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Posts posted by aqua4

  1. Hi,

    Tough questions for a number of reasons. In late last year I helped a friend who setup an outsource operation. There are a number of problems as the first is finding programmers who had English skills. There are ways around it as you could do what he did by hiring Thai programmers with Filipino writers. If you cant strike a balance then you end up with a lot of staff sitting around idle and it is not cost effective. This is what was used for sourcing personnel and the company registration:

    Thai Programmers: http://th.jobsdb.com

    Filipino Staff : http://www.ajarn.com

    Company Registration & WP's : http://www.siam-legal.com

    "Viable" is a business question and this depends on your target market. Try to source people who have more than one skill. It cuts down on the paperwork and overheads when you start.

  2. Wow lots of US bashing in this thread with the usual apologists.

    Yes it happens in the US. We know the US is almost the size of Pattaya. Yes it happens in Amsterdam, tourists being killed and nobody is found. We all know that Amsterdam is the size of Pattaya too. Yes in your hometown tourists are stabbed and killed every other week at your local bar. At least we know what sorts you hang with. Yes he died near where the tourist police volunteers hang out on Walking Street and they pointed them to the cop shop to lay a charge. What is their purpose in any event? Thought they solved tourist problems. We know! We know! Who cares!

    When we try and justify murder, attempted murder or manslaughter with it happens everywhere - then we are a slippery slope to stupidity. If you are willing to give up a bit of your security for a bit of 'freedom' then frankly you deserve neither.

  3. After some discussions, he gave up some information relating to two further Israelis suspected of involving themselves in class 1 drug activities.

    police officers disclosing to the press the source for the capturing of the serious drug dealer signed a death warrant on their informant - so no more inteligence

    The police did not give it up - the opening poster who is the 'journalist' did.


  4. :o

    Which comes first the chicken or the egg?

    Why dont you have her investigated first before you take her over to the US. It appears as if you are not certain and that tells me alot. Spend some money now rather than lose alot later. Try and get a prenuptial agreement first if you decide to go ahead.

    Here is a link to the K1 procedure:

    K1 Visa Procedure

    Try to remember that the petition can lapse if she does not get everything done quickly. Then you have to contact the embassy to ask them about an extension again.

  5. Wounds to the left side could also indicate the farangs were turning AWAY FROM the cop when they were shot - again it's a subconcious action that in unrestricted space (e.g. not restricted by someone sitting to one side or the other) most people turn to their right....

    No, it depends on where the bullet exited. Front or Rear exit would be a better indicator.

    Also, assuning a short-arris Thai cop and a lanky Canadian, just how did the cop shoot him in the mouth with the bullet travelling DOWNWARDS to his shoulder - it implies the Canadian was either bent forward from the waist in an aggressive attack stance / backing away in a highly respectful hands above head wai position, or the guy was on his knees with the cop standing "above him" when he fired.

    Does not say much as he could have been on top of the cop when the cop fired the gun. When he falls on the ground the trajectory of the bullet would show down into the mouth and shoulder even though the bullet was fired upwards when he was above the cop.

    Circumstantial evidence that can be interpreted in many ways.

  6. Hello.

    The missus and I are planning to establish a pig farm for the purpose of selling their piglets for meat. We intend on buying 8 ten-weeks old weaners from a reputable pig farm in our area, and we have estimated that within 18 months, we'll be looking at having over 100 piglets for possible sale.

    Does anyone have any experience in pig-farming in Thailand? Any tips, advice would be gratefully appreciated.


    :o You could try your hand at this mate. I looked into it a few years ago as I liked the initial prospect. My wife took me to a pig farmer that she knew and he gave me a break down of the costs and income. There is money to be made but it comes with a lot of risk. To a certain extent I am risk adverse considering the potential profit to be made.

    There are a few things to consider:

    1. The risk of loosing your investment due to stock theft and illness;

    2. The fluctuating price of pork and piglets as a whole;

    3. The changing price of already expensive feed costs

    My advice would be a scrap the idea. During 2005 I met a Thai guy who was the business development manager of an export driven livestock company. His views when we discussed farming over the period of a month was that pig farming was one of the riskiest options available in Thailand. He viewed cattle farming and poultry farming as having less risk. He was not talking about small scale farming either. If you want to get a good idea of farming - try and get your wife to look out for the farming magazines available in Thailand. Its in Thai but she could translate it for you. There are excellent magazines as they give you the low down dirty news of all the potential pit falls.

  7. It would be best to return the permit and be done with it. If you are leaving on bad terms, they could advise the labour department that you left earlier than the end of the month. This creates a problem in that you will be returning your work permit late and have to go down to the cop shop to pay a fine. I think it is 1,000 Baht.

    Get your slip to show immigration that the permit has been returned and they will stamp your passport for 7 days.

  8. Two farang missionaries just left my house - when they left, I asked them how long they'd been here - their answer, 3 months. The whole conversation we had was in Thai(apart from a couple of words). They said they had studied one hour a week for 2 months before they came.

    i find this really hard to believe.

    Agree with many points, but all in all CR lacks the cultural diversity Thailand has. By comparison, CR feels rather monotonous. Esp the food. People are not as friendly either, and I don't think personal security is comparable with Thailand. No place in Thailand, for example, is as hairy as Puerto Limon. Higher cost of living, nearly double.

    i went to see costa rica a couple years ago to see if i liked it as much as thailand and i agree with you- not nearly as diverse, interesting, or fun as thailand. horrible food. very unsafe feeling in some areas.

    Must be Mormons. The two I met spoke Thai VERY well. They had training before they came. :o

  9. It would appear that people are now starting to wash their hands of responsibility. The statement made by One2Go on television tonight, went down the lines of, we are not responsible. When it comes to Thailand it appears that no matter which way you look at it. Thai's and Falang get treated differently.

    Ill-fated One-Two-Go aircraft not covered by local insurance

    The One-Two-Go McDonnell Douglas MD 82 that crashed in Phuket on Sunday was not covered by local insurance, said Chantra Purnariksha, the head of the Office of the Insurance Commission.

    Chantra said it is not yet known whether the aircraft, which was leased by OneTwoGo from a foreign company, is covered by foreign insurance or not, something that the insurance commission still needs to find out.

    However, airline companies normally buy insurance to cover both the aircraft in operation and passengers.

    Chantra said foreign passengers usually have their own life and accident insurance, but Thai passengers, who are now being treated at local hospitals, will be able to get compensation from OneTwoGo, which will have to pay hospital bills immediately. The airline can claim those costs from its foreign insurers later.

    Chantra said that the General Insurance Association had confirmed that OneTwoGo did not have local insurance for the MD 82 that crashed. He added that he will try to find out whether the foreign owner of the MD 82, which had leased it to OneTwoGo, had insurance for the aircraft.

    Relatives of the deceased from the accident seeking to claim damages from the provincial insurance office can call 1122 for further information. Payment and compensation will only be delivered after DNA verification checks have been conducted.

    By Achara Pongvuthitham

  10. THAI president Apinan Sumanaserani said the accident did not result from pilot error

    It was not pilot error as it was the hangers fault as it shrunk overnight.

    The bus driver fled the scene. When he was questioned about the incident later, he blamed the Farang pilot of the plane for hitting his bus. :D


    2 Sticks of incense and small statue from Khun Hiso's Trading Co. - 150,000 baht

    Expenses for AOT officials to attend ceremony - 540,319 Baht

    A rear view mirror on your A-380 - Priceless


    Corruption charges surface as the incense sticks and statue was not approved correctly.

    Investigation team into the alleged corruption of incense sticks - 300,000 Baht

    Cost of medical bills for AOT officials who fell into the crack on the runway during the ceremony - 500,000 Baht


  11. I sit in the same boat as the OP. Now that the wife has completed university we have to move along this year. It was not an easy choice and I had to make a list as to the pro's and con's of both sides. Thailand does have lots of pro's but also a lot of con's. I do like the weather, safety, lower cost of living however this tends to get balanced off against visa instability, raising a Luekrung in Thailand and a few others which makes the future a bit unstable with a small child.

    Education in Thailand comes at a price like everything else. It is not the quality of the paper at the end of the day to me but the ability to foster independent thought within an educational setting. It is that quality which will be used most as an adult. There I have not seen much and I don't think that a million baht a year is in my budget to send the kid to Harrows or equivalent.

    Even when the kid is an adult I don't see much future as even with my wife working in Bangkok with a western surname it does at times make life difficult. They not Thai to the locals and they are not Western either. They tend to end up in a no mans land of discrimination.

    I thought that it would be best to move along in due course.

  12. The argument is that Abbot doesn't have strong moral grounds to complain about "unfairness" and "stolen" patents considering that Thailand was within its legal rights. Thailand looks a bit like Robin Hood here.

    Theft is theft irrespective of the intention. Thailand was clearly outside of their legal rights.


    Some people can't see the bear from the woods when they argue emotionally.

  13. simple then as we know how it is transmitted then eliminate that and no drugs will be needed.

    What is Thailand doing with it's Billions in reserve currency. As most Aids now days and the last several years is passed on by senseless means like prostitution and drug use. Why not stop that

    and 90% of their costly problem will be gone.

    Being Responsible may be to much for Thailand I guess.

    Seems most of their whole countries economy is from foreign sources and technology.

    They do own the rights to Jasmin rice and Karoake songs that they which they enforce.

    I guess it is just too much to expect their own people to help themselves out and pay a little more tax

    and act responsible. Better to let others come up with the products and technology for the fix

    then try to steal it.

    What a backwards way to do things in this day and age. No wonder Thailand attracts much of the

    _ _ _ _ of modernized countries.


    Well said! We have had this debate hundreds of times. I am glad in this thread I am not the only person who can see beyond the emotional crap. Responsibility, that is the keyword.

  14. the crime scene looks fishy to me

    a tabel with 5 chairs


    but only 1 foodprint


    the drinks for only one person are placed at the very smal corner of the table,

    but no sign, what the other 4 chairowner prefer to drink, so also no DNA mark possible to find.


    (I could bet on it, that there are no high speed blood drops on the glas or on the bottle,

    cause that was not the real crime scene)

    the blond girl looks, like her body is placed there


    no defence in the body language, the chairs are still in line to each other,

    too fishy


    I would think you are correct! Looking at the murder scene off the Thai Rath this morning and the pictures off the internet, I do think that it might not have been the crime scene as odd as it might sound.

    There appears to be no blood, either on the table or on her lap considering the angle of the bullet wound. The blond was shot from the rear, yet she is not slumped over forward by the force of the bullet. If you enlarge the pictures, the blond has no beach sand on the side of her feet, they are clean, yet there is only one pair of shoes on the ground. Noting the angle of the white shoes, it would belong to the black haired one. Then again the shoes on the table are also on the side of the black haired one.

    Everything is neat. Clean flip flops on the table and as neatly arranged as the drinks. The black haired one has massive bleeding but there appears to be NO blood on the chair or on the sand under the chair. The blond one was shot from the back yet there appears to be no blood on her top infront? From the angle of the bullet wound, she was shot from the top rear end. You can however still see the blood running down her chest as she was slumping in the chair at the correct angle. She was shot while topless? She died of a single bullet wound through her chest, or was she suffocated first and then shot soon afterwards on the beach?

    They might have found 9mm bullet casings, but I would guess a .38 special from the bullet wound.

    The crime scene does look suspect!

    Ok Britmaveric, you appear to be correct. They had been a few girls brought over who had been ordered from Thailand and had their tickets paid on this side. 4 went North, these two went South and changed their minds as they did not like something. They got hit by Boris the Bouncer. The guy on the CCTV gave long strides not short Asian strides so yes it looks like it was a falang.

  15. I don't hope this thread will just go down as another anti Muslim thread. They tend to denigrate into a pile of sh.t with no meaning or solution. Extremism breeds from poverty the world over. When people have nothing to loose, there is very little to stop them. Maybe a possible solution would have been to develop the South more? The only reason it will flare now is because of the insecurity in the country which makes it the perfect time to create chaos. They know that nobody can fight two wars at the same time and expect to win.

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