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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. I am currently using the Anki software to learn some vocabulary. As my reading and writing abilities are not very well yet (just startet to learn the first letters) I am still dependend on transliteration. My language school uses a transliteration system very near that of "Thai for Beginners". Filling my vocabulary with words I am facing the problem that I don't know how to type in some special characters used in the transliteration system like

    - two mirrored "c" with a connecting circumflex above (like cc^)

    - an epsilon with an accent grave above (like E` ὲ)

    Is there an easy and fast way to type these character or combinations in?

  2. Practising the five tones and speaking words is great fun when I have my lessons at the language schools and has a good learning progress because of my teachers feedback. Beside that I find it hard to practise the tones and words at home, because of the missing feedback. At least sometimes I think I am right in the tone but a Thai would have to correct. Although I have some Thai friends I don't want to bore them hours and hours with my mai mai mai mai mai. ;-)

    Do u know a good method to practise at home alone? Maybe some software like Rosetta Stone, which compares your individual tone with the correct one if they match?

    Thx for any suggestion

  3. Hi everyone,

    today my Thai language lessons started. But what I've read in several articles and books about Thai culture is that Thai language is much more than the spoken words, but additionally a huge amount of subtle body language. Well, fortunately body language is part of every good communication, not only in Thailand. But what I've read, unsure if it's true or not, is that body language here makes a huge amount and is often very subtle; especially this aspect of the Thai culture and their way to communicate is often disregarded by us farang people and so often is an big obstacle getting into the Thais, aside from learning to speak and understand (and maybe read) the spoken language.

    As I am generally interested in body language and how people communicate this topic in particular interests me. Can you Thai people tell more about it? Are there any good books or articles on that topic?

  4. Hello everyone,

    I am studying in Bangkok at Ramkhamhaeng University for one semester as an exchange student. As I like it here I plan to stay a few months longer for doing an internship here in Bangkok.

    Regarding that I have some question and I hope to find answers here:

    • I am studying Business Information Systems as a major with Business Administration as a minor. I additionally have work experiences especially in Management Consulting and Audit (internships at PwC, Horváth & Partners; self-dependent Consultant in a student-led Consultancy). Concerning that I am searching for a company which fits my interests, experiences and course of studies best. I am thinking to apply at Siemens and maybe Mercedes Benz. Do you know other international companies offering internships in Bangkok?
    • Concerning the application procedure I am not sure how it differs from that in Germany. Do they expect a american styled CV, can I simply tranlsate my (german) CV or is there even an own thai or asian standard? How about the cover letter, are there certain aspects I should consider, or could I simply write it like in Germany but on english of course?
    • Some fellow students told me to personally go to the office and bring my documents. Do you think it is a good way? What about the dresscode, do I have to wear "business" (suit plus tie) like in germany, or is handled a little bit more relaxed here?

    Thank you in advance for helping!

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