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Posts posted by Rigger

  1. ... Not that I am any type of scientist but like to think our kids got the best of both our gene pools

    I'll have to hand it to you Rigger; as an Aussie you're definately an optimist :D

    Well cross breeding in animals can produce the same things I mentioned so I don’t see that we would be much different

    As for being a optimist I guess I am since when I was in Oz my beer was always half empty but since living in LOS my beer is always full :o

  2. We are trying our best to raise the IQ of the country

    So when do you leave??



    Patrick, I really liked that remark, couldn't have done it better myself :o

    I would like to think that cross breading with different races would breed a stronger smarter healthier and more resistant to disease type of human as they would be getting the genes from both races. Most people agree that some races are more athletic than some so I find it believable that some races are smarter than others. Not that I am any type of scientist but like to think our kids got the best of both our gene pools

  3. How do they know if someone is smuggling something internally? :o

    I think the flight crew keep a eye on people during the flight if they don’t eat or drink they report it

    Had a mate that tried to trick his wife by changing into a Omani dish dash (Arab dress) and a sleek set of sun glasses while on the plane to see if she recognized him at the airport. Well she never recognized him but she said she saw airport security drag a Arab off for integration.

    No offence intended Rigger but a good typo.

    Were immigration planning integration after interrogation and initiation? :D

    O well you know what i meen

    And my spelling is improving since I start posting on TV and using word :D

  4. I bought a whipper snipper (brush cutter) as well and was gutted to learn that they introduced a 4 stroke one a month later so I'm stuck with a noisy 2 stroke.

    But I was pretty excited when i got it so I ran out to the block in my flip flops and gave it a try. I lasted about 5 minutes before I hit some old fencing wire and sent a piece an inch into my foot!

    I can tell you it didn't hurt half as bad as the old nurse jabbing the tetenus injection into my arm.

    I did eventually manage to clear the place up (with boots and safety glasses on) but nearly started a bushfire when I tried to burn off some of the cuttings, but thats another story......

    I now pay someone to do all the clearing up and can sit back under the mango tree with a beer and watch, as you should.

    I brought the Honda 4 stroke one it is pretty good. Come to think of it the 5 bikes are all hondas and even my dogs name is Honda :o

  5. Bad In-laws will follow you anywhere if they are after a free ride. Best to lay the law down with the family before you decide whether or not to move. Life can be expensive wherever you are if you have to budget for a whole thai family's up keep. I have numerous friends with bad luck story's where Thai in-laws are concerned. However, there is another side to the Thai culture which rarely shows its face but is there if you look hard and long enough. My wife's parents do live in our home in Ubon. Most shudder when I say that but they work and earn their own living. The house is always clean when we return. My wife sees to it that we don't get any hangers on around us looking for a hand out which keeps me happy and my outgoing looking after a second home are reasonable without becoming extortionate. I may be wrong on these matters but from what I have seen in Thailand over the years, most of these issues are controlled and governed by your wife. If she puts her foot down it usually makes a difference. However, if the wife wants the family to benefit from your generosity then "God Help You!"

    Shoot me down in flames if you like but that's my take on matters.

    I to live with my wifes mother and father for 5 years now and we have never had any problems at all. Live in baby sitters it,s great. I think some people have the idea the if you live in Isaan you will have problems with family hangers on. it all depends on the family and it doesn,t matter where you live if the family is no good they will try and bleed you no matter where you are living.

  6. Anyone with an auto vigo notice that when in 3rd there is actually 2 stages to it?

    It's barely perceptible but when going up and down hills in 3rd it definately seems to have two stages to it. I also notice it when manually shifting to 3rd to pass a car the revs won't be as high as if I let it kick down by itself.

    I guess this is the ECT working but I am suprised it is never mentioned in sales blurbs as I think it is a great feature particularly when driving on hilly roads.

    Or am I just imagining it? :o

    I know with the 2004 model hilux auto that the over drive button seems like it gives you a split gear in 3rd then changes into overdrive. I love the auto gear box lets me keep one hand free for a cold coke :D the pick up from traffic lights is also a lot better my little 2.5 can still stay with the new manual vigo of the lights. Not that I do that as that would be Immature

  7. I have only one decent socket set at home which I keep in the house the rest of my tools are cheap shit which I just keep replacing as they disappear every time the brother in law does something to his bike. I brought a Honda whiper sniper a few months back and the father in law loves it I can’t seem to be able to keep him off it :o

  8. Most of the serious bike riders understand the risks of riding here and I know that I wouldn’t last long if I tried to ride the same Way I use to ride in Australia. Riding in Thailand is not for the faint hearted and I would recommend anyone that does not have a solid back ground riding motorcycles should stay off them until they a least under stand the dangers riding in Thailand.

    I have the opposite situation. I learned to ride a motorcyle in Thailand and I dare not ride in the USofA for fear of being arrested for recklesss driving.

    It,s the same when I go back to Oz I seem to get a fair bit of abuse on the road and all can think is what the @#$%$ is that guy on about that was a perfectly safe distance to cut in front of him and the roads are better there as you can easily fit three cars across on a two lane road :o

    Last trip cost me three speeding fines and that was in a magna but this year got a dunnydoor booked. I was going to hire a sports car but then realized I would never fit the missus luggage in :D

  9. agree rigger

    when the mrs found out i had my lesson, but it was a good day and you get carried away with the moment, let's face it you think your'e in good company, but how can you tell, i would still do the same if i thought the moment was right, although not to givre them cash.

    i am wary more so than before but you can not lose faith in human nature and to be suspicious all the time would not be much fun.

    Yes I could imagine your wife would not have been impress mine would give me a hard time if I did something like that . If I am sitting and a Thai comes up to me and wants to chat I normally oblige and if he seems OK and I am having a beer I will offer one two same as I would do with a farang. As for groups of Thai men drunk if there the older guys in the village and I am invited I will stop and have a few beers with them. The younger groups I try and steer clear of as they still cant hold there grog and the end of the night always ends in a fight as for total strangers as some one else said it all depends on what the circumstances where

    When I went home and told my wife that a few guys stopped and asked me for money my wife got really pissed off and want to know who and where it was.

    Another time the wife overheard a relative saying something about lets go smoke and drink falangs beer the missus meet him half way down the driveway and chased him off down the road yelling at him. Don’t you just love those submissive Thai girls

  10. I saw this article and found the statistic incredible. Yes, I have seen many, many, many people with broken arms, legs, and of course the all too common "Honda Rash" scar from previous accidents.

    But, I found this statistic chilling. Here is a link to the article, and I have copied it also below.

    FYI! Be Careful!!!

    Irish Examiner

    19/01/2006 - 6:09:13 PM

    Irishman killed in Thailand bike crash

    An Irishman has been killed in a motorbike crash in Thailand, the second Irish tourist to die in a motorcycle accident in the country this year.

    The Department of Foreign Affairs said today it was providing consular assistance to the family of the young man, who was killed while in Patong, on Phuket Island.

    Another young man died in a motorbike accident in Thailand earlier this month, while a third was severely injured in a crash in Cambodia.

    Following the deaths, the Department said riding a motorcycle or scooter in either of the two countries was dangerous and urged people to take the same precautions as they would in Ireland.

    While Thai law demands motorcyclists wear a helmet, it is widely ignored, new advice on the Department’s website says.


    An average of 38 people die each day in motorbike accidents in Thailand.


    According to the Department, the dangers are made worse in Cambodia by roads in poor condition, vehicles with no lights and cattle on the roads.

    Overloaded vehicles and erratic driving makes road traffic accidents the greatest danger to Irish tourists in the South East Asian country, the DFA warned.

    Most of the serious bike riders understand the risks of riding here and I know that I wouldn’t last long if I tried to ride the same Way I use to ride in Australia. Riding in Thailand is not for the faint hearted and I would recommend anyone that does not have a solid back ground riding motorcycles should stay off them until they a least under stand the dangers riding in Thailand. We lost two people from our village a couple of months ago The first one was two young boys racing one died second is still in a coma. The Phuyai ban made a big speech and told every one two wear helmets a week latter the phuyai ban was killed on a motorcycle wear no helmet with his mai noi on the back

    When I lived in Phuket I saw many accidents and most where due to inexperienced riders or alcohol

  11. yep been in that situation,

    4 villages have their sports day, great atmosphere bloody good fun all day long, water ballon races, legs tied together races, even get invited to play in the footy match.

    the final event of the day is the footy final, about 4.30 anyway two very drunk thai lads come up and start chatting, i tell them in thai i can not speak thai, anyway they carry on and i can get the jist they just want some money for beer, for me no problem i give them 100bht as it is a friendly and good day. what a mistake they go tell thier mates then i,m surrounded by about ten all wanting drink money, me i say no then the atmosphere changes rapidly but lucky for me Lek and a couple of his mates are on trucheon duty and sort the situation and the lads go.

    the lads then are seen over in another tented area causing a little fracas, but by the time we leave an almighty big punch up, bottles as well has started, it was a sad end to a very good day.


    That about the worst thing you can do is give them money those two lads will now try that on every farang that ever goes there. Sure buy them a beer while you chat but giving them straight out money is no good. I have had this before from young guys in the village I just tell them I dont have any and walk off. They dont think what a nice guy for giving me money they what a stupid farang giving away money

  12. How do they know if someone is smuggling something internally? :D

    I think the flight crew keep a eye on people during the flight if they don’t eat or drink they report it

    Had a mate that tried to trick his wife by changing into a Omani dish dash (Arab dress) and a sleek set of sun glasses while on the plane to see if she recognized him at the airport. Well she never recognized him but she said she saw airport security drag a Arab off for integration


  13. I have a just a make shift shed at the moment but it is brick with concrete floor but I can hardly move in there at the moment with 5 bikes in there and shit stacked every wear but planning to build a store room and a bike work shop in the next few months have big plains for the work shop with a bar area and coming off the work shop. I did build a bar and pool room on to the house but some how it turned into a kid’s nursery :o

    But the shed will be built to the same standard as the house with a car port coming off it and going half way down the house you can never have to much shade or rain free area. Have been building for two years hope to finish the house block this year

  14. I usually am trully scared when ABS kicks in - in stop and go traffic it's not about avoiding the vehicle in front of you, it's about stopping in time.

    I dont really understand this as ABS should be stopping you in less distance as you will aviod wheels locking totaly up and slidding. I can still get my brakes on my toyota prerunner to lock up for a second if I hit them hard enough. I drive in Australia ,Oman, Thailand and have never really noticed anything really different and I drive faster than I really should

  15. I would be interested as I know of a couple of farangs that so called wife has brought land only to pocket 100,000 of the the money. They tell farang 450.000bht then buy the land 350.000bht and then keep the rest these guys never find out and I am not going to be the ones to tell them. I not saying this is always the case but it does happen alot

  16. My battery in my Toyota has lasted two years so far and I wouldn,t bother changing it until it stuffs up as a new one can be brought pretty well any where.

    How every I have notice I chew through motorbike batterys as I doesn,t get started for a month when I am at work I am on the 3rd battery in 2 1/2 years

  17. I don’t see why they had to force a Thai lady to do this when there are so many volunteering to do this type of thing. I know a girl that does the German trip every few months makes a heap of cash and comes back blows all the money on her Thai boyfriend then goes back to work. One guy offered to marry her so she could work full time In Germany but for a cut of the profit of course

    My wife also tell me the there has been a big increase in the amount of women turning to this type of work. I thought I noticed it a few months back with a heap of girl leaving the village and heading to Phuket

    Maybe someone in Phuket can answer this is there more bar girls than ever down that way now

  18. Cheap Charlie :D !

    Right it should have been 10% = 1000 bath, I hope next time the boy will keep the wallet. :o

    I wanted to give him more I made the mistake of asking the wife how much to give him and she said 60 bht :D So I settled on 100 bht and the lad was more than happy giving a village boy 1000 bht would be telling the village heres a stupid farang with to much money. And I am trying to keep that a secret :D

  19. it is no different than drunk Aussies going into a boxing tent. Women are women and men are men and we will allways be different. And I guess all the guys whining about young guys with out T shirts I guess when you were young you never acted like a retard. If she doesn,t like watching these type of things why does she bother going to these places. IMOI it is just another thread for a women to complain about westen men

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