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Posts posted by telaksslave

  1. ... last year, I poisoned a bunch of roosters next door who started crowing at 3m. There are limits!

    I hate roosters! I can tolerate any kind of noise except roosters. I hate roosters! Aaaargghh!

    Isnt there a law in Miami regarding roosters? Tourists who pay for $300/night hotels

    couldn't get a good night's sleep because of the damned roosters.

    Bravo to you for killing those monsters!!!

    ive heard they can gobble so there not all bad :o

  2. can you buy a decent thai wine in pattaya im fed up with paying the duties that are imposed on imported wines and before anyone says there are no decent thai wines yes there are i had some in bangkok and not that horrible stuff that was being sold in carrefour on a stall downstairs, i wouldnt put that stuff on my chips

    decent thai wine is neither available in Pattaya nor anywhere else. reason: there is no decent thai wine :o

    your obviously not as clever as you think, i was in bangkok last week at the kinnaree restaurant probably the best thai restaurant in bangkok, if theres abetter one id like to know and i had some wine called monsoon valley and it was very good, i suggest you stick to your leo beer mixed with 100 pipers :D and i do know what im talking about ive worked in some of the best hotels in europe

  3. can you buy a decent thai wine in pattaya im fed up with paying the duties that are imposed on imported wines and before anyone says there are no decent thai wines yes there are i had some in bangkok and not that horrible stuff that was being sold in carrefour on a stall downstairs, i wouldnt put that stuff on my chips

  4. I think you might like Cabbages and Condoms in Jomtien. They have a beautiful natural setting, with a sub-tropical rainforest. There are peacocks and little rabbits running around. The beach is the most beautiful in the area and the restaurant is amazing...great food. The hotel is owned by Khun Meechai, who was a member of parliamment and had a big campaign for the use of condoms in Thailand. To sum it up, the setting is beautiful, food is great and the service fantastic.....You will not regret it. Funny how small the world is, I have eaten in some of the restaurants you worked in, probably at the same time as well....Hotel Metropole!

    I just saw Khan Davies suggested it as well....I second his suggestion!

    ok i will try it 2nite, but i ended up with my potential clients in a great thai restaurant in bangkok called kinnaree just off sukomvit not far from nana if your there try it, its classy, thanks for that about the south of france i was 21 in 1976, great memories for me

  5. Reading the "wrag head" comment from telaksslave makes me so mad. It sounds as though you, telaksslave, are a whinging <deleted>. Go home.

    and sounds like ur a sheep sh@gger from new zealand. who cant win the world cup at rugby and thats the only sport ur half decent at toot toot toot, theres no need to use abusive language :o

  6. Most people can see a man wearing bad hairpiece but I guess with enough money, one can buy a really good toupee that can fool just about anyone.

    As I ride my bicycle around CM, too often, it is very obvious when I see and hear a ladyboy but have I passed a great looking woman who turns out to be a ladyboy, faking me out just like a great toupee.

    I was over a thai girl's room getting a thai massage. She said a close gf was coming over after we were done, just arriving from BKK looking for work in karaoke clubs. She kept saying to me that her friend was more beautiful than her and I thought this thai masseur was quite sexy and beautiful.

    Her friend arrived. She was tall, slender, shapely with medium delicate size hands and feet but there was something about her face. It just didn't look quite feminine. She wasn't wearing much makeup but eyebrows were delicately made up. She did have a somewhat low voice but so do other beautiful "real" women. So I was left quite unsure. Unfortunately, shortly after, the thai masseur girl left town and I was unable to satisfy my curiosity whether her friend "was real or memorex" (an old advertising commercial)

    Any interesting or embarrassing experiences?

    Just a note of languege clarification: A massuer denotes a male massage person and a masseuse denotes a female person who does massage. In the case of a ladyboy, I am not sure which term would be gramatically correct. The first one you mentioned I assume was a female. At any rate, some (a small few) of the ladyboys can be quite "head turners". I have a ladyboy story, but I'd rather not repeat it again for fear of bringing my Thai Visa fan club out of the woodwork again. Keep looking, I am sure you will find some good ones, of whichever is your choice.

    its quite simple if its got a meat and 2 veg run

  7. i thought i saw a while back that some noisy beer bars were fined because of the music it was pumping out, what is the situation then on that horrible whailing at unearthly times ie: 5 am in mosques, now im not going down the religion road, just the noise that is created by the mosques with the loudspeakers, how do thet get away with it,this is an intrusion into my privacy, can anything be done.

    Before you moved to Thailand, were you one of those people who bought a thatched cottage in an olde English village then started a campaign to stop the 300 year old church bells ringing on Sunday mornings.

    like most farangs here they leave there brains at the airport, your in that category, and by the way im from the cheapest 1 on the monopoly board old kent road bermondsey south east london and there is no thatched cottages there and plenty of noise, out of about 20 answers to my thread only 2 persons have come out with sensible and direct answers to the comments and the rest well walter mitty eat your heat out

    Ok - here it is in simple terms.

    Who was there first, you or the mosque.

    My guess - the mosque.

    You chose to live in Thailand. You chose to live near a mosque. What were you expecting - jellied eels, pie and liquor and 'Chas and Dave'.

    haha very good chicken legs i like that, but ive lived here for nearly 7 years and the wrag heads built 1 up the road from me 2 years ago but im well pissed off they dont do jellied eels :o

  8. Since this is an anonymous forum, do you have any deep dark secrets that you've never told anyone? I do. In my early teens I used to steal "March of Dimes" containers at the check-out stands of grocery stores. They were full of coins donated by customers and meant to help fund cures for childhood diseases. Have always felt pretty crummy about that.... :D

    your definatly not the full shilling :o

  9. Hello wonderful people! Im new to this forum, but wanted to ask some questions.

    I am currently attending school at Rangsit U in pathumthani. Im an american citizen and truly enjoying my time studying in thailand. i wanted to come back after we shot a documentary in late december early january about a small group of international high school student that promote positive social change. after that experience, I had to get back.

    one of my other hobbies/passions besides video is photography (among other things), and I wanted to ask about having a camera shipped over here. I already brough my digital, 35mm, and my plastic fantastic Holga 120, but I also wanted my hasselblad sent over from my uncle. This camera is rather expensive, although Im not sure which model he will give me, or how much it really costs.

    I don't want to pay outrageously high import duties, or anything for that matter as im on a fixed income while at school. I do graphic and web design to pay for school, but its a bit more tricky when the majority of your clients are a good 12hour time difference.

    Anyhow, the camera will be shipped from the US. Any information would be greatly appreciate, and please let me know if you need any other info!

    Thank you kindly!

    enjoy in Joy



    my wife works in customs and she said try and get a friend to come on holidays here and bring it with them thats the easiest way, sorry your american the american word is vacation not ( holidays) i keep forgetting you speak a different language to the english :o ( only joking)

  10. He should leave Thailand by plane, paying the overstay fee of 20,000 Baht at the airport.

    If he used his passport to check in at the tourist resort and if the resort made the usual report of arrival of guests to the immigration office or local police station and if the recipient of this report does his job correctly, your colleague's problem will be solved for him by the authorities. Look at the attached page 2 of the resort's report of arrivals. It includes among other details from the passport the expiry date of stay.



    spot on

  11. C'mon already! You can't bait people like this! We need the details! Spill the beans, we're hungry!! Jeez....

    haha now i know why you are here, you must have been the villiage idiot when you were at home, ive just seen your responses on this forum, but never mind every village has one its nothing to be ashamed of :o

  12. i thought i saw a while back that some noisy beer bars were fined because of the music it was pumping out, what is the situation then on that horrible whailing at unearthly times ie: 5 am in mosques, now im not going down the religion road, just the noise that is created by the mosques with the loudspeakers, how do thet get away with it,this is an intrusion into my privacy, can anything be done.

    Before you moved to Thailand, were you one of those people who bought a thatched cottage in an olde English village then started a campaign to stop the 300 year old church bells ringing on Sunday mornings.

    like most farangs here they leave there brains at the airport, your in that category, and by the way im from the cheapest 1 on the monopoly board old kent road bermondsey south east london and there is no thatched cottages there and plenty of noise, out of about 20 answers to my thread only 2 persons have come out with sensible and direct answers to the comments and the rest well walter mitty eat your heat out

  13. I re-read your post several times.

    Was surprised to see someone actually posting that they committed a criminal act in the country.

    Then, I still can not see, or find, the clue that tells me it was a joke.

    Er... no sense of humor perhaps?? :o

    how about just answering the question ur is that 2 much for your brain

  14. [sure, you can move to another country, like Iceland perhaps. You bothered by noise in Thailand?? This is Asia - not the USA or UK where you can just call the police and they rush out to quell the disturbance. Noise is part of the fabric here - adjust to it, move, or have your ears surgically removed. Don't try to fight it - losing battle. I will admit, however, that last year, I poisoned a bunch of roosters next door who started crowing at 3m. There are limits!

    just the response expected from a an idiot who poisoned someones chickens, its just a shame that the Thais didnt find out because you would be pushing up daisys , i know a farang who poisoned his neighbours dogs and he is with the daisys now, by your response, im surprised that you knew Thailand was in Asia :o

    Just as I expected - a simpleton who wouldn't recognize a joke it it was floating in his soup. Pathetic. I've never posioned a thing in my life. Get a clue!

    great joke where did you learn that, i bet ur a bundle of fun at a party. mm do they have partys at ceetanya

  15. i thought i saw a while back that some noisy beer bars were fined because of the music it was pumping out, what is the situation then on that horrible whailing at unearthly times ie: 5 am in mosques, now im not going down the religion road, just the noise that is created by the mosques with the loudspeakers, how do thet get away with it,this is an intrusion into my privacy, can anything be done.

    Mosques??? Are you in Thailand? What a disaster that would be, to move to Thailand only to have to listen to that. Thats almost a joke. If it's not a joke than I feel sorry for you. As for noise laws, well I don't think there are any. It all depends on who you are and if you have high powered relations or some such. Noise seems to be a way of like here. Its cultural you see, and you'll never understand.

    You have heard of South Thailand? I large segment of the population is Muslim there, hence some Mosques. The local Wats are also fond of placing loudspeakers in neighborhood areas to announce various matters of interest, etc. Local concert stages are also places to avoid locating near. The best is a house or condo/apt in a quiet area. Village locations? Forget it.

    i agree with what your saying i know all about the south and the village loudspeakers and the wats but the wat and village speakers are only used on certain occasions in a mainly bhuddist country , perhaps i didnt make it clear enough when i started the thread, although i did state it, i was talking about the unsociable hours and invasion of privacy, i know many thais who do not like the moslim ranting on when they need there sleep to get up and do a hard days work at a time when most people are asleep, i really cant understand why anyone cant see that, a lot of farangs think the thais are stupid this thread confirms its the wrong way round looking at some of the responses,

  16. i thought i saw a while back that some noisy beer bars were fined because of the music it was pumping out, what is the situation then on that horrible whailing at unearthly times ie: 5 am in mosques, now im not going down the religion road, just the noise that is created by the mosques with the loudspeakers, how do thet get away with it,this is an intrusion into my privacy, can anything be done.

    Mosques??? Are you in Thailand? What a disaster that would be, to move to Thailand only to have to listen to that. Thats almost a joke. If it's not a joke than I feel sorry for you. As for noise laws, well I don't think there are any. It all depends on who you are and if you have high powered relations or some such. Noise seems to be a way of like here. Its cultural you see, and you'll never understand.

    you dont have to feel sorry for me, you obviously know very little about Thailand, its laws are generaly up to date and sensilble, its actually enforcing them thats the problem.

  17. i thought i saw a while back that some noisy beer bars were fined because of the music it was pumping out, what is the situation then on that horrible whailing at unearthly times ie: 5 am in mosques, now im not going down the religion road, just the noise that is created by the mosques with the loudspeakers, how do thet get away with it,this is an intrusion into my privacy, can anything be done.

    Sure, you can move to another country, like Iceland perhaps. You bothered by noise in Thailand?? This is Asia - not the USA or UK where you can just call the police and they rush out to quell the disturbance. Noise is part of the fabric here - adjust to it, move, or have your ears surgically removed. Don't try to fight it - losing battle. I will admit, however, that last year, I poisoned a bunch of roosters next door who started crowing at 3m. There are limits!

    just the response expected from a an idiot who poisoned someones chickens, its just a shame that the Thais didnt find out because you would be pushing up daisys , i know a farang who poisoned his neighbours dogs and he is with the daisys now, by your response, im surprised that you knew Thailand was in Asia :o

  18. i thought i saw a while back that some noisy beer bars were fined because of the music it was pumping out, what is the situation then on that horrible whailing at unearthly times ie: 5 am in mosques, now im not going down the religion road, just the noise that is created by the mosques with the loudspeakers, how do thet get away with it,this is an intrusion into my privacy, can anything be done.

  19. Without wishing to draw a thread with this subject back into deep debate, I noticed an article on page two bottom left corner of today's PM; stating that BB drivers have lobbied to increase their fares as the current legal minimum fare of 5 Baht is no longer economical.

    Although I very seldom travel by BB I thought there was a fare increase last year to 10Baht?

    The article makes no mention of any zones or routes.

    The general accepted price at the moment is 10 baht for farang and 5 baht for Thais. They are probably talking about increase the price for Thais.

    And the logical increase form 10B - 20B for foreigners.....

    Still can't for the life of me understand why the price is different for the same seat. :D

    farangs take more room they have bigger butts :o

  20. It has to be the brain-dead creeps who think that when they speak Pidgin English, they are speaking Thai, so they go around leaving all the pronouns out and throwing in the two Thai words they know in every sentence and act all cool like they really know how to communicate here.

    Even worse are the morons that speak Pidgin English to other foreigners. I have a really hard time not telling them what I think of them.

    The other day, I heard a new one, this fellow was speaking with his girlfriend who spoke English very well, but when he answered her in English, he would imitate her Thai accent and all the mistakes that she made.

    He wasn't doing it to make fun of her as he did it for 45 minutes straight. Somehow he thought that they were speaking Thai and he was a really cool guy! :o

    putting silly topics on thaivisa.com :D

  21. ive lost my company stamp, how do i get 1 back as i have to stamp so documents quickly

    Ask you husband?



    why would i want an husband when ive got a wife which half wit school did you go to, and you obviously cant read properly as well, that was not the question, read again

    He probably went to the same half wit school that taught you grammar and punctuation. :o

    i didnt realize i was going back to school but its quite normal for most farangs in thailand to try and be clever the only reason most are here is because they are failures back where thay come from

    Take it easy, the folks here are just hazing the new guy a bit. The answer to your question was pretty obvious though, so you were only setting yourself up by insinuating another poster lacked a decent education.

    Welcome to TV. If anything, your stay here should toughen that thin skin of yours up a bit.


    u tell me 1 thing thats obvious here except ur gonna lose ur money 1 way or another :D

  22. ive lost my company stamp, how do i get 1 back as i have to stamp so documents quickly

    Ask you husband?



    why would i want an husband when ive got a wife which half wit school did you go to, and you obviously cant read properly as well, that was not the question, read again

    He probably went to the same half wit school that taught you grammar and punctuation. :o

    i didnt realize i was going back to school but its quite normal for most farangs in thailand to try and be clever the only reason most are here is because they are failures back where thay come from

  23. ive lost my company stamp, how do i get 1 back as i have to stamp so documents quickly

    Ask you husband?



    why would i want an husband when ive got a wife which half wit school did you go to, and you obviously cant read properly as well, that was not the question, read again

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