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  1. Are they required at present?? ????????????
  2. They must be expecting all these unruly Farangs to be the exact same body size,going by the forks on the end of the poles...T.I.T.????????????
  3. Get that Police team after the 'Red Bull' Boss.. It is obvious we will see a headline soon saying the Statute Of Limitation has expired,and he can come back into the country,what a sad system,and so called professional's that allow him to wander the World freely,after killing someone
  4. The Massage Parlour was probably owned by one of his bosses! ????????
  5. I never said i condoned it,i commented on the lack of empathy after the event. How do you know they were bald?,and not a special type of tyre?
  6. I read these posts and all i see are comments about the bike and tyres etc,no concern about the rider,a very sad and cynical bunch. Get well soon young.man ????
  7. I know it can be shipped,but why take the chance of it being totalled? Plus you would need to include insurance to those figures! Just in case it gets damaged ✈????
  8. I made a specific comparison between the items,nothing to do with decisions,or the fact that it is pot luck regarding the handling of items,fragile,or not! As can be evidenced by video's that have been posted in the public domain.
  9. I would say there is a tad difference between taking in Sports Equipment,and a Tv with an easily breakable screen and sensitive electronic partsl! Also in the amount of Customs Duty payable on arrival! ????

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