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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. I watched Polar Express last night; what a great movie and incredibly well done. Anyhow, I noticed the elves are all male and conventional wisdom has it that elves are male, so it begs the question, how do elves procreate?

    Give it your best shot!

    Most female elves die giving birth because of the lousy National Elf Service.

    New born female elves often don't live long as only the strongest and elfiest survives.

    This is like which what a cockney once to told me who used to work in an ospital.


  2. I would go for a full face for crash (and sun)protection. I'm looking for a good one myself to replace my open face helmet. With the open face I have to cover my face really well with a neckerchief and large sunglasses otherwise any exposed skin results in red sunburnt patches on my face.

    TIP. Don't become blase and leave top brand name helmets perched on wing mirrors or step-thru shopping baskets when parked. Over the years I've read and heard of guys having their expensive helmets stolen.

    I think alot of the Thai youngsters know the value of them from the Thai bike mags.

    Place a sticker of some sort over the one that says 'SHOEI'.

    I think Shoei is Japanese for 'I'm expensive, steal me.'.....or maybe it means 'I'm worth two bottles of Lao Kao'. I can't remember. My Japanese is getting rusty. :o

  3. I've re-opened this thread since we'vre had a recent spate of requests for "vet" type forum.


    "farming, gardening, pets and animals" or somthing like that

    I've been asking since May and PMd G but he can't be bothered to reply, obvioiusly he doesn't have a pet or a plant :D

    From what I recall he's always nursing a chang, so a vetinary related forum would surely be up his street. :o

    I've just adopted a terrapin that was neglected when my kids got a ball of fur with bulging eyes that looks like a bush baby/monkey/marty feldman type of creature. I'd like to know too how to stop alcoholic jingjoks from singing. So a new forum definately gets my vote. :D

  4. Every time I have had dealings with the British embassy I have found them friendly, efficient and helpful.  Surely I can't be the only one?

    Well there are at least two of us!


    I hope they did not sack her for gross efficiency... :D

    Three - I have to say that I have always had pleasant dealings with the staff at the Embassy. My wife's first UK Visa was issued promptly and efficiently and has been renewed twice now by post without requiring a visit to Bangkok.

    The only real complaint I would have is the way you have to queue for ages outside in the heat and then wait in the feezing cold of that reception area.

    Make that three and a half.

    Over the years I've had to replace or renew my passports as well as applying for passports for my kids and applying for a visa for my wife. Never a problem.

    Only gripe I have is that I once registered my name and address with them. A few weeks later I went back for something related to passports and was asked if I had registered with them. I told them that I had. They went to check and came back and said that they had no record of me, and would I like to register again.

    So again I registered.

    A few months later back at the BE, I was asked once again if I had registered. Once again they checked and told me that they had no record of me. When asked if I wanted to register again and just shook my head 'no'.

    No problems with attitudes from the staff. They've always seemed to be polite from what I recall. It would be nice though if they were to invite me into their lunch room for some tea, scones and cucumber sandwiches because afterall I am British what!? :o

  5. I ride a Harley Davison and my machnic told me if i run 95 octane or gasohol you will have big problems with the rubbers in the carb.I then went to google and looked up gasohol and they did a study on the effect gasohol has on rubber and they said that if you have a fuel line of rubber that would last 10 years under normal fuel  then under gasohol it would last 9 years. so thats the skinny on gasohol as far as retarding timing i would'nt do it.

    As my pappy used to say if it ain't broke don't fix it :o

    Don't know how old your Harley is but according to a 1994 HD owners handbook, Gasohol is ok to use but there may be slight drops in performance.

    HD would obviously be referring to standard bikes, so if you have an aftermarket carb then it might be wise to check with the carb manufacturer.

    Mines a '98 and the carb is standard but don't know if the split-tank fuel crossover tube is ok or not as it's an aftermarket EZ detachable one. Easy enough to replace anyway should gasohol ruin it over time.

  6. INTJ, don't forget to check the older ads on motorcy.com as I got a 400 Transalp just before the ad was due to be deleted.

    I phoned the guy up just on the off chance that he still had it, and sure enough he did. I got the bike for 50k and compared to other Tranalps that I had seen in shops that were older and had more mileage, I got a real bargain. Others were going for about 190 - 200k.

    The reason the guy was selling the bike was that he didn't take into account the cost of maintenance. When replacing a rear tyre was going to cost him half his monthly wages he soon learned that it wasn't such a good idea getting a big bike after all. :o

    When looking for used bikes, set aside about 10k on top of the asking price for immediate replacement parts like tyres, brake pads, chain and sprockets etc.

    Good luck with your hunting.

  7. Living in Thailand has made me really lazy. I used to love walking everywhere back in England but here, it's either too hot or there's no decent pavement/sidewalk to walk on.

    For the last year I've been going to the larger shopping malls everyday and I basically just walk around for the best part of an hour. My incentive for doing this isn't so much health related but rather because of the nice girls I meet who are out shopping. A lot of the shop girls have gotten to know me by sight too and give me a nice smile every time.

    Have to go lay down now. Scrolling through these posts too fast has burnt me out.


  8. Maybe some of you smarter people can explain it to me. Until then I'll stick to dreams as the most likely explaination.

    I saw a program recently about a guy who supposedly could recall events from a previous life of a soldier during the American civil war.

    Under hypnosis it was found that every bit of info he could recall, was also in book that he had flicked through in a library.

    He had subconciously picked up the info from the book even though the info flashed by in a nano second.

    Maybe this accounts for some experiences, I dont know.

    I like to think that we just go to where ever we believe we will go to. If you believe you will go to heaven, then you go to heaven. If he11, then he11 it is, etc.

  9. You could try buying a decent helmet with a detachable lining. I've got a Japanese made OGK open face helmet and don't have any problems with smells.

    Every now and then I only have to wash the lining to get the road grime that gets picked up by the helmet.

  10. Kring, take the bike by train and maybe have the buyer meet you at Surat Thani station.

    The cost for haulage on a train is probably about the same as what it would cost you in petrol riding it there. No doubt many more times cheaper too, than paying for someone to truck it there.

  11. mmm...Let me see. I can have the option of staying at home or going to a short time hotel for some unadulterated, hot, nasty, sweaty, mind blowing sex for 3 hours.

    Or, I can traipse to a smelly khlong somewhere with countless others to set sail a little raft made out of banana leaves, polystyrene or bread, identical to everyone elses, and an event which takes only a couple of minutes.

    I know what 'floats my boat' on Loi Krathong night and it aint floating a little boat.


  12. AlexLah, You WILL get looks, there's no doubt about that.

    Go anywhere in most places in Thailand and you will have people, Thai and farang, look at you, simply for the fact that you're a farang with a Thai girl.

    People will look at you, then her, then you, then her etc., and it will then be up to you to try and fathom what's going through their minds.

    I never noticed it until a Thai gf pointed it out to me and since then I've seen it happen many times. It's never bothered me though, except when I used to go somewhere with just my step-daughter when she was in her teens. :o

    So, if you're with a girl who's not the real Mc Coy, so to speak, you may wrongly presume that they're thinking about your girl's real gender when in fact they may just be thinking something entirely different.


  13. Very true Chownah, and possibly once she's told her family and friends that she's got a farang boyfriend, breaking up with them can be a nightmare due to the loss of face.

    Saleen, I pick up non-BGs, sometimes they pick me up. When they do, I ask myself 'Am I the first guy she's picked up? What's so special about me?'.

    I've caught some non-BGs or 'nice' girls going through my wallet when they thought I was sleeping. One girl who worked in Central Rangsit wanted me for a sugardaddy. But by observing her actions I found out she had other guys financing and furnishing her condo. :D

    You will find that there are some girls/women who do actually only want fun. But only time will tell you why they've singled you out. But don't ever lose your head. Observe and analyse everything they say and do and you may just find out something interesting. :o

  14. Rigger, if your wife is naturally skinny then any weight gain may probably just end up around her waist.

    I've nearly always been on the slim side all my life but when I do start putting on any weight it's always at the stomach which then looks out of proportion with the rest of my body. Then I have to start leg, arm and chest exercises to build up muscle to bring everything into an overall better body shape. But I gave that up as I found that the more weight I put on, the more lethargic and lazy I became.

    The only time I seem to put on weight for a lengthy period of time (month or two) that's not due to food intake, is during the cool seasons here. Any other time my weight can very slightly change up or down depending on what my eating and drinking habits are at the time.

    I would assume staying in air-conditioned environments as much as possible would prevent sweating and result in possibly an all overbody weight gain.


  15. When i see the in-laws i alwys wai, i put my hands so my fingertips are just below my nose, therefore showing them more respect. The higher the wai the more respect.

    That's the way (no pun) that i do it, also.

    Sorry Bo, 'Wai' is pronounced and rhymes with 'why?'. :o

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