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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. On 1/5/2021 at 5:24 PM, Tippaporn said:

    It ain't over, is it?  We'll see who has the last laugh but we have to wait until it's all played out.  The fat lady hasn't even cleared her throat yet.

    What’s your next desperation date? “But but but it’s not the 20th yet”? And what’s the game plan this time after the insurrection to thwart the electoral college has failed so miserably — assassinating the new president maybe? 

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  2. 11 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    But for sure she'll challenge and call it rigged.

    Given what’s happening in Pennsylvania at the moment, I’ve asked here before (but didn’t get an answer) how the Georgia elects would be seated and whether some ... GOPs could also deny them their seats. Does anyone know that? 

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  3. 2 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

    The fact that they can't call a winner like any normal vote but we're able to do it before is why people are going think there's something fishy.

    No, people who are not suffering from paranoia caused by living in a video game parallel reality as they’ve spent too much time on conspiracy theory blogs and far right websites don’t think there’s something fishy just because it takes a bit longer. 

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