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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. Personally I don't like Rose Garden. Would sound like that big tourist resort in Nakhon Pathom.

    However, how about 'Rose Bud Garden' or 'Rose Petal Garden'. Thais are familiar with the name Rose.

    Serving fish? How about 'the FISH - PLAce' (mmm..might be tricky translating the play on words into Thai)

    A name that stuck in my mind when I was riding around the north one time was the name 'Baan Farang'. I had planned to stay the night in Khun Yuam and didn't know of any places to stay until I saw a sign posted about 5 kms outside of town.

    A catchy name for a resort that attracted Farangs and Thais.

    So how about 'Suan Farang'. Should attract Thai AND Farang. :o

    Oh, and if you select one of my names for your restaurant I don't want to win a silly star prize like an all expenses paid holiday trip for two to Hawaii, I'll settle for a beer chang instead. :D

  2. (also dutch and german acccent... uum sexy!!!!!!!!!!)

    German accent....sexy..?? :o

    Strange girl.. :D

    totster :D

    Imagine a big busted Bavarian blonde chick saying to you "Kommen zee back into my bed Herr Totzie and make witt zer love to me again, Ja?".

    Any language can be sexy given the circumstances. :D:D

  3. AhhhHHHH!!! Thanks alot Insight. Now I've got 'Stuck in the middle with you' on my mind.

    Well I don't know why I came here tonight

    I got the feeling that something ain't right

    I'm scared in case I fall of my chair

    And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs

    Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right

    Here I am stuck in the middle with you

    Yes I'm...stuck in the middle with you

    You started off with nothing now it's dum de dum dee something something

    and you something something something and something something something say



    Of course, it probably wouldn't be as frustrating if I knew all the words. :o

    But who needs loads of lyrics when you can just repeat 3 words over and over again like.......Can't Touch This!

  4. Its a sun thing

    If you are very dark your work in the fields thus poor and lowclass.

    If white...pampered,wealthy,etc etc

    Same in China

    My rich armpits are whiter than my face because I use an underarm deoderant with whitener.

    Yet my poor sun-tanned face still looks down on my armpits. :o

  5. We have still bot come up with a name but time is runnung out.

    Everthing is "Garden" as 70% of the dining area is in outside Salas.

    Although there are NO Roses (as yet)

    Thanks for your help, if anyone has any other gems they would be appreciated



    Just make sure there's no typos in whatever you decide on. :D

    What kind of food and location? Might bring up a suggestion or two.

    If a MP fan how about Fawlty Flowers? Basil (herb sp) Gardens. :o

  6. :D Nice story Khall. I used to fear swimming in the sea too, probably because of that very same monster. And every wave back then was like a tsunami.

    I had some kind of phobia about swimming in the sea. I hated not knowing what was underneath me. Similar to being petrified and fearing the monster waiting under my bed to grab my ankles if I stepped out to go to the toilet.

    Also I used to fear ghosts. Not just at night but in the daytime too. I somehow believed that all ghosts hated electric light so I'd switch on the light in any room that I was in regardless of whether the sun was streaming in through a window or not.

    Better go now before the keyboard monster emerges from between the keys, grabs my wrists and sucks my brains out through my left nostril. :o

  7. Maybe you folks in C.M. could send a little rain down to Pattaya ? I hear you have an abundance of it, while Pattaya is down to using recycled sewage water  :o

    I'm here in BKK and got a few light showers out in the back if they'll do. I did have a couple of thunder storms laying around somewhere but I think someone nicked 'em.

    I'm expecting a shipment of torrential downpours any minute now so I'll send one over around Tuesday...oh say...about 4pm? Is that good for you? :D

  8. I used to go to most of the bike events around the country. Usually anyone is invited but Harleys often outnumber the other makes.

    There's plenty of hotels of all budget ranges available around the town. Never had a problem getting a room even on a long weekend (although prices were a bit steep).

    Also you've got Cha-Am about 15 mins up the road if you get bored.

  9. George, does checkpoints mean border crossings?????

    Immigration control points. But be aware, some crossings/checkpoints/borders are ONLY for locals.

    A couple of local crossings that farangs can cross but don't receive any stamps are at Three Pagodas Pass and Pilok. Possibly there's a few more.

    For visa runs stick to the Intl crossing points.

  10. Brilliant Khall. Brought back some great memories.

    Here's something similar I found yonks ago and posted in the jokes section a while back.


    When I was a kid adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were when they were growing up; what with walking twenty-five miles to school every morning uphill both ways through year 'round blizzards carrying their younger siblings on their backs to their one-room schoolhouse where they maintained a straight-A average despite their full-time after-school job at the local textile mill where they worked for 2 bob an hour just to help keep their family from starving to death!

    And I remember promising myself that when I grew up there was no way in he11 I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on kids about how hard I had it and how easy they've got it!


    Now that I've reached the ripe old age of 45, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today. You've got it so f*ckin' easy!

    I mean, compared to my childhood, you live in a goddamned Utopia!

    And I hate to say it but you kids today you don't know how good you've got it!

    I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have The Internet--we wanted to know

    something, we had to go to the goddamned library and look it up ourselves!

    And there was no email! We had to actually write somebody a letter...with a pen!, and then had to walk ALL THE WAY across the street and put it in the f*ckin' mailbox and it would take like a week to get there!

    And there were no MP3s or Napsters! You wanted to steal music, you had to go to the goddamned record store and shoplift it yourself! Or we had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio and the DJ would usually talk over some part of it and <deleted> it all up!

    You want to hear about hardship?

    You couldn't just download porn! You had to bribe some homeless dude to buy you a copy of "Hustler" at the corner shop! It was either that or wack-off to the lingerie section of the Mail Order catalog!

    Those were your options!

    We didn't have fancy crap like a mobile's Call Waiting! If you were on the phone and somebody else called they got a busy signal! And we didn't have fancy Caller ID Boxes either!

    When the phone rang, you had no idea who it was. It could be your boss, your

    mom, a collections agent, your drug dealer, you didn't know!!! You just had to

    pick it up and take your chances, mister!

    And we didn't have any fancy Sony Playstation videogames with high-resolution 3-D graphics! We had the ZX Spectrum 48k!

    With games like "Space Invaders" and "Asteroids" and the graphics were awesome! Your guy was a little square? You had to use your imagination!

    And there were no multiple levels or screens, it was just one screen forever!

    And you could never win, the game just kept getting harder and faster until you died!

    Just like LIFE!

    When you went to the movie theater there was no such thing as stadium seating!

    All the seats were the same height! A tall guy sat in front of you, you were screwed!

    And sure, we had cable television, but back then that was only like 20 channels and there was no onscreen menu! You had to use a mag like the 'TV Guide' to find out what was on!

    And there was no Cartoon Network! You could only get cartoons on Saturday morning...

    ...D'ya hear what the <deleted> I'm saying!?!

    We had to wait ALL WEEK, you spoiled little b@stards!

    That's exactly what I'm talking about! You kids today have got it too easy.

    You're spoiled, I swear to God! You guys wouldn't last five minutes back in 1984!

  11. There is not one poster who would get my vote. As what many people have said its about everyone. The whole community. Newbies and oldies. Its what makes this forum great and better than others. So to just pick one then its too difficult. Also some of the new members dont know or remember the longer members posts etc. By the way. Where is toastwars? Hes funny! :D

    Sounds like another TV devotee who's p!ssed off or saddened at not being mentioned and has to bring it to other members attention via name dropping.

    I'll vote for you Jock. Jing Jing. :o


  12. Not much to say, really. Sniff. This is my 200th post. Should have been a very special moment. Sniff. All I ever wanted was... was... a friend. So I joined TV... and no-one likes my posts.

    So what if they are generally pompous, self-opinionated and reveal an anally-retentive fixation for getting spelling, punctuation and grammar right. And who cares if they contain dubious facts, outmoded views and unsubstantiated assertions on subjects that no-one has any interest in, anyway?

    They were my thoughts. Just mine. It was the best I could do.

    I'll get my coat.

    (sound of slow footsteps and a gently closing door in the distance).

    "WAIT!! errrr...whatever your name is. COME BACK HERE RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!"

    (sound of door opening and sprinting footsteps)

    "What do you want?" says a tearful TV member.

    "Here, you were going to forget to put the milk bottles on the step" says the unforgettable Gazza.


  13. This is an interesting and complex topic of which I don't see many serious replies. I find there is some difference with Thai vs western ladies. The under 30 or so seem to be more "liberated" I would say and are more "give and take" re sex. What I have seen of the over 30 are a bit prudish and old-fashioned by my standards. Sometimes mine seems to be less knowledgeable than high school girls I have known many decades ago. She is 35 and sometimes acts like 65. I don't really know if she does not like me or does not like sex with anyone. Sex is not her first priority in any case..

    that sounds sad...how about your priority? and you could always ask her :o

    When a woman starts putting restrictions on how often, what time of day and what they will do or not do, I would say this puts a "chill" on the relationship. Discussion is rather futile and the attitude is "take it or leave it". Spontaneity is a rather unknown concept to her.

    I know where you're coming from. A guy needs to hear now and then his wife/gf say 'Darling, I'm horny'. Much in the same way a woman likes to be told that she's still beautiful or desirable. It would also be nice if she actually did the begging for a change. :D

    With my wife it's always 'Up to you' and while it does become a dampener sometimes, it does at least inform me that at least I'm going to be getting my jollies.

    I don't think discussion about the possibilities of perhaps her taking the initiative would help matters either. If she suddenly changed, I would then think that she's only doing it just to please me and to comply with my wishes, so we would be in effect, back at square one.

    Don't get me wrong, my wife likes it once we get going and she'll do whatever she wants to do and for as long as it takes, which is usually about 10 mins. Then I'll have my 2 minutes worth.

    I fully understand too that our sex drives/priorites are different. Where my wife may be happy or content with 2 or 3 times a week, for myself, I feel as though I've got to have it on a daily basis. Even after 15 years of marriage. :D

  14. oh & my husband says that when someone shouts they can't do tones & will still be understood.

    My wife uses a 6th tone which is called a 'high pitched whine'. It's a tone that's normally used when someone, usually me, has done something wrong (or allegedly done) and is often applied to rapid-fire speech.

    The only words understood by me when she's using this tone are 'Chai Mai?, Chai Mai?' which she uses to good effect at the end of every sentence to allow her time for a quick intake of breath.


  15. I got on the wrong bus once and boy was that a big mistake...it went someplace but not where I wanted to go!!!  Once I was calling my girlfriend on a pay phone and got the WRONG NUMBER.  Someone answered but I don't know who.  What a waste of 2 baht!! I reallly should have known better............oh....wait....one more thing....I built a house in the north and the north really sucks but I'm stuck here in the suck infested north.....I hope none of you ever make the mistake of heading north...definitely not north....

    OMG that is terrible. I hope you have recovered now.

    It must be something to do with living up north because I put my shoes on the wrong feet yesterday.

    I'm sure people down south don't make the same mistakes.

    The other day I put my shoes on the wrong feet too. My 10 year old looked stupid going to school in size 9 cowboy boots. I'm in north Bangkok so it must a northern thing.

    My only real mistake ref Thailand was not coming here alot sooner. :o

  16. This one is too easy to wriggle out of.

    The minister just has to say that his penis was less than average size and his doctor recommended the injection  .

    Speaking from experience there ?




    Yes you are correct.

    The injection was a success and I now find it impossible to wear shorts.

    I have the same problem. Burmuda shorts just aren't long enough. :o

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