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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. Is that not a crime here ? , spikes or some other non lethal method might have been a better choice , while I don't condone burglars ,seems a bit extreme. regards worgeordie
  2. Would you be so forgiving if it was one of your family he had killed ? they can drink their self to oblivion , just don't get behind the wheel of a vehicle , regards worgeordie
  3. No , they are termite food. regards Worgeordie
  4. What about the bed of a pickup full of workers , is that still allowed, no mention of it, regards worgeordie
  5. So many ways to die or get serious injuries here ,just because things aren't done right , until victims receive some serious compensation ,nothing will change . regards worgeordie
  6. So now things are back to normal ....... regards Worgeordie
  7. No sympathy for him at all, hope he has to spend a long time in the deepest dark hole they have, drink driving has no place anywhere, now he's going to pay the price . regards worgeordie
  8. Existing device , it has also started to do it on another PC I have, but not so often. regards worgeordie
  9. When watching anything on Youtube , it will pop up ,your offline, when I am not ,can connect to other sites no problem. I have to clear cache ,browsing history ,ect in browser then reload Youtube and it works again , but why does it say I am offline ? and is there a fix. regards Worgoeordie
  10. I never read anywhere that said the Brits were drunk , just because they had some alcohol under the seat , how much can you get under a seat anyway ?, Looking at the video it was the garbage drivers fault , cutting the corner so tight there was no where for them to go except under the truck, have you looked at the video ? , regards worgeordie
  11. Set my VPN to Japan , got to the site ok , changed wording to English , and everything works ok, do you have VPN ? Then tried it without VPN , and works OK, popup to change to English , try different browser. regards Worgeordie
  12. Is that her who bought all those Man U Vs Liverpool tickets ? regards worgeordie
  13. Everything is going up in price , food , energy , taxi fares so why not fines. "However, the law does not require pickup truck passengers on extended space behind the driver’s seat and cargo beds to use a seat belt but their number must not exceed its limit." What is the limit for people in the rear of a pickup ? , 5 10 20 ? regards Worgeordie
  14. A razor blade would be cheaper and a permanent solution , especially for the kiddy fiddlers regards worgeordie
  15. Yes I think it does, Garbage Truck took corner to tight and ran into motorbike , regards Worgeordie
  16. No ,I am a GOAT ......whatever that means , regards worgeordie
  17. Maybe.....and statement from motorbike driver when he is well enough but will be surprised if we ever hear more about it. happens a lot. regards worgeordie
  18. Please read carefully ,if you can ,what i wrote , I said MAYBE , case far from closed, if the driver of motorbike recovers then we will MAYBE nearer to the truth.... regards worgeordie
  19. "The garbage truck driver, Mr. Attaphon Wichean, 42, was waiting at the scene and told the Phuket Express, “I was turning in to a side road before I heard the crash. I’m not sure what exactly happened.” Maybe what happened is you failed to indicate you were turning ,and this is why the motorbike crashed into you. regards worgeordie
  20. Yes looks like the work of your typical Thai sparky , the little lad is lucky to be alive , so many ways to die here ,when things are not done correctly . regards worgeordie
  21. I have had Solahart solar water heater for a least 30 years, installed it when building our house so fitted hot and cold water pipes ,works great ,maybe 2-3 days in the cool months when it rains all day ,the does not get hot ,but the other 362 days of the year ,the water is very hot ,having hot water to kitchen and bathroom sinks and especially the bath is great. Not mixing water and electricity is another benefit,wonder how many people in Thailand die in the bathroom from faulty water heaters, regards worgeordie
  22. Yes , and it's going up again on 1 st October . regards Worgeordie
  23. Even though the BoT increased the rate by .25% , Bangkok Bank decided not to increase the rate to its fixed rate customers , dont know if they increase rates to debtors or mortgage customers.,but why won't they.... regards worgeordie
  24. Never had Covid , just getting old ,or eating too many spicy foods. regards worgeordie
  25. You could get Dettol cream here ,but Boots stopped selling it for some reason, B790 for Savion cream is very expensive ,I get my daughter to send me some ,along with a couple of other things you cannot get here, regards worgeordie
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