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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. Adguard on my PC's cuts the speed by 50 % , had several paid versions but moved to Ublock origin, which does not affect speed. and is free. regards Worgeordie
  2. One sentence was interesting , "You now have a higher grade of speculator", so with Crypto you speculate ,not invest .......maybe that's why ups and downs. regards Worgeordie
  3. The legalisation was not well thought out, now they are adding new laws to it as they go along ,expect more to follow. I thought THC was limited to .2% , but people are openly selling with up to 30 % +- , also offering buds ,which are also deemed to be illegal .???? regards worgeordie
  4. If you have to ask ....you cannot afford it regards Worgeordie
  5. For me it really is a long time 36 years .......and don't regret a day.. regards Worgeordie
  6. They will be baaaack , too good a money earner for them, regards worgeordie
  7. I can assume , but you stated "We do know that he wasn't wearing a helmet. " no we don't , unless he is your friend and you have been talking to him, but I don't think so , the way you have been talking about him. Quote you "- affected by drugs or alcohol - tired or fatigued - wearing suitable eye sight glasses for road use. - mentally unstable -fit and healthy for riding - knowledge and ability, having the skillset to ride these dangerous roads - on medication " or maybe he did not see the wire , that should not have been there , your embarrassing yourself .... regards worgeordie
  8. First of all ,you say we don't know the facts , then you go on to say he was not wearing a helmet or his glasses , no where in the report does it say this, maybe the wire, I say maybe took his helmet off and that's why his head is injured, if you're doing 30 , 40, 50 doubt you are going to see a wire that's not supposed to be there. even if you had glasses on..... your basically saying it's all his fault , regards Worgeordie
  9. With a moniker of SAFETY FIRST , I would have thought you would have more sympathy with the old rider who was injured through no fault of his own , riding a motorbike you are expected to look forward, in rear view mirrors ,and what's happening on both sides, NOW you are forced to look above ......not acceptable ,the next one may not so lucky .... and there will be a next one. regards Worgeordie
  10. I think a few riders are going to have to die,before anything starts to get done. regards worgeordie
  11. OK buy them and put a Toyota engine in it, at least that part will be reliable........???? regards worgeordie
  12. But if on other forums , and influencers are all pushing like Neeranam here , it could ..........at least that's what he is hoping . regards Worgeordie
  13. What about holders of Gold , in massive amounts, on the subcontinent, middle east , were they surveyed , or are you just pushing a bit of good news about Bitcoin in the hope there's a few buyers to increase the price. regards worgeordie
  14. Then says .... "that rice packers would only reduce the offered discount, resulting in higher retail prices that would still be lower than the suggested prices printed on the packaging." So the price is going up... regards Worgeordie
  15. Never seen that before on rice, for been a top rice producer the price of rice is high here ,at the retail level , for farmers not so much, with big increases in fertilizer prices the farmers will be taking a hit. regards worgeordie
  16. Seemed like a good idea at the time ....???? regards worgeordie
  17. So 120K US $ is going to last him the rest of his life, is that what you are saying .... regards Worgeordie
  18. Maybe one of those worthy projects , like the blimp, the aircraft carrier without airplanes, the bomb detectors' ,the subs with no engines ,.......... regards Worgeordie
  19. Thaksin sent up about 4 Satellite's , so not Thailand's first, but they want people to forget Thaksin , thats why regards Worgeordie
  20. No word on what this satellite actually does , while up there in space, just for show or what. regards worgeordie
  21. New , improved charcoal stove ....... looks like the same one the wife bought over 20 years ago , never used it for years, she will have to get it out again and save some money .........???? waste of time setting it up for frying egg and bacon , but it worked good for cooking a big pan of stuff that has to simmer for a long time. P.S. what's the betting charcoal has gone up in price too regards worgeordie
  22. If it needs a vet , it becomes a stray ....???? regards worgeordie
  23. Earlier in the year ,when it was not supposed to rain,it was peeing down, really hard at least once a week , saved me a lot of work putting pump in river to water the garden , only had to do it once.the early rains kept the air clear up North too. Now it's the Rainy season , not much rain at all ,sunny shower yesterday...... regards worgeordie
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