but Brexit slowed down the EU steamroller in many ways.
  8. You think that overall approval of this in CO is a shock? It's a blue state! This poll won't make any difference to Trump's "brand" and will probably be reversed anyway.
  9. Impressed? Not really. But there is a marked difference between the two and Joe's wobblers are all too frequent.
  10. The old slippery ramp. At least Trump was aware enough to take care. We all know where Joe would have ended up!
  11. Forget it. The disastrous US withdrawal from Afghanistan belongs to Biden.
  12. Looks like they revised down the money a bit: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-67794032 But this is for foreign workers anyway.
  13. The EU is one of the reasons that immigration into the UK has been so high (via Schengen) but the main reason for leaving was to reclaim full sovereignty. The Conservatives ended up with an 80-seat majority but sadly have both mismanaged the Brexit process and immigration, as well as losing their huge majority. Now Captain Cameron of the (SS EU) has returned as Foreign Secretary! This has all been so bad I have to wonder if it was all intentional. Now the EU seems to be finally reversing its liberal immigration policy, which means there was a problem and that the UK was right to vote to leave in 2016.
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