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Posts posted by narkeddiver

  1. Let's hope your Aircard/USB Modem/MiFi/Mobile WiFi is unlocked for use with any network.

    what does it mean?

    If your air card is unlocked you will be able to use it with a sim card from true, ais, dtac or any other mobile phone network

    If your air card is locked then you'll only be able to use it with a SIM card from the network it is locked to

  2. If the pockets block wireless signals to does this also mean that if I put my phone in the pocket of a pair of these security trousers that the signal will be blocked and I therefore won't be able to receive any phone calls, etc? ;)

    Could be useful for blocking phone location services if you tell the missus you're going to the shops when you're actually meeting your mates in the pub ;)

  3. My wife's office has 3 pcs - one is plugged into a UPS and the UPS is located next to the PC (maybe 3 or 4 cm away).

    This PC intermittently freezes once or twice everyday and needs to be powered off and on to resume working

    The other 2 pcs are fine, however when they are switched to the same location they develop the same fault

    Is it possible that the proximity of the UPS to the pc is causing the glitch?

  4. I'm plodding my way through levelling and now that the launch issues are subsiding I'm enjoying WoD very much

    I'm levelling an alt towards 100 at the moment because my main server had large queues last week - they've died down now so I'm torn between continuing levelling my alt or switching back to my main ;)

  5. The Bangkok Post has an article related to a potential change in law that will change how nominee companies work - no more sleeping partners by the looks of things

    The article was on either Friday or Saturday - unfortunately I don't think we're allowed to link to Bangkok Post articles here

  6. Apple controls pricing pretty strictly. Their products sell in Thailand for just a little more than they do in US or Europe. I looked into on a recent visit home, and decided that local support alone would be worth the small price difference.

    But there is always a lag in the products reaching Thailand. If you need the latest now, buying overseas might be justified. My first iPad was purchased in US at a time when it could not be had in Thailand (except at a high markup on the grey market.)

    Don't know about the rest of Europe but the iPhone 6 currently appears to be about £50 cheaper in Thailand than in the UK ;)

  7. are you dee mfee .... the graffiti artist ?


    No I am not a grafitti artist nor a tagger, mcffee became the abbreviation for my website mekongcoffee.com that started to lead it's own life, now often chosed as my register name. I am also not affiliated with the extravagant, coke-sniffing antivirus developer who killed his neighbour.



  8. I do love how personally some people take the phone choice of others ;)

    I would just like to state now that when I choose my next phone, whoever the manufacturer is, it is not intended as a personal insult to anyone here

    I won't be buying it because I perceive that it makes me better (or worse than anyone else), I won't be buying it because I believe it is the best phone in the world - I'll be buying it because I like it ;)

    Hopefully one day the android and apple fans will unite to exterminate the windows heathen ;) (only joking)

  9. If you have time I would recommend contacting your local court and asking them for an official letter stating why the stamp is in black rather than red - sometimes the home office and the foreign office don't talk to each other

    When my wife and I got married in the UK we had to apply for a marriage visa for my wife and one of the of the requirements for the visa was a letter from the registry office stating that we had booked a registrar

    When I talked to my local registrar he said they no longer issued such letters because we could easily cancel the appointment afterwards and that the foreign office had been told this was the case - when I tried explaining this to the embassy in Bangkok they still requested the letter

    In the end after several phone calls to the UK working my way up the chain of command at the home office I was given the name and phone number of the Home Secretary's secretary and told to give this to the embassy if they still insisted on the letter

    I wrote the embassy a very polite note explaining the situation and why there wasn't a letter from the registrar and asked them to contact the contact at the home office if they had an issue

    There was no further contact from the embassy and my wife's visa was approved

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  10. Is there a good open source version of M$ exchchange or nohope notes? I.e. Enterprise level email and calendar sever

    Yes, there are a couple of specialized distros based on Ubuntu and Centos. They are generally full M$ AD/DC replacements. Zentyal (www.zentyal.org) is probably the best implementation, based on research I've done recently.

    Thank you for the suggestion

  11. If you go to you tube and search for Todd olthoff Yosemite there is a video talking you through the preparation steps for upgrading to Yosemite - at one point he uses a website to search and check for app compatibility with Yosemite - if you get to that point in the video the website he uses may be of help to you

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