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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 24 minutes ago, Kelsall said:


    Not so sure this is a long shot anymore.  Looks like Pence is onboard.


    "As vice president, and president of the Senate, Pence will oversee the certification of the results."


    You think he’ll tear the votes apart and announce: “mmkay, I guess it was the Don”?


    Maybe have a look in your own constitution to understand what he’ll do. 

    • Confused 1
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  2. 1 hour ago, codemonkey said:

    Election integrity questioned by millions. Needs to be resolved.

    I doubt there’s enough capacity in nuthouses and therapies for all of them.  

    My friend’s uncle keeps telling the police that foreign spies kidnapped his (dead) wife and are now looking for him, but we simply ignore him. With all due respect for their conditions, it’s just not feasible to listen to all the doodoo and gaga of the cranks and nutjobs in this world just because there aren’t enough nurses and doctors to properly take care of them.


    Maybe making desinformation and hoax illegal could help in the long run, but it won’t get rescue the current bunch from their video game parallel reality. Consider them lost souls. 


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  3. 1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:


      No, I wasnt suggesting that there was a Court ruling .

    The threat was made by Police .

    "Accept the charges, pay the money OR fight the case in Court and wait on remand in jail until the Court case comes up and then get a three year jail sentance"

      (Which you would be aware of, had you read the thread)

    I can’t find what you quoted in the article. In addition, everyone should know that it’s a court that rules jail. If he really believed he wasn’t at fault, why didn’t he call his lawyer? 

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  4. 2 hours ago, candide said:

    It seems to be a good deal for the EU. EU manufacturers can go on exporting products without tariff and UK export of services to the EU will not be as easy as before. UK is kept as a peripheral actor with no more influence on EU's decisions.

    A large share of fishing rights is protected for some time and we will still be able to use Netscape! ????

    As always, a good job from our negotiators. As for Little England, well, they’ve been told from the beginning. And they quickly realized, when their narrative changed from “we’ll be holding all the cards and have our cake and eat it” to “We don’t want an FTA, because Brexit isn’t about economic benefits”. Congrats for the blue passports and the sufferinity. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, BobinBKK said:

    This news article doesn't tell the complete story, period.

    That’s what you’re claiming without providing evidence for your claim. Period. 

    14 minutes ago, BobinBKK said:

    Where are statements of eyewitness accounts? I know you are not stupid and that you can take any interview and edit things out you do want people to know.

    Again, lots of assertions without any evidence. 

    • Like 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, BobinBKK said:

    Do you see anywhere in the news article that his side of the story is being told? I see a foreigner surrounded by the police. Perhaps he felt intimidated (forced confessions are a reality), and why did she agree to lower the amount she originally asked for?

    Unless you have any evidence for your claims, why should I believe it rather than what’s being reported? 

    And why should I then believe your far-fetched alternative theory and not someone else’s far-fetched theory who may claim that actually he tried to get her number and then flipped out when she refused; I mean, how do you know it wasn’t like that and just not reported? 

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  7. 16 minutes ago, cvs04 said:

    He was told if he tried to challenge the plaintiff in court he would get 3 years in jail unless he paid her off.

    So the policeman is also the judge? Or did he ask his crystal ball to come to that conclusion? 

    16 minutes ago, cvs04 said:

    However it's a farang and whenever that happens there's a big story, the farang loses some money and then defamed in the media. Remember it's always the farangs fault unless there is a nearby Burmese they can pin it on instead.

    Utter nonsense. 


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  8. 5 minutes ago, BobinBKK said:

    I said his side of the story was not being reported. Do you have any evidence other than what is being reported?

    It is being reported that she accidentally took his shopping cart and he kicked her, and he agreed to compensate her for that, in front of the police, captured in a photo. 

    You are now expecting us to not trust in that reporting, and consider it potentially false, based on no ground and no evidence you provide whatsoever. 

    You are entitled to your paranoia of course. You may as well believe that Adolf Hitler never dies because you only heard one side’s reports and, well, always question, don’t be a sheeple, right?

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  9. 3 minutes ago, BobinBKK said:

    Pointing out that both sides of the story have not been told is not defending anyone. It merely points out the fact that you are only being told one side of the story.

    That’s what you claim. You’re not having any evidence for your claim that he didn’t tell his story. And I guess your next move would then be to say “oh, but maybe he just said so to close the case, but actually it was all different”. 

    Yes, you are defending him. 

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