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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. Without having seen the details of the agreement yet, I think it’s fair to say that:


    Albeit this deal is better than no deal, especially during a pandemic; it’s pretty close to no deal. It covers trade, security, fishery and research. It doesn’t cover services. And it doesn’t cover regulatory alignment. There won’t be duties, but there will be customs and regulatory checks and all the red tape it brings. 

    That being said, our goal was to protect the single market and that achieves this agreement. The UK will ask herself whether this really was worth it. 

    One thing’s for sure: This won’t mark the end. Many topics remain open or have been touched only on the surface. The endless negotiations will go on. But with Brexit “done” and a deal in place, the UK might be able to get rid of Brexiteers and get back to normal. I see this deal as a transition period ???? 

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  2. 41 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    outside the eu they operate a protection racket within the eu they can't

    If it’s outside the EU, it’s in a non-EU country. In a non-EU country, only that country’s government and laws can operate something — so it’s not the EU operating it. 


    41 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    The conclusion is that the EU does indeed protect some of its producers, especially farmers, from outside competition, although the EU's single market means they are fully exposed to competition from within the EU.

    The EU can't claim to be the world's freest trader,



    Yes. Pretty much the opposite of the “protection racket to artificially keep prices high” that you falsely claimed. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    The conclusion is that the EU does indeed protect some of its producers, especially farmers, from outside competition, although the EU's single market means they are fully exposed to competition from within the EU.

    The EU can't claim to be the world's freest trader, but on many measures it's toward the more liberal end of the spectrum.


    So your own source says it’s pretty much the opposite of the “protection racket to artificially keep prices high” that you claimed. 

  4. 2 hours ago, JonnyF said:


    Shame they couldn't come up with something more original though, instead of ripping off the Brexiteers gags ????.


    I guess that's the difference between innovative thinkers and followers of the EU dogma. The Bitters. Always moaning, always whinging. ????

    I guess only a Little Englander applauds a remainer bingo as “innovative thinking”.  

    But it’s Christmas, and you guys across the channel don’t have much left to be proud of these days, so let me congratulate you for your achievement: well done, my little innovative thinker. 



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