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Posts posted by worgeordie

  1. Is she your first woman ?,reading your post,you seem besotted by her,

    no wonder she needs her space away from you,I really worry you will

    do something to her,obsession is not a good thing,especially if the 

    other party does not feel the same.


    Whatever she did in her past,has f$^k all to do with you,you should

    have looked to the future,too late now,learn by your mistakes,and

    let her go,its over.

    regards worgeordie

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, robblok said:

    Yes I found the Mackerel in the Makro most are in tomato sauce and stuff. I am trying to have as little sugar as possible tomato sauce is full of it plus I am not a real fish person but smoked Mackerel i could eat. I know I am a hard eater. 

    I meant frozen Mackerel,its not expensive,but you would have to prepare it yourself.

    but that's not difficult,and at least you will know what your eating.

    regards worgeordie

  3. 17 minutes ago, Kohsamida said:

    I already tried that with both ThaiPost and Thai Customs.  Got no where on the phone with them; both simply saying that tracking might not be updated, but not offering any advice beyond that.  Very frustrating ?


    You really need to visit the P.O. yourself,if you want to get some

    answers,too easy to fob you off on the phone,ask to see someone

    in authority.

    regards worgeordie

    • Thanks 1
  4. Makro has plenty of Mackerel ,not smoked but,they have it from

    Japan or Norway ,the Norwegian is better,you could get some of

    that Liquid smoke,little bottles they sell in supermarkets.


    Don't advise eating those small tins of local sardines,mackerel,as

    i read a report from Indonesia the other day,where they tested 65

    brands of tinned fish and all but 6 contained thread worms (live).

    regards worgeordie

  5. You need the paint they paint ponds with, painted my Koi pool 20 years

    ago and still no problems, the paint I used was made by Jotun 

    but it's not going to be easy painting the inside of the water tank,

    maybe  you need to replace it with a stainless steel one.


    regards worgeordie

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