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Everything posted by mommysboy

  1. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with white bread in appropriate servings. My sister in law is a diabetic- she eats a slice or two a day as far as I can recall. The only deficit of white bread over brown bread is that it is low in fiber, in other respects it is actually quite nutritious. Obviously, if anyone has an intolerance to wheat it should be avoided. Not much food commonly available is either that bad or good for us- it's all about frequency and serving size. And yes, sugar is not harmful either in sensible amounts.
  2. It's not nearly as unhealthy as people make out.
  3. Unfortunately 'fit and healthy' is often an erroneously used phrase. Heart conditions for instance manifest unknown for years and decades until the fateful day arrives. Same for all of us, but hopefully we reach an old age.
  4. It depends what we mean by 'facilitate this scam.' Personally, I don't think these people knowingly passed on information pertaining to their bank accounts. On the other hand, the banks must have known there was a vulnerability- some seem to have solved that issue. Why not the others?
  5. Interesting, clearly though fraud is happening, and to that extent some banks are vulnerable to 'RAT's'. Biometric confirmation would surely stop this. But to me it's more important that the banks involved compensate customers.
  6. As with anything in Thailand it's so difficult to get anywhere near the facts, but as I understand it the story is about RAT (Remote Access Trojans) being unwittingly downloaded on to a device, and from thereon a hacker can have his way on your smartphone. The glaring problem is that the OTP code is also sent to the same device, therefore it is no security at all- in fact it is 'open sesame'. This is somewhat like a PIN being printed on to the back of a lost debit card for instance. I believe there is something in these stories. As such, I suspended internet banking on one of my accounts which has a high balance, in favor of one where I keep pocket money. True, the customers have been a bit foolish, but not that much imo, and the system is basically flawed for the reasons stated above. The banks accept no responsibility and likely the real victim will never see the money again.
  7. Possible nasal allergy and recurrent bacterial infection. If so, lifestyle change (take it easy) and antibiotics. See doctor. He/she will probably prescribe an anti-histamine and amoxyclav.
  8. Scotland or Wales is it? Give it a rest will you mate.
  9. The best team doesn't always win. No doubt, England were the better team last night, but you have to take your chances. It's a fair point about France being short of a couple of their main players, but that's often the way. Two outstanding teams that's all I mean.
  10. England are an outstanding team. Battle of the heavyweights- something had to give.
  11. Bellingham is the missing piece of the jigsaw. Perhaps he already is the best midfielder- what a box of tricks, with young legs too.
  12. No surprise there! And it will always be the way if the opposition parties don't really help the poor. In most democracies, it's often the lower echelons that decide the Government. You can't complain when the solution is obvious.
  13. Sounds like someone got his head stuck up you know where, and then fell down a rabbit hole. Absolute BS!
  14. Because it's supposed to be free to air. Illegal grab. End of. Also no notice anyway- this should have been sorted out months ago.
  15. It's not one size fits all. If you've never had covid19, then you might want to get a booster every 6-12 months imo. I must say my third shot gave me a nasty headache and fever for a thankfully short while.
  16. Don't understand: 3% is not bleak unless someone is telling porkies.
  17. No compelling arguments, quite the contrary. In countries rich or poor this isn't happening- you switch on the tv and press button 1 or 2, and even live stream it if you want. And it definitely, legally and morally, should be this way in Thailand too. A disgrace- and I for one am happy that VPN and illegal pirate services have sprung up. Serves them right!
  18. Someone suffering from severe covid19 would be exhibiting some distressing symptoms already. Most likely he just died of a massive heart attack. It's tragic but it happens, even more so in Thailand.
  19. To be honest, most countries that want to be independent have to fight for it, often on the streets. Sometimes, there are also unintended consequences, such as civil wars where the country actually splits in two- that could happen here as large swathes of Scotland and the islands can be fiercely unionist.
  20. Ok, so what about the old saying "born a socialist die a tory"! In my opinion, most people do become more conservative (small 'c') as they age and you are in a minority who don't. Similarly, many who are pro independence today will be pro union in 30 year's time.
  21. I agree about Foden being a talented player, but I don't think he would have made much of a difference. England just lacked zip for some reason. Actually, it was the Henderson substitution that probably steadied the ship. I'm afraid to say, as matters stand, England will only progress to the latter stages if we revert to 5 at the back. Don't know why our midfield gets so subdued, but there it is.
  22. As I explained in reality it meant once in a generation (30-40 years), and since when has it been every few years, or when the losing side just decides the time is right? But if you just want to go about playing semantics rather than discussing some very intractable issues I have raised........!
  23. And it was agreed that it was a once in a lifetime vote (in practice 30-40 years). We are the UK. Many more people want it to stay that way than want it changed. Even if it is a 50/50 thing, what Scots nationalists don't realise is that even in Scotland about 50% of the people won't want it. They push 'freedom' and 'independence' for all Scots like it really really matters, but don't give a toss for the half of their countrymen that don't want it. And of course Scotland is just about as free as a country can be anyway- probably more so than England actually, which is wholly bound by UK law.
  24. From the wording used at the time- in practice 'once and for all' is interpreted as once in a generation- every 30 or 40 years. Mock ye not!
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