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Posts posted by Rigger

  1. Rigger,

    Sounds like a good ride...Back roads or highway, CR or cruiser? (no brainer, I know)


    See where the name comes from...I am planning on going up that way but will be taking the family so it will be in the car :D Maybe have to put a sidecar on the bike.


    The guy I bought my bike from rides with a bunch of his mates on the weekend, similar thing and I will hook up with them when I get back, can't wait!

    Photo of me practising my grimace asap! :o

    I am goig to sell the CR to buy a big 4 stroke to do some back road touring as the missus will not get on the back of the CR dont know why :D

    Heres some pics of a ride we did up to Phurua national park thats all the pics I have got here. We have only been doing day rides as the missus just had another rug rat but we are all geared up to get into some touring this year




  2. Bung, don't know what sh1t you could sling on BMWs as it's a great bike. I use to have a R90S (900 Sport), loved that bike for long hauls, smooth as all he11 and could sit on 100mph+ all day without a worry.

    BMW are great bikes and have real stepped up the pace with there new line of dirt and sports bikes (Superb) but for many BMW still brings a stereo type of a old mans bike or a great lump of a dirt bike. The F650 Bung has got would be a great all-rounder

  3. OK, we've expained to the non beleivers why we ride now tell us your best experience on 2 wheels here in the LOS.

    Roads, scenery, pillions, food, beer and mates, give us your best yarn on where and why we like to ride here in the heat.

    Back it up with pictures! There must be some good ones out there.

    Bung I think I have some pics on my LT in camp (at work) I will post later

    But there is 3 or more of us riding from Udon Thani to Chang mai on the 18th of feb if anyone is interested


  4. Besides,if you stopped and helped every Thai broken down you would never get anywhere!

    With regard to Harley riders, you will never get any sort of recognition from them, they are too busy practising "the look" (or grimace!).

    Not that you need it, though....sabaii, sabaii.

    I'll wave at most any other rider,even locals that give u the thumbs up at a red light. Don't know where u ride Bung but most HD riders do the same.

    I think your maybe feeling a little insecure if you see faces with with"look". No doubt we ride with pride on our faces. Or maybe it's from the vibration on some of the older bikes or the pipes are too loud and we're grimacing. LOL

    Maybe its because you ride a BMW :o

  5. Currently I drive not over 1500-1800 rpm, around 60kph no matter where I go. I combine this with being in the highest gear possible, and using the brakes as little as possible, allowing the car to roll out before red lights. Also it's so cold here up north right now that I'm not using the airconditioner. (Or even want to open windows in the morning or at night).

    Trying to set a new record in low fuel consumption.. Should get well over 1000 kms on on tank..

    Not sure if I'm also driving safer though.. Like, taking a turn in 5th gear and not bleeding off too much speed requires a rather wide and unexpected path around a bend. :D Also the rolling out seems to surprise people sometimes.. Like I'm already rolling out, then someone behind me seems to notice when already quite close behind, brakes, then speeds up again to overtake, then have to break hard for the red light that seemed to have come to him as a surprise, too.. :o Also turn the engine off when having to be stationary for really really long periods of time, like some railway crossings and a few very big intersections during rush hour.

    Make sure you post your finding have you tried this before

    I think the best I have seen out of my pre runner 2.5 is about 550 to 600 km but I do have a bit of a lead foot

  6. I thought drilled/slotted disks help to dissipate heat and water, increasing the performance of the brakes?

    As a side note, the other day I saw a Yamaha m/c with huge, and I mean huge, sections of the disk cut out, I reckon the rider had to squeeze the leaver really hard just to get a slight bit of braking. He might have thought it looked the dog's whatsits but he'd have no chance if he had to stop in a hurry....crazy.

    I think you are right drilling holes in you brake disc for a road vehicle would do nothing but stuff up you brakes but on a racing type vehicle you probably would get some performance benefit from heat dissipation

  7. I don’t Know about up grades but I Know you can test your ABS by going out onto a dirt road and hit the brakes doing about 40km/h and turn the steering wheel hard at the same time if your car turns I guess your ABS is working fine This is a good practice so you get use to the way ABS works in the a real situation

    I think the roads are a lot more slippery here in Thailand than Australia so the moment the computer senses the wheel slipping the ABS will cut in giving you maxim braking with out locking up so I think thats why it cuts in a lot earlier in Thailand and giving you the sense of less braking power

    Or I could just be full of shit :o

  8. I have seen western houses built around our area for any where from 900,000 bht for a single story two bed room with western kitchen. I have put about 3 mill bht into my house but it is 300 sq meters with 4 bed rooms 3 bath rooms the house it self was around 2.3 mill bht to build and the other 700,000 has gone into gates fencing water tanks pumps and land scaping etc There is a some threads in the isan section that would be a good idea to read but not sure where you are building as the same house I built in Isan they wanted double to build it in bangkok

    Good luck

  9. First of all, I work, take care of myself, and my house is spotlessly clean. I ALWAYS clean my house, and if I lived with a man who also worked, I would expect we would BOTH help each other to keep it clean. If that becomes impossible because of our schedules, then we would hire a housekeeper.

    As for referring to modern women as bitches, I guess that's the price we have to pay for turning down men so inferior, that they have to denigrate women who are not sexually interested.

    If that's what you call a bitch, then you can be sure I'd rather my dauther be one, rather than someone's mute, timid, apathetic, or uneducated wife/chattel.

    I am so thankful that I am not back in my mother's generation, where a marriage to someone like you would have been my best option :D

    A bitch to me means someone who is snappy unhappy always complaining nothing is ever good enough and shows little respect for other people. This I know as I was with one for 10years

    And Kat you sure seem a little up tight and you post like you have a real hatred for men in general are you sure you are not a double muff buffer

    Really, well based on the history of your comments compared to mine, you are a much bigger bitch than me. Are you sure you're a man? oh, nevermind; it really wouldn't matter to most on this forum anyway :o

    No I am a lesbian trapped in a mans body :D

  10. Besides,if you stopped and helped every Thai broken down you would never get anywhere!

    With regard to Harley riders, you will never get any sort of recognition from them, they are too busy practising "the look" (or grimace!).

    Not that you need it, though....sabaii, sabaii.

    I have found all riders up here in the northeast wave harley riders included.

  11. It does seem a bit rich I payed 200 bht a load a few years back to do the house block. And last month the same guy turned up to ask if we want to fill our other block for the special price of 200bht for a 4m3 truck 50 loads 10,000 bht but if we wait until next month it will be 250bht a load

  12. "If I saw someone with a big bike that had a problem I would stop and help them.

    And smaller bikes?

    or can they get f&^@>d? :o

    If it was a sweet little Thai girl that was having trouble sure I would stop but if it was someone like Peaceblonde I would keep riding :D . If I saw a falang having trouble I would stop and try and help no matter what he was riding

    It not quite the same with the smaller bikes as most here in Thailand ride smaller bikes for transportation not for the love of bikes so I don’t feel that there is much of a feeling that you are helping out a fellow bike lover

  13. @rigger:
    I think you may have some sort of problem with you car and your brain and you should try and get out a bit more

    Comments like that just show off your immaturity and ensure you a good place in ignore lists. So you think I should get out more, while you can do stoplight racing. What a hero you are. Not.

    @raro, As I've said before a lot of pickups get tuned, they're quite easy to modify to produce quote a lot more power than the standard.

    @wilco, there are comments for and against. Yes, perhaps my Dmac has been "fixed", I'll ask the garage next I see them. Anyway, when going 130 km/h I am mature enought to know that the car has reached it's safe limit and don't need to show my machismo by endangering my family and other road users by exceeding that. The website was indeed from a Thai Consulate but the information is valid, I've seen a Thai website with the same info, just can't find it now. Yes, the price is about double. A top-of-the-range Vigo is about 800k, a Fortuner about 1.6M.

    Taking of from a stop light with your foot flat in a 2.5 diesel is about as dangerous as crossing the street you pussy.

    Driving at 130km a hour is still breaking the law and you are still endangering my family and other road users when doing it F@#$ Hypocrite

    And I still think you should get that brain looked at

    As for a good place in ignore lists you wouldn,t be the first one :o

  14. Back in the days I was a competing shooter, mostly 6.5mm Mauser-rifles on 200 up to 600m field-ranges, but have also had an interest in skeet-shooting and pistol-shooting (anything between 9mm up to .357).

    Since this I have 2 things to ask. =)

    First is that I have several friends from back home that are talking about comming over and visiting, and they all want to visit fireranges. Not the normal local ones for smaller firearms, but the ones with M16 and other military issued weapons.

    Does anyone have a good place to recomend, preferably not to many hours from BKK? Googling doesn't give all places (since most aren't online...) and word of mouth-recomendations are worth much more then a flashy webpage imho.

    Second thing, are there any fellow shooters on the forum? Perhaps you own you own firearm and reguarly practice at a local range? Coming from a country where a lot of ranges exists (and most of them have websites) to Thailand it's kinda hard to find any decent place when I don't know where to start looking.

    I was told by the police that firearm (pistols and revolvers) up and including .357 was in the same firearms-license class and obtainable if one had a 'houselog', but this was said by a policeman that also owns a gunshop, so he might not be a expert of firearms-laws, I do not know. Any info regarding this would also be appruciated.

    We tried to get a pistol licences up here in the N/E and was told by the local head police man that we didnt own enough land to warent a pistol licence or pistol. But we are still working on this one. There are plenty of guns around up here and no one else seems to have a licence

  15. No love at first sight with me but I did think see was the most beautiful women I had ever seen and still have that picture in my head after 5 years. I think it was about 1 year that I really new I was in love with her.

    She had asked me if I loved her after being together about 2 months in which I told no but I really liked her a lot and that love it is something that has to grow slowly. She thanked me for being honest.

    5 years later still going strong and have a good understanding of what each other wants in life

  16. I am all for the guys jumping in the ring as at least it is controlled/safer and the guy isn’t out trying to start a fight with someone in a bar. Who may just do some real serious damage to him or at worse kill him. I guess if they have the balls to get in there to start with well I guess they aren’t really poseurs are they. One of the local guys in the village wants to teach me Thai boxing but I really can’t be bothered with all the extra exercise I would have to do as it would interfere with my other hobbies

  17. First of all, I work, take care of myself, and my house is spotlessly clean. I ALWAYS clean my house, and if I lived with a man who also worked, I would expect we would BOTH help each other to keep it clean. If that becomes impossible because of our schedules, then we would hire a housekeeper.

    As for referring to modern women as bitches, I guess that's the price we have to pay for turning down men so inferior, that they have to denigrate women who are not sexually interested.

    If that's what you call a bitch, then you can be sure I'd rather my dauther be one, rather than someone's mute, timid, apathetic, or uneducated wife/chattel.

    I am so thankful that I am not back in my mother's generation, where a marriage to someone like you would have been my best option :o

    A bitch to me means someone who is snappy unhappy always complaining nothing is ever good enough and shows little respect for other people. This I know as I was with one for 10years

    And Kat you sure seem a little up tight and you post like you have a real hatred for men in general are you sure you are not a double muff buffer

  18. I think the RACQ comments just about sum things up, however, we are talking Thailand here and in my job I see regularly the results of vehicles not being attended to or used.

    Oviously the best thing is to have someone come in and at least start the vehicle regularly, and I do recommend putting the vehicle on blocks to eliminate tyre damage if its not to be driven

    But being in Thailand i think one of the biggest dangers, is the vehicle being taken over by rats with edibles such as electric wiring being nibbled/eaten/destroyed which will require a total re-wire around the areas affected. Not to mention damage by rats to seats etc.

    The rats of course will then attract snakes who love covered unused cars!!!!!!!!

    I write this seriously and am certainly not taking the mickey

    I had this happen last time home with my motorcycle that sits for only one month at a time. When I hit a bump the engine would die. We pulled it down a find rats had got in and eaten some of the wiring loom and was arking on the frame. They get into anything

  19. i think the attitude of western men to western women after meeting with asian women change because the asian women are still women and not striving to be men.

    let me explain over the past 20 years

    1. in my home town the last men only club closed under pressure from women's rights organisations. now they have access they only come into the place in dribs and drabs, the lads have to watch thier p' and q's, the place is nearly empty and faces closure.

    2. the golf club, the women now have entry rights to all the comps and get privilage shots and tee off 200 yards in front of the men. now if they want to play and compete then play as we play on an even footing.

    3. in the west it is well known how unfair the laws are against the man as far as divorce goes. and i do not see many women standing up and saying how unfair ti is.

    4. women in the work place getting promotions just because there seems to be an abundance of men in senior positions. and when the women have position you cannot shout or raise voices as this sets off tears. what good is this in the very emotional world of business, people do get emotional and upset over monitory decisions and they want answers and solutions not tears.

    men want to marry a woman not a competitor

    women have wanted and got the competative edge now they must learn to live with what they have achieved.

    me i love my children and my wife i like to drink with friends come home from a hard days work to a clean house and good food if i was married again to a western woman she would want to work and compete and i would have to clean and cook after my work day, maybe we would have plenty of money, but a sh+t life. i do not want my wife working as i feel it is hard enough to keep the house in order and that in it's self is a full time job.

    now why does the western woman want to work and have children and run a house at the same time, beats me

    I agree with opothai

    Glauka I dont see many TV males bashing western women posts The only time I here about it is when a TV lady gets on her high horse and starts to whine

    Maybe it is just that time of month ?? :o

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