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Posts posted by telaksslave

  1. With regards to Sociology, I must confess, I am rather ignorant. But as I get older I can't but help notice that selfishness and greed must be contributing factors to the dysfunction of the Society of which I am apart - I live in the UK.

    So is it a " Every man out for himself, ****** everbody else" attitude that contributes to Social Isolation, here, in the West? Of course everybody needs to make a living and provide Shelter, Food etc for themselves and in many cases a family too, so prehaps it's just the busyness and lack of time to think about others?

    I am 33. When I was 26 I met, ( In Thailand), married, and brought a Thai girl back to the UK, where we now live, still together, 6 years later. One of the first things my wife commented on about life in the West, was the lack of community and the feeling of being alone, which is natural to somebody coming to a strange new Country from a considerably different Culture, in her case Thailand.

    But she is still baffled that people can live, side by side in a residential street, all their lives and not even know their neighbours.

    When we return to Thailand for our annual holiday and to see the family in Issan, and are in the village enviornment, with all the goings on, It strikes me how isolated people are in the UK, usually chronically so.

    Anybody with a B.A in Sociology?

    any big city in the world can be a lonely place, small comunitys are usually completly different, they like to talk and hear everybodys problems then gossip and slightly change the story thats part of a small comunitys life, but one thing that does stand out to me, regarding familys, is a thai lady can leave her children to work a bar or whatever trade and forget them easily that would rarely happens in europe, its a strange thing, they just dont seem as close to there children as we are or is this just my imagination ?? please tell me

  2. I've often wondered why there are so many Brits in Thailand. I'm talking young Brits in their late 20s, early 30s, who should be pursuing careers in England. Instead, they are here working shit teaching jobs just so they can stay. What happens when they're 65 and have nothing? I have an excuse - I'm retired, got a pension and a ton of bucks in the bank. I'm here to chill. Is it realy that bad in England? Must be a miserable little island....

    the reason why were in thailand is because next to a yanks intelligence, were all rocket scientists :o

    • Like 1
  3. As Thai wines are taxed the same way as imported wines, why bother?

    oh right i didnt realize that, it puts a different perspective on the whole issue and it also proves what idiots are running thailand my thread was why pay large taxes on an equivilant imported wine when you you dont have to pay the taxes on thailand wine, irrelevent of what different people think of its quality, thats a personal thing, i was trying to find out about good value, well another good example of shooting yourselves in the foot well done thailand

    It's called GREED :D:D:o

    yep i agree on that one

  4. can you buy a decent thai wine in pattaya im fed up with paying the duties that are imposed on imported wines and before anyone says there are no decent thai wines yes there are i had some in bangkok and not that horrible stuff that was being sold in carrefour on a stall downstairs, i wouldnt put that stuff on my chips

    decent thai wine is neither available in Pattaya nor anywhere else. reason: there is no decent thai wine :o

    your obviously not as clever as you think, i was in bangkok last week at the kinnaree restaurant probably the best thai restaurant in bangkok, if theres abetter one id like to know and i had some wine called monsoon valley and it was very good, i suggest you stick to your leo beer mixed with 100 pipers :D and i do know what im talking about ive worked in some of the best hotels in europe

    Rubbish!!! I'm afraid you SIR don't know your wine! Obviously working in some of best hotels in Europe has not taught anything! Read my lips: There is no such thing as good Thai Wine!

    silly boy go away ignorance is bliss

  5. A few too many snobby people associated with wine.

    If it tastes good. then drink and enjoy it.

    And sod the so called experts.

    It's not normal for people to except, people telling them what to like and dislike.

    But the wine boys and girls will try to do this.

    Don't let them.


  6. Know a few bar owners who won't have Wi-Fi In the bar, as it just encourages people to have one water or coke or coffee and then sit in the bar for 4 hours.

    any way who goes out on the piss with a lap top under there arm. :D

    After all look at the sad gits in Starbucks in the afternoon :D

    Nice for a hotel or resort, but a bar not so good for the takings. :D

    They might even push the boat right out, and by some som-tam and bring it in to the bar to eat as well, so they don't spend and more money in the bar.. :D

    One thing I have seen is Laptop don't work to well, after they have water dripped on the keyboard from the bottom of a glass. always a laugh. :D

    A bars is a bar, lets keep it that way. Beer, Birds and Tab's :o


  7. can you buy a decent thai wine in pattaya im fed up with paying the duties that are imposed on imported wines and before anyone says there are no decent thai wines yes there are i had some in bangkok and not that horrible stuff that was being sold in carrefour on a stall downstairs, i wouldnt put that stuff on my chips

    decent thai wine is neither available in Pattaya nor anywhere else. reason: there is no decent thai wine :o

    your obviously not as clever as you think, i was in bangkok last week at the kinnaree restaurant probably the best thai restaurant in bangkok, if theres abetter one id like to know and i had some wine called monsoon valley and it was very good, i suggest you stick to your leo beer mixed with 100 pipers :D and i do know what im talking about ive worked in some of the best hotels in europe

    apparently thai home grown wine ids taxed at 400%

    "Decent Thai wine" is an oxymoron.

    A the time of writing I can't think of a single wine produced in the tropics tat is drinkable. wine is produced in Temperate or Mediterranean climates.

    Monsoons are usually a blended concoctions and some are just about drinkable but nothing more...it's heavily promoted here and abroad....someone has got a lot of (govt?) money to promote what is really a pretty poor wine.

    I think it is easy to look at the decor when tasting a wine and assume because the decor is nice, the wine must be.

    thats what was said about aussie wine originaly south african, chile and so on but i take your point on the temperate thing, thats an interesting point i will have to have a look at that and the validity of it, as youve put a spanner in my works :D

  8. can you buy a decent thai wine in pattaya im fed up with paying the duties that are imposed on imported wines and before anyone says there are no decent thai wines yes there are i had some in bangkok and not that horrible stuff that was being sold in carrefour on a stall downstairs, i wouldnt put that stuff on my chips

    decent thai wine is neither available in Pattaya nor anywhere else. reason: there is no decent thai wine :o

    your obviously not as clever as you think, i was in bangkok last week at the kinnaree restaurant probably the best thai restaurant in bangkok, if theres abetter one id like to know and i had some wine called monsoon valley and it was very good, i suggest you stick to your leo beer mixed with 100 pipers :D and i do know what im talking about ive worked in some of the best hotels in europe

    apparently thai home grown wine ids taxed at 400%

    "Decent Thai wine" is an oxymoron.

    A the time of writing I can't think of a single wine produced in the tropics tat is drinkable. wine is produced in Temperate or Mediterranean climates.

    Monsoons are usually a blended concoctions and some are just about drinkable but nothing more...it's heavily promoted here and abroad....someone has got a lot of (govt?) money to promote what is really a pretty poor wine.

    I think it is easy to look at the decor when tasting a wine and assume because the decor is nice, the wine must be.

    thats what was said about aussie wine originaly south african, chile and so on but i take your point on the temperate thing, thats an interesting point i will have to have a look at that and the validity of it, as youve put a spanner in my works, :D i am only looking at a " drinkable wine" :D

  9. Mushy Peas

    Mushy peas are dried marrowfat peas which have been soaked overnight and then boiled. They are a great favourite of the north of England and are a traditional accompaniment to fish and chips.

    INGREDIENTS: Dried marrowfat peas - 225 g, Bicarbonate of soda - * tsp, Unsalted butter - 15 g, Salt and freshly ground black pepper.

    COOKING:1. In a large basin, soak the peas overnight (or for at least 4 hours) in three times their volume of cold water, with the bicarbonate of soda.

    2. Rinse the peas well and put them into a medium saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat to simmer for approximately 1 - 2 hours stirring from time to time, until the peas are cooked and have fallen to a softened mush.

    3. If they appear too wet, continue cooking over a low heat to drive off any excess moisture, but take care to keep stirring, to prevent them burning on the base of the pan.

    4. Beat in the butter, salt and pepper to taste.

    Recipe from Britannia recipes.

    I usually add a little bicarb at the cooking stage also - helps to break down the skins and shortens the cooking time a little.

    Here ya go:

    we if you buy the LEO brand you get a bicarb tablet with the peas

  10. As Thai wines are taxed the same way as imported wines, why bother?

    oh right i didnt realize that, it puts a different perspective on the whole issue and it also proves what idiots are running thailand my thread was why pay large taxes on an equivilant imported wine when you you dont have to pay the taxes on thailand wine, irrelevent of what different people think of its quality, thats a personal thing, i was trying to find out about good value, well another good example of shooting yourselves in the foot well done thailand

  11. The Labor Office is in Chonburi - about a 45 minute drive North of Pattaya straight up Highway 3. (Turn left at a major junction - then a few minutes along impossibly wide empty roads to a typical Thai government looking office.) Sorry - can drive there now but only know it by sight.

    If another fails to provide better directions I'll see if I can find it on Google Earth/Wikimaps - it's probably bookmarked already.

    would that be the same government building that do the limited companys as i know where that is ?

  12. i want to get a work permit to work with my wife, i know about an extra employee if you get a work permit with your wife, but i think i will try and apply for it with my wife, so she can check everything is correct, i dont see why i should line a lawyers pocket with no guarantee that its correct anyway, does anyone know where the office is to apply, i know its not city hall, ive been there and they were about much help as a chocolate fireguard

  13. Are you talking about whisky or whiskey? There's a big difference!

    What even if you mix them with coke? :o

    being a old grandpa might mean that you lose your taste. but as a youngster. i do not.

    Coke does not dilute the taste of any kind of whiskey. of course if you'Re a light weight, you will put too much cola but 1/3 whiskey and 2/3 cola (or more whiskey) is enough to taste the difference

    There is a HUGE difference in quality over the 350 baht whiskey at 7/11, the 800baht (100 piper) sewer whiskey, and the delightfull Chivas 12years old whiskey.

    im not sure which blue label is the cheapest. but one time with my friend they ordered it(blue i think) without me knowning since i asked for the average or expensive one, well i got sick after 1 glass.. had to buy my own bottle.

    of course ive never been poor and have always drank or ate great food, so my taste is developed. if you come from a regular american family eating cheap hamburger steaks nightly, its normal that you dont and are just jealous of people with more money than you enjoying themselves to a nice alchool.


  14. hi,

    i live in chaingmai,and i have some problem to start to run some exporting business i want to do.

    i find meny customers are intrsting to buy and importing from thailand.

    but my problem is how to export to them,i cant spek thai,i no have connection,

    and i dont know how to go and loking for them waht they loking for,agin,specially becoz the language

    so waht i need?

    i need advice or good advice how to run this business.

    tnx alot.


    i live in chaingmai.

    the very first thing you need to do is learn how to spell in english, if you want to do international trade :o

  15. I don't want the hassle of putting up a classified ad so I wonder if anyone has recommendations for where I can sell my PC and monitor. Do the shops in TukCom buy used PCs? Or would I be better off going to Cash Converters? Will I get totally screwed on the price?

    At Cash Converters you will not get the price you hoped, ther are places in Tukcom that sell used equipment, not sure if they buy "over the counter" or use other sources.

    put a free ad in foodland and carrefour, thats ok

  16. 5000 baht or so....


    Sorry I don't get it. I am looking for a manufacturer in Pattaya, that is why I posted it in this forum.


    ok i will spell it out for you sir, there are workshops all over pattaya go up soi nun plub one or soi siam country club get a photo of what you want with the dimensions and get a quote easy, i was just pointing out art steel are unreliable. i hope you get it now :o

  17. i had a number of inquirys for the patio gas heaters last year, about 10 where asked for in all running up to the cold season, i tried to get them made here in thailand, but they cant compete or make them to the standard required, i have sent 6 containers up to date to the UK, they are up to EC BS standards if theres enough interest i will bring them in anyone interested ?


  18. My village Raviporn on Kho Noi (boonsampan), had 5 break ins last night, in one of the break ins the Thai burglar sexualy assalted a young mother and held a knife to her childs throat, the police were informed and told her to come down to banglamung police station to file a report. In another a 70 year old man was punched 4 times and forced to hand over money and valuables. In the last 6 months there have been 30 such crimes in the village. Wheres the security i hear you ask, they were asleep and did,nt notice anything. If you are thinking of renting or buying here, buy a gun as these guys go in your room armed and with no police around here, your on your own. If no have gun pretend to be asleep and let them rob you or you will be killed in your bed.

    i spoke to an ex farang burglar " surprised, i thought everyone was honest here" :o and he told me the best deterent is them sensor flood lights that light your house like blackpool illuminations when someone gets in range, i have them im alarmed with a highish wall and i have a sign outside in thai and english saying "beware electric frenc" well it should be fence be thats how the security company decided to spell fence

  19. the new karen long neck village in sattahip has been advertizing 20 baht entrants fee so my friend went there a few days back and he was confronted and asked farang pay 250 baht thai is 20 baht he said ive got thai driving licence and im a resident here, they then said ok then its 250 baht for everyone thais and farangs :o "amazing thailand"

    mmm some people have not read the thread properly they decided to charge the thai 250 baht as well after being challenged when they had been advertizing 20 baht entrance fees,

  20. ok, a topic that looks on the bright side

    [whingers need not apply - save it for another topic]

    we are all here because thailand holds an interest of some sort

    so what is it?

    what do you like about this place ???

    for me

    i like the way you can go to the markets or the beach

    leave everything in your bikes basket

    and when you come back - its all still there - including the bike

    i once saw money left in a bikes basket and no-one went near it

    wouldnt happen in most countries around the world

    a certain respect there

    over to you...


    haha u must b 1 of the many mugs who have came to pattaya and give ur ATM out on the dive :D

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