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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. I don't like the thought of what it must be like to kiss a much older woman (regardless of whether she's got her teeth in or not.)

    Then again, I don't like kissing younger girls when their mouth stinks of somtam. Likewise, I don't like them kissing me either when I've been smoking and/or drinking because I know how horrible it must be for them.


  2. Only ever been stopped once for speeding and that was on the Kamphaeng Phet - Tak stretch of road a few months back.

    I got waved over thinking the cop was going to do me for riding in the right hand land so I was therefor surprised when he said I was speeding, even though I was probably in fact doing my usual cruising speed of 100kph anyway. But I noticed he didn't have any radar gun or equipment so when he told me I was speeding I replied that my engine was 'sia' so I couldn't have been speeding. He just basically then said 'Oh! OK. Carry on'.

    Usually I'll get stopped for riding in the right hand lanes on the outer Bkk roads and get the usual scare tactics of being told to pay 1000b on the spot or at the police station.

    I tell them that I normally pay 200b at the police stations so it's better that we both go there...........(I'll pause a few seconds to give the cop some thinking time)then offer to pay a 100b on the spot fine (looks at watch) because I'm a bit pushed for time. :D Haggling and corruption rolled into one. :D

    One time, I got waved over for using an overpass and showed the cop my licence, which was in a clear plastic wallet along with a folded 100b note clearly visible behind the licence. I pointed to the note as I handed the licence to him but he just shook his head and proceeded to give me a sermon about not riding on overpasses. That was a bit of a surprise. :o

  3. I think if I was in a new relationship I would be using TPI service for sure after looking at what goes on in our village I would suggest that many of you use this service as there is good chance that there is a Thai guy driving your car sleeping in you bed and spending your hard earned money. This may seem harsh but it is true with about 50% of the girls in our village that are married to a falang  :o

    You get my vote Thaiprivateeye

    Sad but true, Rigger. Some farangs may even feel reassurance that their girl is waiting for them back in her village instead of carrying on working in the bar scene. But what the farangs don't think about is where and to whom his girl originally lost her virginity or where her first boyfriends where from. Namely the very village where she's waiting for his return. :D

  4. staying on topic, almost

    I like a man to be tall and handsome. Must be fit, smooth skin, tight butt

    nice teeth and hair, clean.

    Should be charming and romantic, with an excellent sense of humour

    Good in bed, can last long time, make me feel wonderful

    intelligent, supportive, good listener

    not smoke, drink too much, gamble

    so if any man out there can fit all that, maybe you can get girl of your dreams :D

    Wow! I think you've just found your ideal man. I've even got the shiney armour and white horse.

    Now....if you could just kindly get to the back of the queue I should be available for you sometime around March 9th 2007. :o

  5. I have seen customers return from the toilets, play with the peanuts, pick their nose, play with the peanuts, scratch their sweaty arse, play with the peanuts, pat a mangie dog, play with the peanuts and then walk away without eating them.

    Heaven only knows what might be on them.  :o

    That's why I always spit them back out into the bowl. :D You just don't know who's been playing with the nuts. :D

  6. Ok, if you two dudes want to play that game, well, funny you should mention that , because over here in America, It tends to be only "sissy" girlies and little children that play your Soccer....

    :o  :D

    Oh Yeah? Well..... we have sissy girly men playing the game too, so try and beat that!


    Hang on......I mean....... our sissy 'soccer' players will always be more sissier than yours. So there!

    errr....something's not quite right here. Let me read the whole thread again and I'll get back to you. :D

  7. They're placed there initially to warn the constructers when to stop building. Otherwise they would just keep adding floor after floor after floor.

    They also do have aeronautical uses as already mentioned, they warn Thai pilots that landing a plane on top of a building is dangerous as cleaners often leave their mops and buckets lying around.


  8. I don't like "Soccer" jeez when will you guys learn, it's called "Football". :D And yes, we watch many, many other sports. Golf, Cricket, Boxing, Rugby etc etc.

    What's wrong with calling it "soccer"? Brits call it "football", Americans call it "soccer" - it all refers to the same sport. Get over it.

    We invented the game, you dipstick and we named it "Football". OK then, we Brits will call Baseball, "Rounders" in future and American Football will be known as, "Rugby, dressed in cotton wool" you'll just have to get over it :D

    Glad you didn't mention that game that only sissy girlies at one time used to play. The game that we used to call Netball. :o

  9. My missus actually enjoys a bit of a tickle from the tache...  :o

    And Gazza... "dags" are a common term used in the sheep/wool industry.

    Ask Chuchok... I'm sure he'd be happy to elaborate...  :D 

    Chuchok, it is my understanding from a fellow member here that you could possibly explain the ovine-related term 'dag'.

    I assume therefor that you must come into alot of contact with sheep on a regular basis, probably no doubt professionally, to know about this condition and what can be done to avoid 'dags'.

    They must surely be very troublesome at times, especially during mating seasons for instance. Also, do 'dags' severely affect a sheeps appearance and mating performance? If so, how do you get around the problem?

    I take it that you are indeed a sheep farmer. :D

  10. ummm i think its the back and ass crack hair they dont like

    I think it is the dags that get stuck on the crack hair that is the real trouble :D

    If you've got a dag problem then you aren't using that bum gun correctly mate... :D

    'Dags'? :o First time I've heard them called that.

    I prefer 'Klingons'. :D

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