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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. It might need a new battery , as it's just like a PC , the CMOS battery that is bad , the date on PC is never current regards worgeordie P.S. just put a new battery in my dash cam , bought it from Aliexpress , but then I found out it was not the battery but the charger , which goes into the cigar lighter , the pin on the end was pushed too far in.so not charging .
  2. I don't think the powers that be are taking DUI ,be that alcohol or drugs, seriously enough, under the new points system you have to be caught 3 times DUI ,to accrue enough points to lose your driving license , any one caught DUI should lose their license immediately, on been found guilty and the vehicle crushed ,and serve a prison term ,at the moment there is nothing to really deter DUI. regards worgeordie
  3. Ex Mayor , what's it got to do with him .. after all it was a pleasure boat, not much fishing going on I suspect . regards Worgeordie
  4. Not surprised , all religions seem to be about power and wealth , regards worgeordie
  5. What is an average Thai person ? regards worgeordie
  6. Make it a drug free province , as Tommy Cooper used to say "Just like that", or the Thaksin way ,"kill them all " ,just words ....... regards Worgeordie
  7. To combat money laundering , I suppose all this Black money generated through drugs , corruption ,scams , etc., will still be moving about fairly freely ,still be able to reach overseas accounts, these laws affect the ordinary person more , regards worgeordie
  8. But Thailand is his best friend , you would think he would make the effort..... regards Worgeordie
  9. Just the same for me ,20 years older but. regards worgeordie
  10. So were they raped as well ,stuff stolen or just drugged ? regards worgeordie
  11. I remember a pearl of advice from an old western movie, an Indian says "White man build big fire and sleep away from it , Indian make small fire and sleep close to it.... So taking the Indians advice , just heat the bed not the whole bedroom , so I bought electric blanket off Lazada large size dual controls for each side of the bed ,and for the sitting room while watching tv at night I bought a small 2 bar electric fire 320 Baht , its small, but will have it close to me , if that's not enough to take the nip out of the air , I bought a 2 KW hot air blower also Lazada 890 Baht ,can also be used on rainy days to help dry the washing. the electric blanket was 1060 Baht, the cold spell only lasts a few weeks and it does not get that cold , regards Worgeordie
  12. From past experience the only ones that prosper and become more wealthy are Thai Politicians themselves, its always been out for number one. thats why when there's an general election ,most of them scurry around looking for which party will pay the most for them to join and offer the biggest perks.... regards worgeordie
  13. I do everything possible to keep away from the Immigration office, once a year is enough for me, if only you could do the extension online , it's very nice of them ,how they send you Email to remind you the 90 day is due, then another email to say it's been approved. regards worgeordie
  14. Maybe you need to mind your own business and just get on with your own boring life..... regards Worgeordie
  15. Gone but not forgotten , I hope , victims deserve justice . regards worgeordie
  16. Just got mine exchanged in time , they were 50's that had kind of built up over the years , had writing and dirty marks on them, so exchanges, banks would not take them,spent half a day laundering them , vinegar and washing up soap , they looked ok to me ,a lot better anyway , took them to local currency exchange and to my surprise they accepted them all , now the new polymer ones less worries of termites finding my stash. the UK i the only place you will get the old ones changed now. regards worgeordie
  17. YaBa induced paranoia , would you be happy if your daughter brought him home to meet you ! regards Worgeordie
  18. As long as the Government keeps buying everything they ask for, Subs , Fighter jets ,Tanks, etc ect , regards worgeordie
  19. It would have been better named "Wringing the Dragon's neck" P.S. how do they know people they are contacting have a lot of money , maybe some connection to the banks ...... regards worgeordie
  20. How can a publishing company ...wear civil service fatigues , do they make them that big . regards Worgeordie
  21. Reporter been paid by the word , that's all. regards worgeordie
  22. My wife was called into hospital 6 weeks ago to get flu vaccine, in 35 years living here never had flu vaccine and never had the flu , lucky ? , have had 4 Covid vaccines in 18 months ,and at the moment have Covid ,but not so bad, regards Worgeordie
  23. Makro , some supermarkets sell those small safes ,OK for keeping passports ,important documents safe ,bit of cash , if you have a ceiling with removable panels ,bolt it to the wall above the ceiling, leave a couple of thousand Baht on the table, so if you do get a burglar they quickly pick it up and are off , might stop them damaging the house looking for cash. If you are a Billionaire and have a ton of spare cash , gold ,etc you are going to need a bigger safe , not easy to hide , regards Worgeordie
  24. Take them to a recyclers yard ,or a shop selling batteries ,they will take them and give you a few baht. regards Worgeordie
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