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Posts posted by Rigger

  1. And a VTR 1000 is a poor mans Ducati

    ...and given the choice I'd still take the Honda. One of the guys down here has a 999 which I've ridden. It's one of, if not, the most uncomfortable machine I've ever been on - granted, it does look good ....... but it can't keep up with me :D

    I two had a VTR for a while I traded my ducati 900 ss in for it :o

    hey VTR you where trying to sell that bike a while back or where you the guy that brought it

    I loved my old VTR I sold it when I came to Thailand :D

  2. Found my pal in a terrible state yesterday.

    He was convinced he'd contracted bird flu.

    After calming him down I ventured to find out what symptoms he'd been experiencing.

    "Recently it's been taking me two hours to get ready for a night out, I've started speaking complete boll*cks and find it impossible to park my car !" came his reply.


    now thats funny but I had to read it twice

  3. I have the last of the old style prerunner auto 4 door before the vigo. When I bought it I thought I dont need 4x4. What a mistake I use to get stuck heaps of time even in my own driveway it got so bad I would go shopping drive to a mates place. load my shopping into his 4x4 just to unload it at home. Other times I have parked on a dirt parking lot and it has piss down with rain then tried to move the car and got stuck. But at the same time I have taking it over some ruff terrain in the dry and it copes very well and is a nice car to drive on the road. But the next one will be 4 x 4 for sure

  4. I don,t ride as hard as I use to maybe getting a bit older and wiser

    Now days if I start getting a bit carried away I just think of my family and what they would do if I didn,t make it home that day and thats enough to slow me down until I get the urge again.

    Also riding in Isan I think has made me a better rider as I look for the unexpected all the time. I hate coming around a sweeping bend and theres a herd of cattle crossing on a blind corner :o you hit the pegs so hard the rear is swealing and you can fill the front forks start to bend

    When I first started riding my CR around I came sliding around a corner speedway style and I noticed two ladys with push bikes they took one look at me coming around the corner droped there bikes and ran off into the bushes :D

  5. i come from Joey Dunlop land where bike racing is real, not your safe track antics with very little risk, not saying i personally have the baaalls to ride like any of the real legends....i don't, I competed in motor sport for a few years (not bikes) and did well, i've always had me fast motors and have learned to respect high power and what is can do, I caame to Thailand with a void to fill, I sold everything including my cars and missed the power buz within a very short time, i also missed the freedom to go out and decide where i wanted to go and when soooooooooo I looked at the traffic congestion, looked at options for transport and decided i would buy a big bike, something I could tour on comfortably with passenger and still get a power buzz when safe to do so, i can go at 20mph around town or 0-60mph in under 3 secs to a top speed of some 180 mph...........my choice and it's fun....BTW there is no way on earth i would ever consider doing that kind off speed but it's nice to know you can, I bought a very nice quiet Honda, you'd never hear me coming, has stock pipes which make it very none rental or harley noisey, those thumping twins with no exhaust are so anoying......do they come with ear plugs

    anyway rant over, i have a jolly time on my honda and although riding a bike in thailand is a risky business i prefer it to any pickup or toyota.........up to me :D

    Loud pipes safe lives

    I noticed it a lot as my bike had a stock set of pipes and I always had trouble with dogs and kids running out on to the road. So I put on a set of powerful horns which helped a bit but you had to be quick with the finger

    So then I brought some V&H straight shot pipes. Problem solved kids dogs run for cover car alarms go off and babies cry. But what’s a bit of noise pollution if it just save one persons life :D

    But I would not recommend doing that to a 4 cylinder as they sound like crap to start with :o

  6. I can understand the feeling of freedom and fun aspects. But don't you ever feel scared that there is nothing between you and the tons of crazy drivers in LOS? As a teacher, it seems that all my Thai students have elbow and knee scars, and when I ask them the cause it is inveritably "motasai".

    What do you think?

    You don't have to drive like the Thais. They go everywhere without looking on their bikes. I bet a lot of those motocy accidents are simply caused by stupid driving.

    Also keep in mind that on a bike you're a much smaller target. An 18-wheeler over most cars don't leave much behind either - and you're a lot easier to hit.


    Kid on motorcycles are a worry I get pisst off when they pull out in front of me they just have no idea at all and don’t bother to look and no helmets no license. I try and avoid riding during the times that they are coming or going from school. But a funny thing is when you nearly run them down they think that it is a big joke

  7. Unfortunately, the wife says if a new bike comes, she goes!

    Decisions decisions! :o

    My ex girlfriend in Oz tried that and even tried to knock over the 1981 FLH strip dresser I had :D

    I had told her from the start two things you dont @#$% with my bike and my job because you will lose and she tried to reck both hence she is my ex

    It dont matter how shitty your day has been jump on a bike and all is forgoten 10 min into the ride

  8. I guess if you just don’t get it then it probably not worth trying to explain it to you

    Actually, I think that is precisely the reason why you should try to explain it to me. My wife says Im a pretty good listener. Give it a shot!

    OK then

    The sense of freedom you feel when it is just you and your bike flying down the road wind in your face as you throw it into the corner and then power on hard coming out the other end and sweet sound blasting out the pipes.

    Then there’s the camaraderie you develop with the guys that you ride with and the pleasure you get from working on your bike and then flogging the sh1t out of it

    And of course customizing your bike so it stands out from every one else’s There of course many other things like the power to weight ratio so you get a lot more performance for your money. The scenery is better and to have the ease of the road to pull over anywhere and not be closed into a can

    and it makes you feel alive :o

  9. We are flying British airways, so we might not get the same service. Never flown with BA so dont know what there cabin crew are like, but if they are anything like the customer service and the booking system then we should be well looked after.

    You can only expect perfection and more of it. A world leading airline. Until I moved to Japan, were on their SYD-BKK-SYD flights once every 6 weeks, in all classes. Never disappointed.

    It is a good idea to make sure that babies are awake during take off and landing and give them a bottle of milk or water to drink at the same time it will stop pressure building up in there ears and Has worked for us.

    That's I where I was told the opposite. Young babies don't have their ear drums formed and no feeling for pressure upon take off and landing.

    A peculiar thing, same as young babies' capability to survive under water for 45 minutes or longer.

    I not real sure about it working for a 2 month old baby and have no idea when they get ear drums but I know it works for a 4 months and older

  10. I've always thought that people who have a choice and choose to ride a motorcycle must be slighty off kilter. Ive seen some horrific motorcycle accidents in LOS and the US, and would never travel anywhere without my personal steel safety cage surrounding me.

    I suppose my view stems from the time I was 8, and watched a motorcycle rider in US, lose control, wipe out, and have his helmeted head run over by an 18 wheeler. Needless to say, he didn't pop back up, and wipe the dust off.

    What is it about those machines that people want to risk life and limb? (when they have a choice in the matter. I fully concede that economics dictates that some people in LOS have no choice but to use them).


    I guess if you just don’t get it then it probably not worth trying to explain it to you

  11. can anybody tell me if it is legal to enter and re-enter the kingdom several times a year on a 30 day tourist visa (extended in immigration to 60 days) I am a British national and my partner is spanish. Our plans are to base ourselves in Thailand for at least 1 year but return home to Spain at regular intervals of 6 to 8 weeks, and also travel to Australia, Malasia, Singapore and other neighbouring countries. Until we decide to sell up and live permanently out there do not want the hassle of long term visas?

    You wont have a problem doing this as they will give you a 14 day extention on top of 30 in Thailand if you can show your airline ticket to leave Thailand so that about every 6 weeks you will have to leave the country I have been doing 35 days in Thailand and 35 days in the middle east for 5 years and never had any problems

  12. It is a good idea to make sure that babies are awake during take off and landing and give them a bottle of milk or water to drink at the same time it will stop pressure building up in there ears and Has worked for us. Most doctors’ recommend waiting until they are 6 months old before flying but we have flown with my son at 4 months and didn’t have a problem. But then again my kids are well behaved like myself :o and don,t forget some toys to play with

  13. I've entered a number of posts in the Forum as a prelude to my relocation to LOS in the coming year. Lots of great information from everyone...very much appreicated.

    The next arena has to do with banking and finance. I would like to know how most expats and retirees control their resources, manage their pensions, and access funds on a regular basis. I have heard some mini horror stories about scams or card reading ATM's that concern me a bit. What would be the best way to begin once I get close to my departure from the states? Is my bank able to conduct most of the initial transactions with a Thai bank? Do I have to wait until I am in country to seek out a financial institution? Can I transfer funds from a stateside bank to a Thai bank easily?

    Lots of questions and I'm certain many of you have gone through this already. Any advice I can get would be much appreciated.


    Just set up a Thai bank account then set up a automatic monthly transfer to your Thai bank account for the amount you think you will need. If you run short you can still uses you home country ATM to with draw money

    This is how I do it

  14. But you would think I could just save as or copy ???

    You would have thought so... Have you tried copying the files when the cam is connected to mains power, it could be going into standby after a minute or so of copying, which may fuk the transfer up :o

    I am trying to copy from the dvd disc

  15. To shag fit girls for the price of a pack of ciggies like.


    Have some kids and grow up you TW#T

    I think chonabot was having a laugh, but having kids is no mark of maturity (quite clearly), nor is it a prerequistite to a worthwhile existence for an individual.

    Actually I was just having a laugh and repeating what he posted on one of my posts so relaxes and don’t take TV so serious most are just here for a laugh and get a bit of info

    O and bugger off and piss in someone elses pocket you you mature person you


    It's apparently so serious that you had to try and be obnoxious.

    Don't show yourself up as a condescending idiot.

    you are really starting hurt my feelings now mate and should be more considerate of some of us more sensitive posters :D

  16. To shag fit girls for the price of a pack of ciggies like.


    Have some kids and grow up you TW#T

    I think chonabot was having a laugh, but having kids is no mark of maturity (quite clearly), nor is it a prerequistite to a worthwhile existence for an individual.

    Actually I was just having a laugh and repeating what he posted on one of my posts so relaxes and don’t take TV so serious most are just here for a laugh and get a bit of info

    O and bugger off and piss in someone elses pocket you you mature person you

  17. To me most religions are for week minded people that need some rules to show them how to live

    Atheism is for those who can't spell. :D


    :o Do you remember how I said I didnt really mean it when I told you that you have your head up your @$$


    Well I lied

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