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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. If  you  are  here  on  a  30  day  on  arrival  stamp  and  are  just  wanting  to  do  a  "border  hop"  for  a  further  30  day  stamp  then  a  trip  to  Cambodia  is  the  norm...........there  are  many  topics  on  this  forum  regarding  these  "runs".

    Found 3 visarun operators from yesterday’s paper.

    1 departs from Sukhumvit 12, 1 from Sukhumvit 63, and 1 from Sukhumvit-Asoke. Do they offer the same service? Has anyone got 1st hand experience?

    I'd be interested in any feedback from these services, especially any that go to Pong Nam Ron.

    With fuel prices rising it's getting a little pricey doing the runs myself.

  2. But for now we earth human really hope the US and other major governments can stop hidding and debunking the truth of our universe or multi-universes, and the secret of our own human origin.

    Do you really expect governments to acknowledge existence of other intelligent life forms in our universe? Wouldn't it blow religion right out of the water?

    If god made us in His image, in whose image are ETs made?

    Somehow I can't see other life forms being welcomed with open arms as mankind (sorry that's not PC. I mean 'humankind') can't get along with each other as it is due to skin colour or religious beliefs. :o

  3. That's a helluva cheap PC considering that it must be solar powered. What with the present energy crisis and all. :o

    I think you had better read Blackbooks link.

    They are going to we wind up.

    It's true you read it .

    You're right. I thought you were winding me up. :D

  4. Looks more comfier than my Bed of Roses. :o

    Might come in handy if ever I have an arguement with the wife and one of us has to sleep on the couch. Although if it rains she won't like getting wet. :D

  5. Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra told a seminar for 101 administrators of Thai Rath Wittaya Schools yesterday that specialists from the US had said they could produce a personal computer costing US$100 (Bt4,183).

    That's a helluva cheap PC considering that it must be solar powered. What with the present energy crisis and all. :o

  6. I enjoy it all,  STs and LTs

    Except when you end up with STD from the ST; the LT might give you a CD :D

    Nothing worse than getting an STD like VD from a ST BG QT. If you do get an STD then see an MD or PM someone on TV for advice. It's very EC to cure unless it's HIV. :o

  7. Are you taking the piss?

    Sorry, forgot to add this: :D

    I've got a plastic pig here but have ridden one or two monsters (women and bikes) in my time.

    I see what you're getting at. Spose it's whatever you feel comfortable with.

    Sorry for any misunderstanding but I wasn't taking the piss at all. About what exactly? Accelerating over obstacles? If so read Topic #58 at this link.


    There's tons more stuff on all aspects of m/cing.


  8. Westybrook, there's two unwritten rules here on TV.

    Rule #1. Nobody mentions the F*rum P*rtal.

    Rule #2. Don't forget Rule #1

    Look at how it's affected Chownah. The poor guy still bears the mental scars to this day.

    Shame on you. :o

  9. Am I the only person that thinks Little Britain is sh*t?  :D

    I thought I was the only one who thought the same. :D

    Only saw two episodes back to back and didn't think much of them.

    The wheelchair guy who always wants something then changes his mind when he's got it is a complete of BBC license payers money. The sketch wasn't funny the first time so why should variations of the same sketch be any funnier? :o

  10. As for going through them, I'd keep the engine driving as opposed to dipping the clutch to give you more oomph and more chance of cutting them in half :o

    I'm not really sure if I'm doing the right thing by pulling in the clutch but it's something that I do instinctively. Whenever I see potential dangers like oil or diesel slicks, potholes, loose gravel, rocks or timber in the road etc, I tend to prefer coasting through hazardous situations with the clutch in. I don't like the idea of trying to control a bike under power if I should take a severe wobble or slide.

    I'm not saying you're wrong Jack, I did read recently that a rider should actually accelerate at the last possible moment over obstacles to raise the front forks thereby giving more fork travel to absorb any shocks. Maybe different sized bikes need to use different methods. Being on a Harley I only feel a slight jolt running over a dog. I honestly don't know how I'd fare on a step-thru though.

    This is what I love about motorcycling, one never really stops learning about riding. :D

  11. But I am fed up and have to speak out about the constant "crybabies", these are the guys that come onto the forum and never have anything good to say about anyone, anything or Thailand in general.

    Can we not open a special "CRY BABY SECTION" just for them?

    The rule should be.. you make a negative post about something and your next two must be positive sounding posts!

    Oh! Stop whining you cry baby. :o


  12. Get Well Soon PB.

    I've hit four dogs and I don't swerve one iota. I keep to my track and lay off the brakes. At first it's a natural response to hit the anchors but as soon as I recognise that the danger isn't a child, I just pull in the clutch, keep a straight line if possible and ram them.

  13. C of E but to be honest i don't really believe or practise anything. :D

    Commerce? :o

    He means Church of England.

    I know it's tough for a sweaty sock but the " i really don't believe or practise anything'" line was answered, tongue-in-cheek w/'commerce', as Dave in the commercial Pub business? :D

    And my reply was tongue in cheek. Sweaty Sock !!!. That's rich from a Septic tank.

    Now Now! Three things that shouldn't, in my mind, be discussed on TV.

    Religion, Politics and Socks. :D

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