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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. What was up anyway?? Is it true everything closes at 1am now?? :D

    I don't know Iam,

    1a.m. closing doesn't bother me so I don't bother reading anything about it.

    I hope not cause there's alot of guys who like the nightlife as I once did. :o

  2. I think sometimes Thais can be uneasy having to use a knife and fork. Years ago, a few girls I knew seemed reluctant to try anything that required using a knife and fork. So if I fancied something farang then I had to choose somewhere that also served Thai food just for them.

  3. not ducks but GEESE.

    Yes, sounds good - they make good guard "dogs" too I understand. :D I'll get some.

    I think there's a naval base in Greenock Scotland that supposedly uses geese instead of guard dogs. Presumably because it's more difficult to poison them without causing a ruckus. :o

  4. Not sure that it's a good idea introducing poison into a food chain.

    Have you tried one of those wind toys. You know, a plastic or wooden bird on a string that you hang up and it flaps up and down when there's a breeze. Normally, the bird looks like a white dove or seagull, but if you re-painted it to look like a bird of prey and then hang it up somewhere high, then who knows? It might scare the little buggers away. :o

  5. She puts you in a position of feeling morally forced to agree with him yet you know he's completely wrong. She's almost a clever sod but  her arguments often have big holes in them and a couple of the more astute posters will pull her pieces and she'll disappear for a few months.

    I thought Pudgi was a guy for some reason. Now I'm not so sure anymore. :D

    Same with alot of other posters, those I assume are guys, I later find out to be gals and vice versa. :o

    Oh!Oh! I remember offering to do something with LC's arse a few months back. :D

    LC, please tell me your a she. Pleeeeaaaasssse!! :D

    Whatever were you going to do with her arse ?

    I can't recall exactly Doc. I think she was looking for volunteers to kiss her ass or something. :D

    No one had volunteered so I agreed. Only to improve Anglo-Thai relations you understand. :wub:

  6. It always takes two hands to clap..........I think they should blame BOTH parties, the German and also the women who were willing to sleep with him for a measly 4000THB. I find it appalling. :D

    They weren't yet women. Put yourself in those girls shoes, when would be the next time that they would have so much cash?

    It's a shame that he didn't lose more than just a leg. :o

  7. A little different tact, but my coolest Thailand moment was when my fiancee's daughter started calling me "Papa!" She totally surprised me and just melted my heart with that one.

    Kinda like my step-daughter when she was six. It took a while for her to accept me as her new father and she usually shyed away from me most of the time. Then while walking along one day at a fair she just slipped her little hand into mine. Don't know why it had to be at that particular moment but I didn't care. I didn't care either that something must've got into my eyes to make them watery. :D

    Felt just like being presented with a new born child of my own. :o

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