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Everything posted by mommysboy

  1. The whole world is not a single old guy with life experience.
  2. Pneumothorax (collapsed lung) is an uncommon spontaneous condition which paradoxically affects fit, slim young men in particular. Whatever part nicotine vaping played, if any, it is likely to be secondary or negligible. Note: Acute injuries are often wrongly attributed to nicotine vaping, whereas cannabis/THC oil is a much more likely cause. Young people, unwittingly or otherwise, are far more likely to use repurposed/refilled disposable items of questionable content. Mainstream vaping is ideal for existing smokers since it exchanges a known killer habit, for something widely regarded as substantially less dangerous. People who switch to vapes are also much more likely to quit nicotine altogether than conventional smokers.
  3. Worse to come for Pita. Next up could be a ban from politics and even jail time. Likely though, he'll be enjoying a very extended stay in Dubai. Not to worry, I can think of one person who can get him set up there.
  4. Methinks, the biggest misconception is view this as an issue centered around governmental politics, and to perhaps believe that democracy is regarded as supreme- it certainly isn't in the real corridors of power, and for that matter the average Somchai isn't so bothered either. On the latter, yes, Thais would rather like democracy but not if upholding it requires effort. MF will have to get more than a few hundred waving placards - a million or two more like. Snow will fall, as the Thais say.
  5. That senate is basically hand picked by the powers that be. It should not be a political choice- they have not been elected and arguably do not represent the people, but rather an already very powerful establishment.
  6. A sensible strategy would be to limit consumption to no more than 2 thimblefuls a day, perhaps 3 on an exceptionally hot day, after all one wouldn't want to be considered draconian.
  7. Lung problems are rare and mostly confined to 'repurposing', ie, spiking them with THC- cannabis oil. Very occasionally there is a case of hypersensitivity pneumonitis, usually in someone already predisposed. Go to UK NHS website for real information, not the made up stuff you see in trash tabloids.
  8. When you look at it through lenses untainted by western philosophy, you are bound to reach the conclusion that no way will Pita become the next PM. Perhaps the first mistake is to assume that democracy carries any real weight in this land; it really doesn't. The powers that be carry huge sway in this country- like it or lump it that the way it is- in boardrooms, institutions, courts, everywhere in fact. Still, this is Thailand. I rather suspect this will be played out on the streets.
  9. Sounds like 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. I don't think he has any grounds for complaint. They likely were married in the eyes of the law (de facto) regarding financial matters, but Thailand... you know!
  10. No, but they have to put in extremely long hours, including particularly tiring night shifts. And they don't just walk into those kind of jobs. Young doctors start at a much lower salary. It's tough.
  11. That's a small number of doctors when compared to the UK (125,000 Statista) which has a slightly higher population, although there must be at least a similar number working in the private sector. Well, people all over the world seem to be working longer, harder, and for less money, chafing under some productivity measure which has little to do with their actual performance and more to do with accountancy smoke and mirrors. Honestly, I don't know where it's all going to end!
  12. There's probably some truth in what most people write, but the whole story is rather complex. For my part I would say that though Thais are generally rather feckless with money, the poverty wages paid in Thailand and lack of social welfare make it rather difficult not to get in debt for someone who wants some sort of modern lifestyle.
  13. Well they did win. Perhaps let them get into power then express reservations, otherwise arguments like this run the risk of subverting democracy.
  14. Somewhere in the article, a vulnerable household is defined as one earning less than 50k a month. I can't help but think there must be many millions of such households.
  15. Agreed. Except for one thing : freedom from a government they voted out!
  16. They're right. In the UK for instance if there is a change of administration, the removals truck turns up the next day. And the new PM is holding a press conference on the doorstep of number 10 within hours. Power vacuums are dangerous, as we are seeing here. This really is an obstruction of the will of the people. Ultimately, the country has told the Government to pack its bags- it's so unpopular and if it does force disqualification, etc, I imagine there will be big trouble. Perhaps that's the game anyway.
  17. Who knows? Whatever the decision is it won't be right or wrong- toin coss anyone? I don't expect the population to be so sanguine over the matter. Right now the winners can't assume power- there is in effect a 'power vacuum'- we all know who loves that.
  18. Junior nurses won't be at the high end of the pay scale. Teachers are poorly paid too. But traditionally nursing is a second family income job. It won't fund the kind of lifestyle some seem to want. ie. a 20k per month job can't fund a 100k a month lifestyle. Undoubtedly life is becoming more and more expensive, and the family dynamic in Thailand is such that as soon as one member starts to earn enough to get their head above water the others start holding their hands out.
  19. Oh dear, one of those 'democratic accidents' happening. Who would've thought it!
  20. If there is a cautionary tale here then surely it would be to do with getting that vaccine. But imo there is no cautionary tale at all- she simply has the misfortune to suffer from an auto immune disease.
  21. Mainstream nicotine vapes are not implicated in lung disease. This has to do with cannabis oil.
  22. A technicality in this case really. It has to be more than just making a mistake.
  23. Yup, they've got permanent control over Parliament anyway. Who needs a coup?
  24. About as subtle as a mugging! Leaves a nasty taste. I can understand the principle - to pay for all the mess, damage, and to help hospitals, but the method stinks. Perhaps higher 'sin taxes'- legalize and tax vaping, etc.
  25. I think there's a tendency in economic argument to deny the plight of the poor- clearly you're happier in the middle ground, which in itself is becoming increasingly sparse. Indeed conventional economic thinking may work here, but certainly you can't extrapolate that to the poor in my view- that is why trickle down economics doesn't work. It's becoming like the olden days, where there were hoards of poor people barely eking out a living. I suppose you've had a relatively blessed life.
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