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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. She puts you in a position of feeling morally forced to agree with him yet you know he's completely wrong. She's almost a clever sod but her arguments often have big holes in them and a couple of the more astute posters will pull her pieces and she'll disappear for a few months.

    I thought Pudgi was a guy for some reason. Now I'm not so sure anymore. :D

    Same with alot of other posters, those I assume are guys, I later find out to be gals and vice versa. :o

    Oh!Oh! I remember offering to do something with LC's arse a few months back. :D

    LC, please tell me your a she. Pleeeeaaaasssse!! :D

  2. I cant believe that this thread is still going.

    DJ refuses to let the thread die a natural death and start collecting dust in the archives. :o

    Just when you think the thread's about to go off the main topic page, he bumps it up to the top with a one line observation or response. :D

  3. Now keep them numbered kiddies!

    1) Vinyl records

    2) Icee Drinks, not the ones at 7-11, the original stuff baby...

    3) Riding your bike with friends at dusk during summer break

    4) Fresh sea breeze in the morning

    5) Fog horns, even though at times eerie....

    Numbering them will cause confusion when two members post simultaneously.

    *Swimming in the River Mersey.

    *Cars like Escorts, Zephyrs, Populars, Minis etc that had chromed bumpers, grills, hubcaps and badges.

    *Homemade Bread, Yorkshire pudding, Apple pies, sauces, Stews etc.

    *Listening to the ships sirens lessen each year from the nearby docks at New Years.

    *Feeling proud that my mum was a 'time traveller' cos she had the ability to knock me into the middle of next week.

    *My mum giving me threepence to see if my dad was down at the pub. Being given sixpence by my dad to tell her he wasn't there.

    *Being hit on the back of the head with a corgy (cricket ball)

    *Collecting golf balls from prickly gorse bushes on golf courses then selling them to teachers.

    *Riding back and forth all day on the Mersey ferry when playing truancy.

    *Detesting having to go to bed at night. Detesting getting out of bed the next morning.

    *My grandmothers house always smelling of furniture polish.

    *Listening to old pendulum clocks tick-tocking.

    *Playing football in the streets.

    *My dad was always bigger than anyone else's dad when in a showdown for a fight.

    *Jumping in and out of bed quickly so that the monster underneath there couldn't grab my ankle.

    *Turning the lights on in every room even on a bright summers day because ghosts feared light.

    *Feeling the warmth of a glowing coal fire and being transfixed watching the mesmerising embers.

    *Dressing up my younger sister in old clothes, placing a paper bag over her head, then pushing her around in a pram asking 'Penny for the guy'.

    *Always leaving a small amount of tea in a cup because it contained small bits of tea leaves.

    *Having to be home before dark otherwise my dad would come looking for me with 'his belt'.

    *Walking to and from school everyday and spending the bus fare on sweets.

    *Copying my mums handwriting and making my own school sick notes.

    *Getting a visit from a truant officer after being two weeks absent from school.

    *Going to see a testimonial football game at Tranmere Rovers for Stanley Matthews, only to realise that it was the name of the groundsman and not the football legend.

    *Having to get a crew cut everytime I got nits or 'biddies' in my hair.

    *Sneaking downstairs on xmas eve to check out the presents. Anything that felt soft would be a jumper with big snowflake or reindeer patterns on it from Auntie Lil.

    Presents in boxes were always the best.

    *Wondering why old folks had old sounding names like Lil, Peg, Dolly, Maggie, Mary, Dot, George, Bill, Joe, Alf, Charlie etc.

    *Feeling my legs turning to jelly when getting chased by bullies.

    *Not having a care in the world about wars, politics, famines, diseases, work, or.......the future.

  4. 3d = 3 old pence

    240 old pence to the pound. (20 shillings * 12 old pence to one shilling).

    Da.mn you, "decimalisation"! Da.mn you to he.ll! Now kids don't know how to multiply or divide by 12.  :o

    I welcomed decimalisation with open arms as a pocket full of change of old pennies and thrippenny bits would almost pull your pants down. :D

    My time for growing up was the 60's and 70's.

    Snake belts


    Tank Tops

    Velvet Jackets

    Ben Sherman shirts

    Slade socks

    Bobble hats

    Duffle coats


    Baseball boots

    George Best football boots

    Boy scout shoes with compass inside the heel

    Z Cars

    Dixon of Dock Green

    All our Yesterdays

    Animal Magic (with Johnny Morrison)



    Magic Roundabout

    Crystal Tipps and Alistair

    Randall and Hopkirk Deceased

    The Grumbleweeds


    Jimmy Clitheroe

    The Goodies

    Steptoe and Son

    'Till Death do us Part

    The Liver Birds

    The Likely Lads

    Simon Dee

    The Saint

    The 'Carry on' films

    Are You Being Served?

    Q (Spike Milligan series)

    Rising Damp

    TW3 (This Was The Week That Was)

    Last of the Summer Wine

    Lift Off (with the asian beauty Aysha)

    How (with Fred Dinage)

    Jason King

    The Champions

    Joe 90


    The Golden Shot (Bernie..the bolt)

    Citizen Smith

    Terry and June

    The Comedians

    The Dustbin Men

    The Clangers

    Pinky and Perky

    Marty Feldman


    Whickers World

    Bernerd Braden Show

    Oppotunity Knocks

    Take Your Pick

    That's Life

    Green Shield stamps


    K-Tel 'as seen on tv' crap products

    Atari tv table tennis

    Play Doh


    Action Man

    Dinky and Corgi toys

    Coal fires



    The Beano, Dandy, Hotspur, Beezer, Topper


    Mr Kiplings 'exceedingly good cakes'


    Dolly Mixtures

    Love Hearts


    Sherbet dips



    Marathons, Picnic, Topics, Mars Bars, Turkish Delight, Chrunchie, Wagon Wheels,

    Flakes, Rolos etc., all of which were bloody massive.

    Milk Tray

    The Osmonds

    The Jackson Five

    Michael Jackson when he was a negro.

    The Partridge Family



    The Sweet.

    Gary Glitter looked just like a dirty old man.


    Deep Purple


    Hurricane Smith

    The Mud

    Middle of the Road

    Pink Floyd

    Dave Clark Five

    Mungo Jerry

    Lieutenant Pigeon

    Films were films or 'Fillums' not movies.

    You could get firewood for the bonnie (bonfire) from 'bombdies' (condemned houses)

    There were no 'crime rates' but older folk still suggested bringing back the birch.

    It was mesmerising watching the white dot slowly disappear when turning off the tv.

    It was great to boast to friends about having a new colour tv.

    It was boring and meaningless listening to old codgers talking about the good ol' days or 'when I was a lad' or 'I remember when.....' or 'when I was on the Russian convoys.....' etc. etc.

    Being proud that we were the only family in the street to own a car.

    Some Bus stops had timetables.

    The main shopping area would close about 5pm and were closed half day on Thursdays and Sundays.

    Church bells could be heard all over town every Sunday morning.

    You had an outside toilet were you really had to ‘pull the chain’ and sat on a board with a round hole in it.

    Fish and chip shops were owned by Brits.

    The only access to porn was looking at the bare-breasted pygmys in the National Geographic magazine or the ladies underwear section in the Kay's catalogue.

    You could give old newspapers to the chippy for a free portion of chips.

    You collected old pop bottles for the deposit to buy more pop.

    Coppers used to walk their beat, looked like giants and knew your name.

    Building sites were great for playing war and making dens.

    There were no paedophiles back then, just 'dirty old men' that wanted you to play with their willy.

    Having your mum call you a dirty little bugger then having her spit on a hanky to clean mud off your hands.

    Seeing John Wayne cowboy films at the ABC cinema and kicking fukc out of the seat whenever the cavalry charged. Coming out with all fingers blazing at the end of the matinee.

    You were smug when you guessed the right window on PlaySchool.

    (“and today were going to look through the........squuuuaaaarrrre window”)

    Going on day trips by coach and singing 'One man went to mow....went to mow a meadow.'

    Saturday afternoon tv only consisted of sport on all three channels.

    You bought fish from a fishmonger, meat from a butcher, veggies from a greengrocer etc.

    Your mum kept the holiday savings very safe in a little lockable tin in a cupboard.

    It always seemed to be raining when it was your turn to go outside to fill the coal scuttle.

    It was great to stay up watching tv after the 9pm watershed cos you were guaranteed to see nudity.

    Going to North Wales for a day out was like going abroad.

    Digital bedside clocks were brilliant. So brilliant in fact, you had to cover the display to darken the bedroom.

    You thought learning French at school was pointless because there was no way that you would want to live in another country other than England.

    The only time that you found Valerie Singleton attractive was during adolescence.

    Magpie was better than Blue Peter because you could sing along to the theme song.

    You listened to guys saying that they'll stop drinking beer when it reached 50p a pint.

  5. So are the King Power prices on anything actually attractive? The one time I did some comparison shopping (on video cameras), prices at Isetan were actually cheaper (even before the 7% VAT refund).

    I priced up a Sony Walkman cd player and a Sony Video camera at King Power.

    I'd already bought them from Carrefour where the camera was 1,000+baht cheaper and the Walkman was cheaper by a few hundred or so baht.

  6. 22.5 mins?? This is the average total for one year, am I right?

    No, that an average of 22.5 minutes per session

    Spends 22 minutes undressing.

    You know how pissed he can be when he get back home... :o

    This is what he calls foreplay.

    The next 0.5 minute is what takes him to fall asleep... :D

    You so totally wrong. 22.5 mins is spent looking for the erogenous zone.

    I've got a pretty good map but still can't seem to locate it. I think it's down south somewhere. :D

  7. I agree with the no alcohol policy. During the last 10 years of daily riding in Thailand I've had hundreds of close calls whilst 100% sober. I sometimes wonder how many of them would have resulted in being accidents had I been drinking and my reaction times were slower. Stay off the booze or stay off the road.

  8. I keep a mobile with me for should I have problems with the bike when out on the road somewhere.

    It's useful as an alarm clock for when I need to get out on the road early. Can't rely on staff at cheap hotels to be up a 6am.

    I keep it on silent all the time cos I feel compelled to pull over to the side of the road far to quickly if I hear it ringing.

    Had a few wires snipped so it doesn't flash when a g/f calls otherwise the wife might see it if I'm showering or occupied with something.

    You can let good looking girls use it instead of them waiting to use a public phone. Some are very very grateful. :o

    It can also save unnecessary travel if someone phones to cancel an appointment when you've just left the house.

    I'm in favour of 'em.

  9. Thanks for the update, Dan. When the rains are well and truly over I was thinking of taking the bike over and riding to Angkhor Wat. Don't like the idea of carrying too much cash around with me just to show some imm. official at the border.

    As of the 12th Oct. Mae Sot is still the same. No need to show money and no notices up anywhere.

  10. One things baffles me a bit - why don't Thai people talk to their neighbour on the bus. It is not just me, I have witnessed people travelling 12 hours and not saying a word to the guy next to them, same on trains.

    12-15 years ago I used to travel frequently on the overnight buses from BKK to Nakhon Phanom in Issan. What I found strange was that the passengers that did talk to one another would speak in Thai when leaving BKK. But soon as they woke up the next morning, usually around the hills of Sakhon Nakhon, they automatically spoke Lao with one another.

    It was almost as though someone had pressed a dual language button on a remote.


  11. grabbed her by the shirt and feet and put her in the back of a pick up truck......

    That's exactly how they're removed from pick up trucks and placed on gurneys.......by the hospital staff at the Thai Police hospital in Patumwan.

  12. It may sound heartless but, don't ever get involved. You may save a life but you can also be, in the eyes of Thais, the cause of death.

    Even if you come across an accident scene and people seem to be ok, don't stop to offer any kind of assistance as you could be falsely accused of causing the accident.

  13. Not a Thai name I know, but I gave my daughter the easy to pronounce name of Hana. Japanese for flower and yet sounds farangese (Hanna, Hannah). Also it seemed apt as my wife's name was Dokmai.

    My daughter gets called either Hana or 'Na' for short by her friends. :o

  14. Cathy, the station and airport are on Vipawadi-Rangsit Rd, terminal on one side and the station directly opposite on the otherside. There's a footbridge that you can use for getting from one to the other. There is no need for transportation whatsoever.

    I hope the train arrives at the station on time as you seem to be cutting it a bit fine. Overnight buses coming to BKK always pass the airport and will always stop there if passengers want to get off. Something to consider.

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